3 trainers found

Interest: data licensing  or crowd-sourced data  or citizen science  or Mapping and GIS 

Ian Johnson

Database modelling for Humanities data, introductory and advanced use of the Heurist database infrastructure (HeuristNetwork.org)

Location: Sydney (typically November - February), Paris, France (typically March - November)

Johnson Ian ian.johnson@sydney.edu.au Sydney (typically November - February), Paris, France (typically March - November) Database modelling for Humanities data, introductory and advanced use of the Heurist database infrastructure (HeuristNetwork.org) ["English", "French"] https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3582-2138
Kathryn Unsworth

I work at the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) leading the Skilled Workforce Development team concentrating on projects and activities that work towards a national skills agenda that is cohesive and coordinated.

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Unsworth Kathryn kathryn.unsworth@ardc.edu.au Melbourne, Australia I work at the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) leading the Skilled Workforce Development team concentrating on projects and activities that work towards a national skills agenda that is cohesive and coordinated. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5407-9987
Stéphane Guillou

Technology trainer, Open Research advocate.

Location: Meanjin / Brisbane, Australia.

Guillou Stéphane s.guillou@uq.edu.au Meanjin / Brisbane, Australia. Technology trainer, Open Research advocate. ["English", "French", "Spanish; Castilian"] https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8992-0951