2 trainers found

Expertise academic: History and Philosophy of S...  or Anthropology 


Expertise technical: CloudStor + SWAN  or SQL 

Aidan Wilson

Aidan Wilson is Intersect's Digital Research Services Manager. Before that he had been a Digital Research Analyst at Intersect Australia since 2015, and in that time has been central to the administration and delivery of Intersect's training platform. Besides delivering training at ACU and...

Location: Sydney, NSW

Wilson Aidan aidan.wilson@intersect.org.au Sydney, NSW Aidan Wilson is Intersect's Digital Research Services Manager. Before that he had been a Digital Research Analyst at Intersect Australia since 2015, and in that time has been central to the administration and delivery of Intersect's training platform. Besides delivering training at ACU and elsewhere on Python, R, REDCap, Qualtrics and other tools, he also manages the systems within Intersect that enable the organisation to train upwards of 6000 researchers per year. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9858-5470
Anton Angelo

Multiple decades of experience in programming training, including web stack, SQL, Python and others.

Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Angelo Anton anton.angelo@canterbury.ac.nz Christchurch, New Zealand Multiple decades of experience in programming training, including web stack, SQL, Python and others. ["English"]