1 trainer found

Expertise academic: Artificial Intelligence 


Fields: British and Irish Literature 


Expertise technical: LISP  or python 


Language: German  or French 

Michael Falk

I am a Digital Humanities trainer. I teach humanists to code, wrangle their data, and publish beautiful visualisations on the web. At the moment, I am Community Technical Adviser at the Heurist Network, and my training focusses on Humanities databasing and web publishing using Heurist.

Location: Sydney, Australia

Falk Michael michael.falk@sydney.edu.au Sydney, Australia I am a Digital Humanities trainer. I teach humanists to code, wrangle their data, and publish beautiful visualisations on the web. At the moment, I am Community Technical Adviser at the Heurist Network, and my training focusses on Humanities databasing and web publishing using Heurist. ["English", "German", "French"] https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9261-8390