2 trainers found

Experience: competant 


Expertise technical: or High Performance Computing 


Fields: Open Software  or Quantitative Genetics (incl... 

Murray Cadzow

Scientific Programmer at the University of Otago. A Carpentries Instructor and Instructor Trainer.

Location: University of Otago

Cadzow Murray murray.cadzow@otago.ac.nz University of Otago Scientific Programmer at the University of Otago. A Carpentries Instructor and Instructor Trainer. ["English"] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2299-4136
Tyrone Chen

Phd student at Monash University.

Location: Victoria, Australia

Chen Tyrone tyrone.chen@monash.edu Victoria, Australia Phd student at Monash University. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9207-0385