3 trainers found

Location: Canberra, ACT  or University of Otago  or Sydney (typically November ... 

Fred Fung

Frederick is a training officer at National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), where he delivers training sessions for Gadi users to facilitate their high-impact research and innovation. He has a research background in numerical linear algebra and scientific software development for large-scale...

Location: Canberra, ACT

Fung Fred frederick.fung@anu.edu.au Canberra, ACT Frederick is a training officer at National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), where he delivers training sessions for Gadi users to facilitate their high-impact research and innovation. He has a research background in numerical linear algebra and scientific software development for large-scale simulations. He has a particular interest in the topics of resilience design for numerical algorithms and is passionate about building better scientific software. ["English"]
Ian Johnson

Database modelling for Humanities data, introductory and advanced use of the Heurist database infrastructure (HeuristNetwork.org)

Location: Sydney (typically November - February), Paris, France (typically March - November)

Johnson Ian ian.johnson@sydney.edu.au Sydney (typically November - February), Paris, France (typically March - November) Database modelling for Humanities data, introductory and advanced use of the Heurist database infrastructure (HeuristNetwork.org) ["English", "French"] https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3582-2138
Murray Cadzow

Scientific Programmer at the University of Otago. A Carpentries Instructor and Instructor Trainer.

Location: University of Otago

Cadzow Murray murray.cadzow@otago.ac.nz University of Otago Scientific Programmer at the University of Otago. A Carpentries Instructor and Instructor Trainer. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2299-4136