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Resource type: full-course 


Keywords: fish  or reproducibility 

7 Steps towards Reproducible Research

This workshop aims to take you further down your reproducibility path, by providing concepts and tools you can use in your everyday workflows. It is discipline and experience agnostic, and no coding experience is needed.

We will also examine how Reproducible Research builds business continuity...

Keywords: reproducibility, Reproducibility, reproducible workflows

Resource type: full-course, tutorial

7 Steps towards Reproducible Research This workshop aims to take you further down your reproducibility path, by providing concepts and tools you can use in your everyday workflows. It is discipline and experience agnostic, and no coding experience is needed. We will also examine how Reproducible Research builds business continuity into your research group, how the culture in your institute ecosystem can affect Reproducibility and how you can identify and address risks to your knowledge. The workshop can be used as self-paced or as an instructor Amanda Miotto - reproducibility, Reproducibility, reproducible workflows phd support