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Cleaning Biodiversity Data in R


This book is a practical guide for cleaning geo-referenced biodiversity data using R. It focuses specifically on the processes and challenges you’ll face with biodiversity data. As such, this book isn’t a general guide to data cleaning but a targeted resource for those working with or interested...

ALA Labs


ALA Labs provides resources and articles from the Atlas of Living Australia's Science and Decision Support team. On the website, you can find:

  • Posts: Code, articles, analyses and visualisations that will hopefully help you in your own work
  • Research: Highlighted summaries of scientific...
Surveying with Qualtrics at UNE Online


Needing to collect data from people in a structured and intuitive way? Have you thought about using Qualtrics?

Qualtrics in a powerful cloud-based survey tool, ideal for social scientists from all disciplines. This course will introduce the technical components of the whole research workflow...

Surveying with Qualtrics at UNE Online


Needing to collect data from people in a structured and intuitive way? Have you thought about using Qualtrics?

Qualtrics in a powerful cloud-based survey tool, ideal for social scientists from all disciplines. This course will introduce the technical components of the whole research workflow...

Traversing t tests in R at UNE Online


R has become a popular programming language for statisticians, data scientists and researchers. It has an excellent ecosystem including the powerful RStudio and the Shiny web application framework.

The primary goal of this workshop is to familiarise you with basic statistical concepts in R from...

Exploring Chi-square and correlation in R at UNE Online


This hands-on training is designed to familiarise you with the data analysis environment of the R programming. In this session, we will traverse into the realm of inferential statistics, beginning with correlation and reliability. We will present a brief conceptual overview and the R procedures...

Beyond Basics: Conditionals and Visualisation in Excel at UNE Online


After cleaning your database, you may need to apply some conditional analysis to glean greater insights from your data. You may also want to enhance your charts for inclusion into a manuscript, thesis or report by adding some statistical elements. This course will cover conditional syntax, nested...

Secondary use of clinical trials data in health research: A Practical Guide


This document presents a theoretical framework for the use of clinical trials and other health data for secondary research purposes, which was derived from research papers, consultation with stakeholders and the research community.  Four overall scenarios for data reuse were identified; scenario...

Geophysical Research Data Processing and Modelling for 2030 Computation


The Cross-NCRIS National Data Assets program co-funded the ‘Geophysics 2030: Building a National High-Resolution Geophysics Reference Collection for 2030 Computation’ (Geophysics2030) project. At completion, Geophysics2030 i) trialled publishing vertically integrated geophysical datasets, making...

Sharing a Trove List as a CollectionBuilder exhibition


You’ve been collecting and annotating items relating to your research project in a Trove List. You’d like to display the contents of your list as an online exhibition for others to explore. CollectionBuilder creates online exhibitions using static web...