3 content providers found
Keywords: MRI or Digital Humanities or hpc
NCI is Australia’s leading high-performance data, storage and computing organisation, providing...
0 upcoming event (41 past event)NCI https://nci.org.au https://dresa.org.au/content_providers/nci-australia-national-computational-infrastructure NCI is Australia’s leading high-performance data, storage and computing organisation, providing expert services to benefit all domains of science, government and industry. NCI brings the Australian Government and the Australian research sector together through a broad collaboration involving the largest national science agencies, universities, industry and the Australian Research Council. NCI empowers government agencies, universities, and industry across multiple domains of research. Our integrated hardware, services and expertise drive high-impact research and groundbreaking outcomes for Australia. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/011/original/NCI_Australia_logo.jpg?1633670199 -
The Australian Characterisation Commons at Scale (ACCS) Project
ImagingTools: helping researchers find and access digital characterisation resources, including...
0 upcoming event (15 past event)The Australian Characterisation Commons at Scale (ACCS) Project https://www.imagingtools.au https://dresa.org.au/content_providers/the-australian-characterisation-commons-at-scale-accs-project ImagingTools: helping researchers find and access digital characterisation resources, including online environments, computing facilities, data, training and events. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/016/original/Minimal_Modern_Elegant_Background_Technology_Youtube_Thumbnail_%285%29.png?1671146621 -
Heurist Network
### What is Heurist? Heurist is a comprehensive, flexible data management service built...
1 training material0 upcoming event (15 past event)Heurist Network https://heuristnetwork.org https://dresa.org.au/content_providers/heurist-network ### What is Heurist? Heurist is a comprehensive, flexible data management service built specifically for the Humanities, available both as a free service, or for download to a private server (open source). Its development has been driven and informed by dozens of Humanities research projects. Heurist is a human-centered interface to a MySQL (or other SQL server) database. It operates as a hybrid relational / graph database, hiding all the complexity of SQL, tables, relational joins, relational integrity etc. behind (fairly) simple choices. It’s available on a number of non-commercial web services (free to use) and on private web servers. You can also install it on your own server if you wish. ### What we offer We offer frequent training and collquia for our users, indeed for all Humanities researchers who use digital methods and require a database. Our users are a diverse community of researchers across Australasia, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. We also offer one-on-one support and ad-hoc training for projects who use our technology, or individuals who need a hand gettings started with Humanities databasing. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/018/original/h6logo_intro.png?1653544233