3 trainers found

Fields: CURATORIAL AND RELATED STUDIES  or Epigenetics (incl. Genome M...  or British and Irish Literature 

Ian Johnson

Database modelling for Humanities data, introductory and advanced use of the Heurist database infrastructure (HeuristNetwork.org)

Location: Sydney (typically November - February), Paris, France (typically March - November)

Johnson Ian ian.johnson@sydney.edu.au Sydney (typically November - February), Paris, France (typically March - November) Database modelling for Humanities data, introductory and advanced use of the Heurist database infrastructure (HeuristNetwork.org) ["English", "French"] https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3582-2138
Michael Falk

I am a Digital Humanities trainer. I teach humanists to code, wrangle their data, and publish beautiful visualisations on the web. At the moment, I am Community Technical Adviser at the Heurist Network, and my training focusses on Humanities databasing and web publishing using Heurist.

Location: Sydney, Australia

Falk Michael michael.falk@sydney.edu.au Sydney, Australia I am a Digital Humanities trainer. I teach humanists to code, wrangle their data, and publish beautiful visualisations on the web. At the moment, I am Community Technical Adviser at the Heurist Network, and my training focusses on Humanities databasing and web publishing using Heurist. ["English", "German", "French"] https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9261-8390
Tyrone Chen

Phd student at Monash University.

Location: Victoria, Australia

Chen Tyrone tyrone.chen@monash.edu Victoria, Australia Phd student at Monash University. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9207-0385