Register training material
2 materials found

Licence: CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0  or Apache-2.0 

Cleaning Biodiversity Data in R

This book is a practical guide for cleaning geo-referenced biodiversity data using R. It focuses specifically on the processes and challenges you’ll face with biodiversity data. As such, this book isn’t a general guide to data cleaning but a targeted resource for those working with or interested...

Keywords: R, Data cleaning, Biodiversity data, Rstats, Ecology, Reproducibility, Beginner R coding, data wrangling, Coding

Cleaning Biodiversity Data in R This book is a practical guide for cleaning geo-referenced biodiversity data using R. It focuses specifically on the processes and challenges you’ll face with biodiversity data. As such, this book isn’t a general guide to data cleaning but a targeted resource for those working with or interested in ecology, evolution, and geo-referenced biodiversity data. Atlas of Living Australia R, Data cleaning, Biodiversity data, Rstats, Ecology, Reproducibility, Beginner R coding, data wrangling, Coding
ARDC Datacite API Jupyter notebook

This Jupyter notebook presents a low-barrier entry to using the DataCite REST API to mint, update, publish, and deleted DOIs and their associated metadata.

It was designed specifically to not use any third-party libraries so that it can be reused in almost any Jupyter notebook environment


Keywords: jupyter, notebook, DataCite, api, python, metadata, DOI, training material

ARDC Datacite API Jupyter notebook This Jupyter notebook presents a low-barrier entry to using the DataCite REST API to mint, update, publish, and deleted DOIs and their associated metadata. It was designed specifically to not use any third-party libraries so that it can be reused in almost any Jupyter notebook environment Code is presented alongside human readable comments that explain the use of each component of the notebook. jupyter, notebook, DataCite, api, python, metadata, DOI, training material