3 trainers found

Location: Wellington, New Zealand  or Kensington, Western Australia 

Ann Backhaus

I design and develop single- and multi-session technical training programs for learners. I'm also actively involved in STEM outreach.

Location: Kensington, Western Australia

Backhaus Ann ann.backhaus@pawsey.org.au Kensington, Western Australia I design and develop single- and multi-session technical training programs for learners. I'm also actively involved in STEM outreach. ["English"]
Matt Plummer

My background spans the arts and technology, and I enjoy working with researchers from different disciplines to help them utilise technology in innovative and transformative ways. I've assisted with the development of open-source projects and research tools, coordinated numerous...

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Plummer Matt matt.plummer@vuw.ac.nz Wellington, New Zealand My background spans the arts and technology, and I enjoy working with researchers from different disciplines to help them utilise technology in innovative and transformative ways. I've assisted with the development of open-source projects and research tools, coordinated numerous community-building and training events, and enjoy the opportunity to introduce researchers to new approaches and collaborators. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2737-2707
Wes Harrell

HPC and research computing professional based in Wellington, working for Manaaki Whenua and seconded to NeSI.

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Harrell Wes wes.harrell@nesi.org.nz Wellington, New Zealand HPC and research computing professional based in Wellington, working for Manaaki Whenua and seconded to NeSI. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9006-4141