3 trainers found

Expertise academic: information management  or Artificial Intelligence  or Microbiology 

Giorgia Mori

Giorgia is a Data Science Trainer at the Sydney Informatics Hub (SIH), University of Sydney. She has a background in microbiology and bioinformatics. She is a Software, Data and Library Carpentry instructor, and she has been supervising, teaching and training staff and students in the development...

Location: Sydney, Australia

Mori Giorgia giorgia.mori@sydney.edu.au Sydney, Australia Giorgia is a Data Science Trainer at the Sydney Informatics Hub (SIH), University of Sydney. She has a background in microbiology and bioinformatics. She is a Software, Data and Library Carpentry instructor, and she has been supervising, teaching and training staff and students in the development of computational skills for conducting efficient and reproducible research. She volunteers in diversity initiatives (RLadies, PyLadies) to support the representation of gender minorities in the programming community. ["English", "Italian"] https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3469-5632
Kathryn Unsworth

I work at the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) leading the Skilled Workforce Development team concentrating on projects and activities that work towards a national skills agenda that is cohesive and coordinated.

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Unsworth Kathryn kathryn.unsworth@ardc.edu.au Melbourne, Australia I work at the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) leading the Skilled Workforce Development team concentrating on projects and activities that work towards a national skills agenda that is cohesive and coordinated. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5407-9987
Michael Falk

I am a Digital Humanities trainer. I teach humanists to code, wrangle their data, and publish beautiful visualisations on the web. At the moment, I am Community Technical Adviser at the Heurist Network, and my training focusses on Humanities databasing and web publishing using Heurist.

Location: Sydney, Australia

Falk Michael michael.falk@sydney.edu.au Sydney, Australia I am a Digital Humanities trainer. I teach humanists to code, wrangle their data, and publish beautiful visualisations on the web. At the moment, I am Community Technical Adviser at the Heurist Network, and my training focusses on Humanities databasing and web publishing using Heurist. ["English", "German", "French"] https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9261-8390