Dr Darya Vanichkina is a Data Science Consultant and Analytics Trainer at the University of Sydney’s Informatics Hub (SIH). She delivers impact through solving research questions using big data, programming, machine learning, high performance & cloud computing. Darya develops and delivers...
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
VanichkinaDaryadarya.vanichkina@sydney.edu.auSydney, NSW, AustraliaDr Darya Vanichkina is a Data Science Consultant and Analytics Trainer at the University of Sydney’s Informatics Hub (SIH). She delivers impact through solving research questions using big data, programming, machine learning, high performance & cloud computing. Darya develops and delivers materials, and trains others to do the same by leading the SIH data science training program, coaching and mentoring other data scientists in the team via workshops and guidance around evidence-based training practices. Darya holds a PhD in Genomics and Bioinformatics and is a Fellow of the UK HEA.["English", "Russian"]https://daryavanichkina.comhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-0406-164X
Based within the Monash Bioinformatics Platform and a certified Carpentries instructor, Nick is also involved with Monash Data Fluency in training and teaching on genomics, bioinformatics and R.
Location: Melbourne, Australia
WongNicknick.wong@monash.eduMelbourne, AustraliaBased within the Monash Bioinformatics Platform and a certified Carpentries instructor, Nick is also involved with Monash Data Fluency in training and teaching on genomics, bioinformatics and R. ["English", "Chinese"]https://research.monash.edu/en/persons/nick-wonghttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4393-7541
During my research career I have accumulated experience in molecular biology, neuroscience and bioinformatics. Since mid 2019 I have been the training lead for Melbourne Bioinformatics responsible for organising and delivering a diverse range of Bioinformatics training workshops to staff and...
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
PerreauVickyvperreau@unimelb.edu.auMelbourne, Victoria, AustraliaDuring my research career I have accumulated experience in molecular biology, neuroscience and bioinformatics. Since mid 2019 I have been the training lead for Melbourne Bioinformatics responsible for organising and delivering a diverse range of Bioinformatics training workshops to staff and students at The University of Melbourne and its affiliates. I also coordinate and lecture in University Masters level subjects for the Masters of Bioinformatics course.["English"]https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0773-7246