2 trainers found

Expertise academic: training  or Numerical Algorithm 


Interest: data licensing  or crowd-sourced data  or Linux/Unix 

Fred Fung

Frederick is a training officer at National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), where he delivers training sessions for Gadi users to facilitate their high-impact research and innovation. He has a research background in numerical linear algebra and scientific software development for large-scale...

Location: Canberra, ACT

Fung Fred frederick.fung@anu.edu.au Canberra, ACT Frederick is a training officer at National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), where he delivers training sessions for Gadi users to facilitate their high-impact research and innovation. He has a research background in numerical linear algebra and scientific software development for large-scale simulations. He has a particular interest in the topics of resilience design for numerical algorithms and is passionate about building better scientific software. ["English"]
Kathryn Unsworth

I work at the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) leading the Skilled Workforce Development team concentrating on projects and activities that work towards a national skills agenda that is cohesive and coordinated.

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Unsworth Kathryn kathryn.unsworth@ardc.edu.au Melbourne, Australia I work at the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) leading the Skilled Workforce Development team concentrating on projects and activities that work towards a national skills agenda that is cohesive and coordinated. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5407-9987