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5 content providers found

Keywords: Education  or FAIR data  or R software  or Statistics  or communication  or social media data 

  • La Trobe University Statistics Consultancy Platform

    The La Trobe University Statistics Consultancy Platform enables and accelerates research programs...

    4 upcoming event (22 past event)
    La Trobe University Statistics Consultancy Platform The La Trobe University Statistics Consultancy Platform enables and accelerates research programs by providing statistical advice about research methods, experimental design and data analysis for projects. The services available to industry collaborators, researchers and Graduate Research students include: * statistical analysis of data. * statistical support for grant applications. * guidance on designing a study, survey or questionnaire. * advice on data collection methods. * training in a particular area of statistics. * advice on how to model statistical data. * access to specialist statistical software. * help with communicating statistical findings. For further information about the Statistics Consultancy Platform, please contact: /system/content_providers/images/000/000/014/original/Stats_mug.jpg?1637808130
  • Heurist Network

    ### What is Heurist? Heurist is a comprehensive, flexible data management service built...

    1 training material
    0 upcoming event (15 past event)
    Heurist Network ### What is Heurist? Heurist is a comprehensive, flexible data management service built specifically for the Humanities, available both as a free service, or for download to a private server (open source). Its development has been driven and informed by dozens of Humanities research projects. Heurist is a human-centered interface to a MySQL (or other SQL server) database. It operates as a hybrid relational / graph database, hiding all the complexity of SQL, tables, relational joins, relational integrity etc. behind (fairly) simple choices. It’s available on a number of non-commercial web services (free to use) and on private web servers. You can also install it on your own server if you wish. ### What we offer We offer frequent training and collquia for our users, indeed for all Humanities researchers who use digital methods and require a database. Our users are a diverse community of researchers across Australasia, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. We also offer one-on-one support and ad-hoc training for projects who use our technology, or individuals who need a hand gettings started with Humanities databasing. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/018/original/h6logo_intro.png?1653544233
  • Australasian eResearch Organisations (AeRO)

    AeRO is the industry association focused on eResearch in Australasia AeRO plays a critical...

    0 upcoming event (1 past event)
    Australasian eResearch Organisations (AeRO) AeRO is the industry association focused on eResearch in Australasia AeRO plays a critical coordination role for our members, who are actively transforming research via Information Technology. Organisations join AeRO to advance their own capabilities and services, to collaborate and to network with peers. AeRO believes researchers and the sector significantly benefit from greater communication, coordination and sharing among the increasingly different and evolving service providers. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/010/original/download.png?1633604230
  • VOSON Lab

    The Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks (VOSON) Lab is located in the Research...

    1 training material
    VOSON Lab The Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks (VOSON) Lab is located in the Research School of Social Sciences at The Australian National University. We are advancing the Social Science of the Internet through an innovative program of research, research tool development, teaching & research. Our funding is via the Australian Research Council (five grants to date), and a current Volkswagen Foundation (AI and Society of the Future Stream) grant led by Bielefeld University. VOSON tools have been publicly available since 2006. The current suite of VOSON R tools are available on CRAN and GitHub, with over 70K downloads to date, and are downloaded over 1K times per month. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/024/original/VOSONlab-logo.png?1664424886
  • Federation University Australia

    Federation University Australia is a regional university which aims to transform lives and...

    Federation University Australia Federation University Australia is a regional university which aims to transform lives and enhance communities. A qualification from Federation University or Federation TAFE does just that. Our graduates thrive, because Federation is deeply engaged with industries and employers. Our internationally-connected research collaborations are focused on solving real-world problems and making a difference in people’s lives. Our research is world-class and rated well above or above world class in 11 disciplines. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/005/original/Federation_logo.jpg?1633556638