5 trainers found

Location: Canberra, ACT  or Townsville, North Queensland  or Brisbane, QLD.  or Brisbane, Queensland  or The University of Melbourne 

Fred Fung

Frederick is a training officer at National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), where he delivers training sessions for Gadi users to facilitate their high-impact research and innovation. He has a research background in numerical linear algebra and scientific software development for large-scale...

Location: Canberra, ACT

Fung Fred frederick.fung@anu.edu.au Canberra, ACT Frederick is a training officer at National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), where he delivers training sessions for Gadi users to facilitate their high-impact research and innovation. He has a research background in numerical linear algebra and scientific software development for large-scale simulations. He has a particular interest in the topics of resilience design for numerical algorithms and is passionate about building better scientific software. ["English"]
Mark Crowe

I am the Skills Development Manager for QCIF, delivering coding, data science and other digital skills training to researchers from all Queensland universities. I hold qualifications in Training and Assessment, and am a certified Instructor and Instructor Trainer with The Carpentries.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland

Crowe Mark mark.crowe@qcif.edu.au Brisbane, Queensland I am the Skills Development Manager for QCIF, delivering coding, data science and other digital skills training to researchers from all Queensland universities. I hold qualifications in Training and Assessment, and am a certified Instructor and Instructor Trainer with The Carpentries. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9514-2487
Meirian Lovelace-Tozer

Meirian is the Skills Development Lead (Services) at the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). She has experience in teaching tertiary Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne, and has also trained researchers in Digital Skills with the Melbourne Data Analytics Platform...

Location: The University of Melbourne

Lovelace-Tozer Meirian The University of Melbourne Meirian is the Skills Development Lead (Services) at the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). She has experience in teaching tertiary Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne, and has also trained researchers in Digital Skills with the Melbourne Data Analytics Platform (MDAP). Her primary areas of interest include Education, Data Analysis, Operations Research, Programming, and Statistics. Meirian loves teaching and is enthusiastic about enabling others to benefit from the skills that she teaches. ["English"]
Pauline Lawrey

I have worked in IT as a developer, software engineer, analyst and project manager for 20+ years. I'm currently working for James Cook University and QCIF as an eResearch Analyst. I primarily instruct the Python and Git training courses but plan on branching out. I'm very interested in ways to...

Location: Townsville, North Queensland

Lawrey Pauline pauline.lawrey@jcu.edu.au Townsville, North Queensland I have worked in IT as a developer, software engineer, analyst and project manager for 20+ years. I'm currently working for James Cook University and QCIF as an eResearch Analyst. I primarily instruct the Python and Git training courses but plan on branching out. I'm very interested in ways to help researchers after that introductory training session and training development. ["English"]
Sharron Stapleton

Develops and provides data skills training including, data planning and management, data organisation, cleaning and wrangling, data visualisation and publication.

Location: Brisbane, QLD.

Stapleton Sharron s.stapleton@griffith.edu.au Brisbane, QLD. Develops and provides data skills training including, data planning and management, data organisation, cleaning and wrangling, data visualisation and publication. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6017-4211