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8 materials found

Keywords: eresearch skills  or Galaxy 

WORKSHOP: Online data analysis for biologists

This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Online data analysis for biologists’. This workshop took place on 21 August 2024.
Topic description
Galaxy is a web-based platform that lets you conduct accessible, reproducible, and transparent...

Keywords: Bioinformatics, Data analysis, Galaxy

WORKSHOP: Online data analysis for biologists This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Online data analysis for biologists’. This workshop took place on 21 August 2024. Topic description Galaxy is a web-based platform that lets you conduct accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biological research. Widely used by researchers world wide, Galaxy gives you access to 1000’s of popular tools for analysis and processing of biological data. It is perfect for working with a wide range of big and small datasets including genome assembly, annotation, epigenetics, metabolomics, metagenomics, proteomics, statistics, transcriptomics, variant analysis and visualisation. This workshop provides an introduction to using Galaxy and available tools. Using an example dataset, you’ll practice uploading data, choosing and running tools, and viewing the results. We’ll share our top tips for managing your experiments and speeding up your analysis with workflows. Lead trainer: Dr Gareth Price, Galaxy Australia Facilitator: Mike Thang, Galaxy Australia / QCIF Infrastructure provision: Galaxy Australia Host: Dr Melissa Burke, Australian BioCommons   Training Materials Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event. Files and materials included in this record: Event_metadata_Online_data_analysis_for_biologists_210824 (PDF): Information about the event logistics including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc. Schedule_Online_data_analysis_for_biologists_210824 (PDF): Schedule for the workshop providing a breakdown of topics and timings   Materials shared elsewhere: This workshop is based on the Galaxy Training Network tutorial ‘Galaxy basics for everyone’: A recording of this workshop is available on the Australian BioCommons YouTube Channel: Melissa Burke ( Bioinformatics, Data analysis, Galaxy
Astronomy Data And Computing Services - Upskilling the Australian astronomy community

The Astronomy Data And Computing Services (ADACS) initiative has been working with the Australian astronomy community for just over 3 years now. Our vision is to deliver astronomy-focused training, support and expertise to maximise the scientific return on investments in astronomical data &...

Keywords: astronomy, data skills, eresearch skills, skills, computational skills, training, skills gaps, astronomy-focused training, training material

Astronomy Data And Computing Services - Upskilling the Australian astronomy community The Astronomy Data And Computing Services (ADACS) initiative has been working with the Australian astronomy community for just over 3 years now. Our vision is to deliver astronomy-focused training, support and expertise to maximise the scientific return on investments in astronomical data & computing infrastructure. During these last 3 years, we have delivered dozens of face-to-face, hands-on workshops and created several hours worth of online tutorial materials. This talk will focus on our journey to deliver this computational skills training to the community, exploring how we chose different delivery pathways and content, based both on community input as well as our professional expertise and understanding of existing skill gaps. Most importantly we will discuss our plans for the future and how we are working on actively including the community in developing new training material beyond the usual skills survey. Come along to this talk if you would like to hear about a national effort to deliver computational skills training and would like to know more about potential new avenues to provide just-in-time training and how to collaborate with ADACS. astronomy, data skills, eresearch skills, skills, computational skills, training, skills gaps, astronomy-focused training, training material
WEBINAR: Managing hands-on data analysis training with Galaxy

This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons webinar ‘Managing hands-on data analysis training with Galaxy’. This webinar took place on 25 July 2023.

Event description 

Looking for flexible, scalable, real-world solutions that enable data analysis skills to...

Keywords: Bioinformatics, Galaxy, Training, Training infrastructure

WEBINAR: Managing hands-on data analysis training with Galaxy This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons webinar ‘Managing hands-on data analysis training with Galaxy’. This webinar took place on 25 July 2023. Event description  Looking for flexible, scalable, real-world solutions that enable data analysis skills to be taught to anyone and anywhere?  Galaxy Australia, a national web service supporting 1000s of bioinformatics tools and workflows is a fantastic solution for training on bioinformatics concepts. Their "Training Infrastructure as a Service”, or TIaaS provides free compute and back-end support for data analysis training. It is paired with 100’s of easy-to-follow tutorials developed and maintained by the worldwide community on the Galaxy Training Network (GTN). TIaaS frees trainers from setting up and maintaining computational resources for their training events so that they can focus on student needs and learning outcomes This webinar will show you how to make the most of Galaxy Australia, TIaaS and the Galaxy Training Network for bioinformatics training. We’ll highlight all the nifty features you can use to plan, manage and deliver training to any size audience efficiently. Materials Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event. Files and materials included in this record: Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc. Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file. Managing data analysis training with Galaxy_slides: A PDF copy of the slides presented during the webinar. Materials shared elsewhere: A recording of this webinar is available on the Australian BioCommons YouTube Channel: Melissa Burke ( Bioinformatics, Galaxy, Training, Training infrastructure
WORKSHOP: Translating workflows into Nextflow with Janis

This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Translating workflows into Nextflow with Janis’. This workshop took place online on 19 June 2023.

Event description

Bioinformatics workflows are critical for reproducibly transferring methodologies...

Keywords: Bioinformatics, Workflows, Nextflow, CWL, Galaxy

WORKSHOP: Translating workflows into Nextflow with Janis This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Translating workflows into Nextflow with Janis’. This workshop took place online on 19 June 2023. Event description Bioinformatics workflows are critical for reproducibly transferring methodologies between research groups and for scaling between computational infrastructures. Research groups currently invest a lot of time and effort in creating and updating workflows; the ability to translate from one workflow language into another can make them easier to share, and maintain with minimal effort. For example, research groups that would like to run an existing Galaxy workflow on HPC, or extend it for their use, might find translating the workflow to Nextflow more suitable for their ongoing use-cases.  Janis is a framework that provides an abstraction layer for describing workflows, and a tool that can translate workflows between existing languages such as CWL, WDL, Galaxy and Nextflow. Janis aims to translate as much as it can, leaving the user to validate the workflow and make small manual adjustments where direct translations are not possible. Originating from the Portable Pipelines Project between Melbourne Bioinformatics, the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, this tool is now available for everyone to use. This workshop provides an introduction to Janis and how it can be used to translate Galaxy and CWL based tools and workflows into Nextflow. Using hands-on examples we’ll step you through the process and demonstrate how to optimise, troubleshoot and test the translated workflows. This workshop event and accompanying materials were developed by the Melbourne Bioinformatics and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. The workshop was enabled through the Australian BioCommons - Bring Your Own Data Platforms project funded by the Australian Research Data Commons and NCRIS via Bioplatforms Australia.    Materials Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event. Files and materials included in this record: Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc. Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file. Intro to Galaxy (PDF): Slides presented during the workshop Intro to CWL (PDF): Slides presented during the workshop Intro to the session & Janis (PDF): Slides presented during the workshop Janis_Schedule (PDF): Schedule for the workshop providing a breakdown of topics and timings Materials shared elsewhere: This workshop follows the accompanying training materials:   A recording of the workshop is available on the Australian BioCommons YouTube channel: Melissa Burke ( Bioinformatics, Workflows, Nextflow, CWL, Galaxy
Successful data training stories from NCI

NCI Australia manages a multi-petabyte sized data repository, collocated with its HPC systems and data services, which allows high performance access to many scientific research datasets across many earth science domains.
An important aspect is to provide training materials that proactively...

Keywords: skills, training, eresearch skills, HPC training, domain-specific training, reproducible workflows, training material

Successful data training stories from NCI NCI Australia manages a multi-petabyte sized data repository, collocated with its HPC systems and data services, which allows high performance access to many scientific research datasets across many earth science domains. An important aspect is to provide training materials that proactively engages with the research community to improve their understanding of the data available, and to share knowledge and best practices in the use of tools and other software. We have developed multiple levels of training modules (introductory, intermediate and advanced) to cater for users with different levels of experience and interest. We have also tailored courses for each scientific domain, so that the use-cases and software will be most relevant to their interests and needs. For our training, we combine brief lectures followed by hands-on training examples on how to use datasets, using working examples of well-known tools and software that people can use as a template and modify to fit their needs. For example, we take representative use-cases from some scientific activities, from our collaborations and from user support issues, and convert to Jupyter notebook examples so that people can repeat the workfIow and reproduce the results. We also use the training as an opportunity to raise awareness of growing issues in resource management. Some examples include a familiarity of the FAIR data principles, licensing, citation, data management and trusted digital repositories. This approach to both our online training materials and workshops has been well-received by PhD students, early careers, and cross disciplinary users. skills, training, eresearch skills, HPC training, domain-specific training, reproducible workflows, training material
Accelerating skills development in Data science and AI at scale

At the Monash Data Science and AI  platform, we believe that upskilling our research community and building a workforce with data science skills are key to accelerating the application of data science in research. To achieve this, we create and leverage new and existing training capabilities...

Keywords: AI, machine learning, eresearch skills, training, train the trainer, volunteer instructors, training partnerships, training material

Accelerating skills development in Data science and AI at scale At the Monash Data Science and AI  platform, we believe that upskilling our research community and building a workforce with data science skills are key to accelerating the application of data science in research. To achieve this, we create and leverage new and existing training capabilities within and outside Monash University. In this talk, we will discuss the principles and purpose of establishing collaborative models to accelerate skills development at scale. We will talk about our approach to identifying gaps in the existing skills and training available in data science, key areas of interest as identified by the research community and various sources of training available in the marketplace. We will provide insights into the collaborations we currently have and intend to develop in the future within the university and also nationally. The talk will also cover our approach as outlined below •        Combined survey of gaps in skills and trainings for Data science and AI •        Provide seats to partners •        Share associate instructors/helpers/volunteers •        Develop combined training materials •        Publish a repository of open source trainings •        Train the trainer activities •        Establish a network of volunteers to deliver trainings at their local regions Industry plays a significant role in making some invaluable training available to the research community either through self learning platforms like AWS Machine Learning University or Instructor led courses like NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute. We will discuss how we leverage our partnerships with Industry to bring these trainings to our research community. Finally, we will discuss how we map our training to the ARDC skills roadmap and how the ARDC platforms project “Environments to accelerate Machine Learning based Discovery” has enabled collaboration between Monash University and University of Queensland to develop and deliver training together. AI, machine learning, eresearch skills, training, train the trainer, volunteer instructors, training partnerships, training material
Data Fluency: a community of practice supporting a digitally skilled workforce

This presentation showcases the impact of the Monash Data Fluency Community of Practice upon digitally skilled Graduate Research students involved as learners and instructors in the program. The strong focus on building community to complement training, has fostered an environment of learning,...

Keywords: skills, training, eresearch skills, data skills, online learning, pedagogy, train the trainer, digitally skilled workforce, training material

Data Fluency: a community of practice supporting a digitally skilled workforce This presentation showcases the impact of the Monash Data Fluency Community of Practice upon digitally skilled Graduate Research students involved as learners and instructors in the program. The strong focus on building community to complement training, has fostered an environment of learning, networking and sharing of expertise. Hear what the Graduate research students have to say about the value of skills training and how it has impacted their research; how the community has enabled them to network with a broad range of researchers and affiliate partner groups they would not ordinarily be in contact with; how their research journey has been enhanced by working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, as well as sharpening their teaching skills. The rapid refocus from face - face to online delivery, as a result of the pandemic, highlights the importance of the multi-faceted online approach including workshops, drop-in sessions, SLACK chat and online learning resources. As a result of the shift to online, the range of strategic external partner/affiliate groups has extended and demand for workshops and drop-ins has increased.  Learn how the instructors have altered their pedagogical approach to engage workshop and drop-in participants; how they have overcome some of the challenges of facilitating in an online environment; and how this is preparing them to become part of a digitally skilled workforce. skills, training, eresearch skills, data skills, online learning, pedagogy, train the trainer, digitally skilled workforce, training material
ARDC Skills Landscape

The Australian Research Data Commons is driving transformational change in the research data ecosystem, enabling researchers to conduct world class data-intensive research. One interconnected component of this ecosystem is skills development/uplift, which is critical to the Commons and its...

Keywords: skills, data skills, eresearch skills, community, skilled workforce, FAIR, research data management, data stewardship, data governance, data use, data generation, training material

ARDC Skills Landscape The Australian Research Data Commons is driving transformational change in the research data ecosystem, enabling researchers to conduct world class data-intensive research. One interconnected component of this ecosystem is skills development/uplift, which is critical to the Commons and its purpose of providing Australian researchers with a competitive advantage through data.   In this presentation, Kathryn Unsworth introduces the ARDC Skills Landscape. The Landscape is a first step in developing a national skills framework to enable a coordinated and cohesive approach to skills development across the Australian eResearch sector. It is also a first step towards helping to analyse current approaches in data training to identify: - Siloed skills initiatives, and finding ways to build partnerships and improve collaboration - Skills deficits, and working to address the gaps in data skills - Areas of skills development for investment by skills stakeholders like universities, research organisations, skills and training service providers, ARDC, etc. skills, data skills, eresearch skills, community, skilled workforce, FAIR, research data management, data stewardship, data governance, data use, data generation, training material