Contact: Gordana Bacic

The Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI) is a not-for-profit organisation, broadly aimed at the promotion and enhancement of social science research and methods in Australia.

Our consortium of institutional members, include universities, public sector research institutions and not-for-profits. We work to provide benefits and services to our members including: education and professional development in Social Science Research Methods and Research Technology courses.

ACSPRI The Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI) is a not-for-profit organisation, broadly aimed at the promotion and enhancement of social science research and methods in Australia. Our consortium of institutional members, include universities, public sector research institutions and not-for-profits. We work to provide benefits and services to our members including: education and professional development in Social Science Research Methods and Research Technology courses. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/021/original/ACSPRI_Logo_Horizonal.jpg?1661921514
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Showing 10 upcoming event. Found 50 past event. View all results.
  • Doing Credible Qualitative Research

    30 September - 3 October 2024

    Doing Credible Qualitative Research Qualitative researchers often try to do the same as quantitative research but with smaller samples. This master-class offers lectures and data workshops covering the latest approaches to key areas of qualitative research. It outlines threats to credibility and shows how to make your research credible. 1. Finding a topic in your data (as opposed to quantitative research, qualitative research is often inductive; discovering unexpected things in your data) 2. Mixed methods. (Mixing qual and quant data. Using multiple qualitative methods. Advantages and limitations) 3. How many cases do you need? (sampling to social processes not to populations) 4. Applying qualitative research to social problems and practice (avoiding pre-defined policy aims; discovering practical relevance at the conclusion of a research project) 2024-09-30 18:30:00 UTC 2024-10-03 20:45:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, online, Australia Online online Australia ACSPRI [] researcherPhD studentsHDR students 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative Researchqualitative dataQualitative methodsQualitative PhD
  • Machine Learning for Data Science: Surpervised Learning Techniques

    27 September - 4 October 2024

    Machine Learning for Data Science: Surpervised Learning Techniques This masterclass is an introduction to supervised machine learning techniques for data science. It will provide an interactive step-by-step guide to running some of the standard statistical regression and classification machine learning models that every data scientist should know. This course will use the R software. This masterclass is part of the ACSPRI suite of courses in social data science and is specially designed for those who want a gentle introduction to supervised machine learning models in data science. 2024-09-27 09:30:00 UTC 2024-10-04 17:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI [] researchersHDR studentsPhD students 12 workshop open_to_all Machine LearningData Sciencesocial data science
  • Introduction to Deep Learning for Social Sciences

    9 - 11 October 2024

    Introduction to Deep Learning for Social Sciences This masterclass is an introduction to deep learning applications in the social sciences. It offers a step-by-step guide to working with basic classification tasks, image recognition using convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and natural language processing (NLP) with recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The course utilizes Python, TensorFlow, and Google Colab but does not require prior coding experience. These foundational tools provide practical experience in applying essential deep learning techniques to the social sciences domain. This masterclass is part of the ACSPRI suite of courses in social data science and does not require prior knowledge of machine learning or Python programming. 2024-10-09 09:30:00 UTC 2024-10-11 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, Australia Online Australia ACSPRI [] researchersHDR studentsPhD studentsSocial Scientists 12 workshop open_to_all Deep learning PythonCNNNLPRNNNeural networks
  • The Art of Survey Writing

    14 - 15 October 2024

    The Art of Survey Writing We are in the middle of a data revolution. This has impacted the academic, private, not for profit and public sectors. Data collection is a significant part of this, and surveys are an important tool for gathering information on how individuals think and behave. However, there have been some high profile misses in recent years: the 2016 US Presidential election and Brexit being the most significant of these. What caused these errors, and can good survey design save us from making the same mistakes? Taught by an instructor with real-world experience as a pollster, campaign consultant, survey researcher and data scientist, this masterclass will focus on what makes good (and bad) survey design. 2024-10-14 10:00:00 UTC 2024-10-15 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI [] All researchersPhD studentsHDR students 12 workshop open_to_all survey designsurvey research
  • Predictive Analytics for Data Science: Linear and Non-Linear Modelling

    8 - 9 November 2024

    Predictive Analytics for Data Science: Linear and Non-Linear Modelling This masterclass is an introduction to linear and non-linear predictive models. It will provide an interactive step-by-step guide to running these models and key diagnostics using the R software platform. 2024-11-08 09:30:00 UTC 2024-11-09 17:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI [] researchersPhD studentsHDR students 10 workshop open_to_all Predictive modelsPredictive AnalyticsData Sciencesocial data science
  • R Software for Data Science

    9 - 16 August 2024

    R Software for Data Science One of the key skills in data science is making effective use of software for manipulating data and generating results. R is an established software environment used in the world of data science. In this course, you will be introduced to basic data wrangling, descriptive statistics, visualisation and reporting of results. Key R data science libraries such as dplyr and ggplot will be introduced. This masterclass is part of the ACSPRI suite of courses in social data science is specially designed for those who want to learn how to use R for data manipulation and statistical analysis. 2024-08-09 09:30:00 UTC 2024-08-16 17:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online Online ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all R softwareData analysisResearch software
  • Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs) in Social Sciences

    19 - 21 August 2024

    Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs) in Social Sciences Working with language and text can be challenging, but now we have a new tool, Large Language Models (LLMs), that offers a new way to not only analyse but also interact with text at an unprecedented scale. This masterclass is an introduction to LLMs in social sciences. You will learn about the basics of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and their applications, including text preprocessing, sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and text generation. The course uses Python and Google Colab but does not require prior coding experience. Our focus is on practical hands-on experience that you can use to reach your research goals. This masterclass is part of the ACSPRI suite of courses in social data science. 2024-08-19 09:30:00 UTC 2024-08-21 17:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online online ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all Large Language ModelNatural language processing Pythonsocial data science
  • NVivo for a Literature Review

    5 - 6 August 2024

    NVivo for a Literature Review NVivo can be a powerful tool to help you conduct your literature review in an effective and efficient way. This workshop introduces NVivo, and takes researchers through the process of sorting and organising literature and notes from readings in a systematic way. The workshop is relevant to researchers at all stages and across all disciplines. No prior knowledge of NVivo is necessary in order to attend the class. It starts from the very basics of the software. 2024-08-05 09:30:00 UTC 2024-08-06 12:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online Online ACSPRI [] [] 12 [] open_to_all NVivoQualitative methodsQualitative Researchqualitative dataQualitative PhD
  • Spatial Analysis in R

    12 - 13 August 2024

    Spatial Analysis in R Designed for the applied users of R who want to take their spatial analysis to a higher level, this masterclass is intended for participants who have some experience using R. You will learn to use R and Markdown to clean and manipulate spatial data, produce high quality visualisations (including maps), and use linear regression to analyse relationships in spatial and individual-level data. 2024-08-12 09:30:00 UTC 2024-08-13 16:30:00 UTC ACSPRI online online ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all R softwareSpatial analysisGeographic data analysisdata visualisationData analysis
  • Storytelling with Data Visualisation

    2 - 4 September 2024

    Storytelling with Data Visualisation Studies have shown that readers will only spend 3 to 8 seconds looking at each plot in a report before deciding whether to invest more time examining that plot or to move on to the next part of the report (Storytelling with Data, Cole). This requires careful thought about the visualization design, and clever manipulation of the visualization software (such as the ggplot function in R). Additional thought is required if the data is not just shown in a static report or webpage, but is shown within a dashboard environment (such as using Shiny in R). This workshop has two objectives – to teach the design principles required to make plots that really stand out for the reader, and to teach the practical skills required to create these plots within R 2024-09-02 09:00:00 UTC 2024-09-04 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online online ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all data visualisationdata storytellingR softwareData analysis