3 trainers found

Expertise technical: Instructor Training 


Language: English 


Expertise academic: History and Philosophy of S...  or Cancer Genomics  or Genomics 

Mark Crowe

I am the Skills Development Manager for QCIF, delivering coding, data science and other digital skills training to researchers from all Queensland universities. I hold qualifications in Training and Assessment, and am a certified Instructor and Instructor Trainer with The Carpentries.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland

Crowe Mark mark.crowe@qcif.edu.au Brisbane, Queensland I am the Skills Development Manager for QCIF, delivering coding, data science and other digital skills training to researchers from all Queensland universities. I hold qualifications in Training and Assessment, and am a certified Instructor and Instructor Trainer with The Carpentries. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9514-2487
Nick Wong

Based within the Monash Bioinformatics Platform and a certified Carpentries instructor, Nick is also involved with Monash Data Fluency in training and teaching on genomics, bioinformatics and R.

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Wong Nick nick.wong@monash.edu Melbourne, Australia Based within the Monash Bioinformatics Platform and a certified Carpentries instructor, Nick is also involved with Monash Data Fluency in training and teaching on genomics, bioinformatics and R. ["English", "Chinese"] https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4393-7541
Sonika Tyagi

Dr. Sonika Tyagi is a Machine Learning lead scientist at Central Clinical School Monash University Australia. Her expertise is in developing new machine learning (ML) tools and pipelines, and applying these methods to solve biological and clinical research questions. Her current research focuses...

Location: Australia

Tyagi Sonika sonika.tyagi@monash.edu Australia Dr. Sonika Tyagi is a Machine Learning lead scientist at Central Clinical School Monash University Australia. Her expertise is in developing new machine learning (ML) tools and pipelines, and applying these methods to solve biological and clinical research questions. Her current research focuses on integrative approaches to health informatics and genomics. Her group applies deep learning and natural language processing techniques to study genomes. Sonika is a past member and contributor of ISCB Education COSI and chair/member of the GOBLET’s Standards, and EMBL-ABR and ABACBS’s education & training committees. She is currently a steering committee member of the Life Science Trainers group and affiliated with both Galaxy-Australia and Galaxy-India. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0181-6258