Contact: Tim Sherratt (
The Trove Data Guide explores the different types of data available from Trove – what it is, how you can access it, and what you can do with it. It aims to give researchers a critical understanding of Trove data, both its limits and its possibilities.
You want to be able to work on a collection of digitised images from Trove on your desktop – adding notes, transcriptions, and annotations. Tropy is a useful tool for managing collections of research images, but how do you import a collection of images from Trove into...
Keywords: Trove, images, Tropy, IIIF, GLAM Workbench, HASS
Resource type: tutorial
You want to explore differences in language use across a collection of digitised newspaper articles. The Australian Text Analytics Platform provides a Keywords Analysis tool that helps you...
Keywords: text analysis, Australian Text Analytics Platform (ATAP), Trove, GLAM Workbench, Trove Newspaper and Gazette Harvester, newspapers, HASS
Resource type: tutorial
You want to compare the contents of two digitised manuscript collections and examine individual documents side-by-side. The Mirador viewer can be configured as a flexible, research workspace that displays multiple images from different sources, but how do you get...
Keywords: Trove, images, manuscripts, GLAM Workbench, IIIF, HASS, Mirador
Resource type: tutorial
Trove includes thousands of digitised maps, created and published across the last few centuries. You want to create a collection of maps relating to your area of interest and explore it using the Gazetteer of Historical Australian Placenames (GHAP). You know it’s possible to add layers to GHAP,...
Keywords: Trove, maps, Gazetteer of Historical Australian Placenames (GHAP), GLAM Workbench, geospatial, HASS
Resource type: tutorial
You’ve been collecting and annotating items relating to your research project in a Trove List. You’d like to display the contents of your list as an online exhibition for others to explore. CollectionBuilder creates online exhibitions using static web...
Keywords: Trove, Trove List, CollectionBuilder, collection, GLAM Workbench, exhibition, HASS
Resource type: tutorial