
NCI is Australia’s leading high-performance data, storage and computing organisation, providing expert services to benefit all domains of science, government and industry.

NCI brings the Australian Government and the Australian research sector together through a broad collaboration involving the largest national science agencies, universities, industry and the Australian Research Council.

NCI empowers government agencies, universities, and industry across multiple domains of research. Our integrated hardware, services and expertise drive high-impact research and groundbreaking outcomes for Australia.

NCI NCI is Australia’s leading high-performance data, storage and computing organisation, providing expert services to benefit all domains of science, government and industry. NCI brings the Australian Government and the Australian research sector together through a broad collaboration involving the largest national science agencies, universities, industry and the Australian Research Council. NCI empowers government agencies, universities, and industry across multiple domains of research. Our integrated hardware, services and expertise drive high-impact research and groundbreaking outcomes for Australia. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/011/original/NCI_Australia_logo.jpg?1633670199
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Showing 2 upcoming event. Found 39 past event. View all results.
  • Device Agnostic Programming Models Training Series - OpenACC Workshop

    4 September 2024

    Device Agnostic Programming Models Training Series - OpenACC Workshop Device-agnostic programming models aim to streamline application development by abstracting away hardware-specific details, enabling developers to write code that can seamlessly run on various hardware, including multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and specialized accelerators like FPGAs and TPUs. Throughout this training series, we will cover four programming models: Kokkos, SyCL, Chapel, and OpenACC. To kick things off, we will host a two-day lecture, with each programming model getting a dedicated half-hour slot to explain its potential. Following that, we will conduct monthly three-hour hands-on workshops on each programming model from June to September. 2024-09-04 14:00:00 UTC 2024-09-04 17:00:00 UTC NCI Online Online NCICDACOak Ridge National LaborataryNVIDIA [] [] [] open_to_all []
  • Device Agnostic Programming Models Training Series - SyCL Workshop

    7 August 2024

    Device Agnostic Programming Models Training Series - SyCL Workshop Device-agnostic programming models aim to streamline application development by abstracting away hardware-specific details, enabling developers to write code that can seamlessly run on various hardware, including multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and specialized accelerators like FPGAs and TPUs. Throughout this training series, we will cover four programming models: Kokkos, SyCL, Chapel, and OpenACC. To kick things off, we will host a two-day lecture, with each programming model getting a dedicated half-hour slot to explain its potential. Following that, we will conduct monthly three-hour hands-on workshops on each programming model from June to September. 2024-08-07 14:00:00 UTC 2024-08-07 17:00:00 UTC NCI Online Online NCICDACOak Ridge National LaborataryNVIDIA [] [] [] open_to_all []