Meirian is the Skills Development Lead (Services) at the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). She has experience in teaching tertiary Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne, and has also trained researchers in Digital Skills with the Melbourne Data Analytics Platform...
Location: The University of Melbourne
The University of Melbourne
Meirian is the Skills Development Lead (Services) at the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). She has experience in teaching tertiary Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne, and has also trained researchers in Digital Skills with the Melbourne Data Analytics Platform (MDAP). Her primary areas of interest include Education, Data Analysis, Operations Research, Programming, and Statistics. Meirian loves teaching and is enthusiastic about enabling others to benefit from the skills that she teaches.
I am a Digital Humanities trainer. I teach humanists to code, wrangle their data, and publish beautiful visualisations on the web. At the moment, I am Community Technical Adviser at the Heurist Network, and my training focusses on Humanities databasing and web publishing using Heurist.
Location: Sydney, Australia
Sydney, Australia
I am a Digital Humanities trainer. I teach humanists to code, wrangle their data, and publish beautiful visualisations on the web. At the moment, I am Community Technical Adviser at the Heurist Network, and my training focusses on Humanities databasing and web publishing using Heurist.
["English", "German", "French"]