4 content providers found
Keywords: R software or supercomputer or characterisation or Archives
NCI is Australia’s leading high-performance data, storage and computing organisation, providing...
0 upcoming event (41 past event)NCI https://nci.org.au https://dresa.org.au/content_providers/nci-australia-national-computational-infrastructure NCI is Australia’s leading high-performance data, storage and computing organisation, providing expert services to benefit all domains of science, government and industry. NCI brings the Australian Government and the Australian research sector together through a broad collaboration involving the largest national science agencies, universities, industry and the Australian Research Council. NCI empowers government agencies, universities, and industry across multiple domains of research. Our integrated hardware, services and expertise drive high-impact research and groundbreaking outcomes for Australia. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/011/original/NCI_Australia_logo.jpg?1633670199 -
The Australian Characterisation Commons at Scale (ACCS) Project
ImagingTools: helping researchers find and access digital characterisation resources, including...
0 upcoming event (15 past event)The Australian Characterisation Commons at Scale (ACCS) Project https://www.imagingtools.au https://dresa.org.au/content_providers/the-australian-characterisation-commons-at-scale-accs-project ImagingTools: helping researchers find and access digital characterisation resources, including online environments, computing facilities, data, training and events. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/016/original/Minimal_Modern_Elegant_Background_Technology_Youtube_Thumbnail_%285%29.png?1671146621 -
Australian Society of Archivists
The Australian Society of Archivists Inc. (ASA) is Australia’s peak professional body for...
1 upcoming event (0 past event)Australian Society of Archivists https://archivists.org.au https://dresa.org.au/content_providers/australian-society-of-archivists The Australian Society of Archivists Inc. (ASA) is Australia’s peak professional body for archivists and recordkeepers. We advocate on behalf of archivists, and the archival and recordkeeping profession, and seek to promote the value of archives and records as well as support best practice standards and services. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/022/original/asa_logo.png?1662003490 -
The Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks (VOSON) Lab is located in the Research...
1 training materialVOSON Lab http://vosonlab.net/ https://dresa.org.au/content_providers/voson-lab The Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks (VOSON) Lab is located in the Research School of Social Sciences at The Australian National University. We are advancing the Social Science of the Internet through an innovative program of research, research tool development, teaching & research. Our funding is via the Australian Research Council (five grants to date), and a current Volkswagen Foundation (AI and Society of the Future Stream) grant led by Bielefeld University. VOSON tools have been publicly available since 2006. The current suite of VOSON R tools are available on CRAN and GitHub, with over 70K downloads to date, and are downloaded over 1K times per month. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/024/original/VOSONlab-logo.png?1664424886