Keywords: Computational social science or accelerating research or acoustic or health data or space data
Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC)
The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) enables the Australian research community and...
61 training material8 upcoming event (145 past event)Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) enables the Australian research community and industry access to nationally significant, data intensive digital research infrastructure, platforms, skills and collections of high quality data. As a national research infrastructure provider, the ARDC facilitates partnerships to develop a coherent research environment that enables researchers to find, access, contribute to and effectively use services to maximise research quality and impact. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/001/original/ARDC_Docusign_logo_-_296_x_76px_.png?1627455958 -
Open Ecoacoustics
A Planet RDC project, the vision of Open Ecoacoustics is to enable open science and conservation...
6 training materialOpen Ecoacoustics A Planet RDC project, the vision of Open Ecoacoustics is to enable open science and conservation through the development and promotion of open access ecoacoustics technologies, methodologies and standards. We provide a dedicated ecoacoustics platform that is open to everyone, so that it can aggregate and share data, analyses and tools, and interoperate with downstream services. We support FAIR data by developing standardised metadata and third party analyses by moving to flexible workflow technologies (PBS, docker). We accelerate data analysis by publishing a shared repository of annotated datasets and recognisers. We interface to other systems, including TERN, ALA, EcoCommons and citizen science sites, through services and shared tools. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/035/original/Open_Ecoacoustics_logo.png?1712032933 -
HeSANDA is one of our strategic initiatives formed under our National Data Assets...
4 training materialHeSANDA HeSANDA is one of our strategic initiatives formed under our National Data Assets programs. HeSANDA stands for the Health Studies Australian National Data Asset and its high level goal is to partner with the health research community to build a national data asset from the outputs of health research studies The purpose of this data asset is to support data sharing and secondary use in order to increase the value and impact of health research and the investment into research projects, And ultimately to facilitate better health outcomes for the Australian population by facilitating new research and research translation. -
Australian Space Data Analysis Facility
Large volumes of geospatial, geophysical and Earth observation data from a range of satellite...
0 upcoming event (2 past event)Australian Space Data Analysis Facility Large volumes of geospatial, geophysical and Earth observation data from a range of satellite platforms are now publicly available through national facilities. A range of innovative products and services can be developed based on these data, coupled with an increasing availability of high-resolution commercial satellite data. Our mission is to help Australian SMEs and researchers get the most out of space data. ASDAF will work with you to access the relevant space data, and provide you with the support and expertise you need to move from data to action. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/013/original/Logo_Black_1_%281%29.png?1633923428 -
The Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks (VOSON) Lab is located in the Research...
1 training materialVOSON Lab The Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks (VOSON) Lab is located in the Research School of Social Sciences at The Australian National University. We are advancing the Social Science of the Internet through an innovative program of research, research tool development, teaching & research. Our funding is via the Australian Research Council (five grants to date), and a current Volkswagen Foundation (AI and Society of the Future Stream) grant led by Bielefeld University. VOSON tools have been publicly available since 2006. The current suite of VOSON R tools are available on CRAN and GitHub, with over 70K downloads to date, and are downloaded over 1K times per month. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/024/original/VOSONlab-logo.png?1664424886