7 Steps towards Reproducible Research
This workshop aims to take you further down your reproducibility path, by providing concepts and tools you can use in your everyday workflows. It is discipline and experience agnostic, and no coding experience is needed.
We will also examine how Reproducible Research builds business continuity...
Keywords: reproducibility, Reproducibility, reproducible workflows
Resource type: full-course, tutorial
7 Steps towards Reproducible Research
This workshop aims to take you further down your reproducibility path, by providing concepts and tools you can use in your everyday workflows. It is discipline and experience agnostic, and no coding experience is needed.
We will also examine how Reproducible Research builds business continuity into your research group, how the culture in your institute ecosystem can affect Reproducibility and how you can identify and address risks to your knowledge.
The workshop can be used as self-paced or as an instructor
Amanda Miotto - a.miotto@griffith.edu.au
Amanda Miotto
reproducibility, Reproducibility, reproducible workflows
Tutorials to learn how to use STAN
Stan tutorials offer links to exceptional tutorial papers, videos and statistics to learn Bayesian statistical methods and applied statistics.
Keywords: Statistics, applied statistics, Bayesian statistics, R software, Python, MATLAB
Tutorials to learn how to use STAN
Stan tutorials offer links to exceptional tutorial papers, videos and statistics to learn Bayesian statistical methods and applied statistics.
Statistics, applied statistics, Bayesian statistics, R software, Python, MATLAB
How can software containers help your research?
This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility.
Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of a...
Keywords: containers, software, research, reproducibility, RSE, standard, agility, portable, reusable, code, application, reproducible, standardisation, package, system, cloud, server, version, reliability, program, collaborator, ARDC_AU, training material
How can software containers help your research?
This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility.
Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of a replicable computational environment and supports reproducibility of research results. Understanding the concept of software containers enables researchers to better communicate their research needs with their colleagues and other researchers using and developing containers.
Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HelrQnm3v4g
If you want to share this video please use this:
Australian Research Data Commons, 2021. How can software containers help your research?. [video] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HelrQnm3v4g DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5091260 [Accessed dd Month YYYY].
Australian Research Data Commons
Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader)
Sam Muirhead (type: Producer)
The ARDC Communications Team (type: Editor)
The ARDC Skills and Workforce Development Team (type: ProjectMember)
The ARDC eResearch Infrastructure & Services (type: ProjectMember)
The ARDC Nectar Cloud Services team (type: ProjectMember)
containers, software, research, reproducibility, RSE, standard, agility, portable, reusable, code, application, reproducible, standardisation, package, system, cloud, server, version, reliability, program, collaborator, ARDC_AU, training material
CheckEM User Guide
CheckEM is an open-source web based application which provides quality control assessments on metadata and image annotations of fish stereo-imagery. It is available at marine-ecology.shinyapps.io/CheckEM. The application can assess a range of sampling methods and annotation data formats for...
Keywords: stereo-video, fish, annotation
CheckEM User Guide
CheckEM is an open-source web based application which provides quality control assessments on metadata and image annotations of fish stereo-imagery. It is available at marine-ecology.shinyapps.io/CheckEM. The application can assess a range of sampling methods and annotation data formats for common inaccuracies made whilst annotating stereo imagery. CheckEM creates interactive plots and tables in a graphical interface, and provides summarised data and a report of potential errors to download.
Brooke Gibbons
stereo-video, fish, annotation
EventMeasure Annotation Guide
EventMeasure annotation guide for baited remote underwater stereo video systems (stereo-BRUVs) for count and length
Keywords: fish, stereo-video, annotation
EventMeasure Annotation Guide
EventMeasure annotation guide for baited remote underwater stereo video systems (stereo-BRUVs) for count and length
Brooke Gibbons
Tim Langlois
Claude Spencer
fish, stereo-video, annotation
Stereo-video workflows for fish and benthic ecologists
Stereo imagery is widely used by research institutions and management bodies around the world as a cost-effective and non-destructive method to research and monitor fish and habitats (Whitmarsh, Fairweather and Huveneers, 2017). Stereo-video can provide accurate and precise size and range...
Keywords: stereo-video, fish, sharks, habitats
Resource type: tutorial
Stereo-video workflows for fish and benthic ecologists
Stereo imagery is widely used by research institutions and management bodies around the world as a cost-effective and non-destructive method to research and monitor fish and habitats (Whitmarsh, Fairweather and Huveneers, 2017). Stereo-video can provide accurate and precise size and range measurements and can be used to study spatial and temporal patterns in fish assemblages (McLean et al., 2016), habitat composition and complexity (Collins et al., 2017), behaviour (Goetze et al., 2017), responses to anthropogenic pressures (Bosch et al., 2022) and the recovery and growth of benthic fauna (Langlois et al. 2020). It is important that users of stereo-video collect, annotate, quality control and store their data in a consistent manner, to ensure data produced is of the highest quality possible and to enable large scale collaborations. Here we collate existing best practices and propose new tools to equip ecologists to ensure that all aspects of the stereo-video workflow are performed in a consistent way.
Tim Langlois
Brooke Gibbons
Claude Spencer
stereo-video, fish, sharks, habitats
Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
This workshop will introduce you to Jupyter Notebooks, a digital tool that has exploded in popularity in recent years for those working with data.
You will learn what they are, what they do and why you might like to use them. It is an introductory set of lessons for those who are brand new,...
Keywords: jupyter, Introductory, training material, CloudStor, markdown, Python, R
Resource type: tutorial
Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
This workshop will introduce you to Jupyter Notebooks, a digital tool that has exploded in popularity in recent years for those working with data.
You will learn what they are, what they do and why you might like to use them. It is an introductory set of lessons for those who are brand new, have little or no knowledge of coding and computational methods in research.
This workshop is targeted at those who are absolute beginners or ‘tech-curious’. It includes a hands-on component, using basic programming commands, but requires no previous knowledge of programming.
Sara King
Mason, Ingrid
jupyter, Introductory, training material, CloudStor, markdown, Python, R
Learn to Program: Python
Python has deservedly become a popular language for scientific computing. It has all the friendly features and conveniences you'd expect of a modern programming language, and also a rich set of libraries for working with data.
We teach using Jupyter notebooks, which allow program code, results,...
Keywords: Programming, Python
Learn to Program: Python
Python has deservedly become a popular language for scientific computing. It has all the friendly features and conveniences you'd expect of a modern programming language, and also a rich set of libraries for working with data.
We teach using Jupyter notebooks, which allow program code, results, visualisations and documentation to be blended seamlessly. Perfect for sharing insights with others while producing reproducible research.
Join us for this live coding workshop where we write programs that produce results, using the researcher-focused training modules from the highly regarded Software Carpentry Foundation.
#### You'll learn:
- Introduction to the JupyterLab interface for programming
- Basic syntax and data types in Python
- How to load external data into Python
- Creating functions (FUNCTIONS)
- Repeating actions and analysing multiple data sets (LOOPS)
- Ways to visualise data in Python
#### Prerequisites:
No prior experience with programming is needed to attend this course.
We strongly recommend attending the Start Coding without Hesitation: Programming Languages Showdown and Thinking like a computer: The Fundamentals of Programming webinars. Recordings of previously delivered webinars can be found [here](https://intersect.org.au/training/webinars/).
**For more information, please click [here](https://intersect.org.au/training/course/python101).**
Programming, Python
10 Reproducible Research things - Building Business Continuity
The idea that you can duplicate an experiment and get the same conclusion is the basis for all scientific discoveries. Reproducible research is data analysis that starts with the raw data and offers a transparent workflow to arrive at the same results and conclusions. However not all studies are...
Keywords: reproducibility, data management
Resource type: tutorial, video
10 Reproducible Research things - Building Business Continuity
The idea that you can duplicate an experiment and get the same conclusion is the basis for all scientific discoveries. Reproducible research is data analysis that starts with the raw data and offers a transparent workflow to arrive at the same results and conclusions. However not all studies are replicable due to lack of information on the process. Therefore, reproducibility in research is extremely important.
Researchers genuinely want to make their research more reproducible, but sometimes don’t know where to start and often don’t have the available time to investigate or establish methods on how reproducible research can speed up every day work. We aim for the philosophy “Be better than you were yesterday”. Reproducibility is a process, and we highlight there is no expectation to go from beginner to expert in a single workshop. Instead, we offer some steps you can take towards the reproducibility path following our Steps to Reproducible Research self paced program.
a.miotto@griffith.edu.au; s.stapleton@griffith.edu.au; i.jennings@griffith.edu.au;
Amanda Miotto
Julie Toohey
Sharron Stapleton
Isaac Jennings
reproducibility, data management