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3 content providers found

Keywords: MRI  or Digital Humanities  or Climate research 

  • The Australian Characterisation Commons at Scale (ACCS) Project

    ImagingTools: helping researchers find and access digital characterisation resources, including...

    0 upcoming event (15 past event)
    The Australian Characterisation Commons at Scale (ACCS) Project ImagingTools: helping researchers find and access digital characterisation resources, including online environments, computing facilities, data, training and events. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/016/original/Minimal_Modern_Elegant_Background_Technology_Youtube_Thumbnail_%285%29.png?1671146621
  • Heurist Network

    ### What is Heurist? Heurist is a comprehensive, flexible data management service built...

    1 training material
    0 upcoming event (15 past event)
    Heurist Network ### What is Heurist? Heurist is a comprehensive, flexible data management service built specifically for the Humanities, available both as a free service, or for download to a private server (open source). Its development has been driven and informed by dozens of Humanities research projects. Heurist is a human-centered interface to a MySQL (or other SQL server) database. It operates as a hybrid relational / graph database, hiding all the complexity of SQL, tables, relational joins, relational integrity etc. behind (fairly) simple choices. It’s available on a number of non-commercial web services (free to use) and on private web servers. You can also install it on your own server if you wish. ### What we offer We offer frequent training and collquia for our users, indeed for all Humanities researchers who use digital methods and require a database. Our users are a diverse community of researchers across Australasia, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. We also offer one-on-one support and ad-hoc training for projects who use our technology, or individuals who need a hand gettings started with Humanities databasing. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/018/original/h6logo_intro.png?1653544233
  • Australian Earth-System Simulator National Research Infrastructure (ACCESS-NRI)

    ACCESS-NRI supports development and research with the Australian Community Climate and Earth...

    Australian Earth-System Simulator National Research Infrastructure (ACCESS-NRI) ACCESS-NRI supports development and research with the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS) modelling system, including ACCESS models past and present, and future climate, weather and Earth-Systems. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/025/original/ACCESS_Logo_%28RGB%29.png?1671495356