Dr Darya Vanichkina is a Data Science Consultant and Analytics Trainer at the University of Sydney’s Informatics Hub (SIH). She delivers impact through solving research questions using big data, programming, machine learning, high performance & cloud computing. Darya develops and delivers...
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
VanichkinaDaryadarya.vanichkina@sydney.edu.auSydney, NSW, AustraliaDr Darya Vanichkina is a Data Science Consultant and Analytics Trainer at the University of Sydney’s Informatics Hub (SIH). She delivers impact through solving research questions using big data, programming, machine learning, high performance & cloud computing. Darya develops and delivers materials, and trains others to do the same by leading the SIH data science training program, coaching and mentoring other data scientists in the team via workshops and guidance around evidence-based training practices. Darya holds a PhD in Genomics and Bioinformatics and is a Fellow of the UK HEA.["English", "Russian"]https://daryavanichkina.comhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-0406-164X
Giorgia is a Data Science Trainer at the Sydney Informatics Hub (SIH), University of Sydney. She has a background in microbiology and bioinformatics. She is a Software, Data and Library Carpentry instructor, and she has been supervising, teaching and training staff and students in the development...
Location: Sydney, Australia
MoriGiorgiagiorgia.mori@sydney.edu.auSydney, AustraliaGiorgia is a Data Science Trainer at the Sydney Informatics Hub (SIH), University of Sydney. She has a background in microbiology and bioinformatics. She is a Software, Data and Library Carpentry instructor, and she has been supervising, teaching and training staff and students in the development of computational skills for conducting efficient and reproducible research. She volunteers in diversity initiatives (RLadies, PyLadies) to support the representation of gender minorities in the programming community.["English", "Italian"]https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3469-5632
Teaching short courses in geophysics, computational geoscience, finite element modelling in geoscience (especially geodynamics), groundwater models
Location: Canberra, Australia
MoresiLouislouis.moresi@anu.edu.auCanberra, AustraliaTeaching short courses in geophysics, computational geoscience, finite element modelling in geoscience (especially geodynamics), groundwater modelshttps://researchers.anu.edu.au/researchers/moresi-lhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-3685-174X
My background spans the arts and technology, and I enjoy working with researchers from different disciplines to help them utilise technology in innovative and transformative ways. I've assisted with the development of open-source projects and research tools, coordinated numerous...
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
PlummerMattmatt.plummer@vuw.ac.nzWellington, New ZealandMy background spans the arts and technology, and I enjoy working with researchers from different disciplines to help them utilise technology in innovative and transformative ways. I've assisted with the development of open-source projects and research tools, coordinated numerous community-building and training events, and enjoy the opportunity to introduce researchers to new approaches and collaborators.["English"]https://mattsresbazsite.netlify.app/https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2737-2707
Melissa is the Australian BioCommons Training and Communications Officer. She collaborates with bioinformatics experts and trainers from across Australia and internationally to develop and deliver bioinformatics webinars and workshops.
Location: Brisbane, Australia
BurkeMelissamelissa@biocommons.org.auBrisbane, AustraliaMelissa is the Australian BioCommons Training and Communications Officer. She collaborates with bioinformatics experts and trainers from across Australia and internationally to develop and deliver bioinformatics webinars and workshops.["English"]https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5571-8664
Scientific Programmer at the University of Otago. A Carpentries Instructor and Instructor Trainer.
Location: University of Otago
CadzowMurraymurray.cadzow@otago.ac.nzUniversity of OtagoScientific Programmer at the University of Otago. A Carpentries Instructor and Instructor Trainer.["English"]https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2299-4136
Stereo imagery is widely used by research institutions and management bodies around the world as a cost-effective and non-destructive method to research and monitor fish and habitats (Whitmarsh, Fairweather and Huveneers, 2017). Stereo-video can provide accurate and precise size and range...
Location: GitHub
LangloisTimtim.langlois@uwa.edu.auGitHubStereo imagery is widely used by research institutions and management bodies around the world as a cost-effective and non-destructive method to research and monitor fish and habitats (Whitmarsh, Fairweather and Huveneers, 2017). Stereo-video can provide accurate and precise size and range measurements and can be used to study spatial and temporal patterns in fish assemblages (McLean et al., 2016), habitat composition and complexity (Collins et al., 2017), behaviour (Goetze et al., 2017), responses to anthropogenic pressures (Bosch et al., 2022) and the recovery and growth of benthic fauna (Langlois et al. 2020). It is important that users of stereo-video collect, annotate, quality control and store their data in a consistent manner, to ensure data produced is of the highest quality possible and to enable large scale collaborations. Here we collate existing best practices and propose new tools to equip ecologists to ensure that all aspects of the stereo-video workflow are performed in a consistent way.["English", "French"]https://globalarchivemanual.github.io/CheckEM/index.htmlhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-6404-4000