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Contributors: Unsworth, Kathryn (type: Ed...  or Stokes, Liz (type: Other)  or Pawsey Supercomputing Resea...  or Burke, Melissa (orcid: 0000... 

PCon Preparing applications for El Capitan and beyond

As Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL) prepares to stand up its next supercomputer, El Capitan, application teams prepare to pivot to another GPU architecture.

This talk presents how the LLNL application teams made the transition from distributed-memory, CPU-only architectures to...

Keywords: GPUs, supercomputing, HPC, PaCER

PCon Preparing applications for El Capitan and beyond As Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL) prepares to stand up its next supercomputer, El Capitan, application teams prepare to pivot to another GPU architecture. This talk presents how the LLNL application teams made the transition from distributed-memory, CPU-only architectures to GPUs. They share institutional best practices. They discuss new open-source software products as tools for porting and profiling applications and as avenues for collaboration across the computational science community. Join LLNL's Erik Draeger and Jane Herriman, who presented this talk at Pawsey's PaCER Conference in September 2023. Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre GPUs, supercomputing, HPC, PaCER masters phd researcher ecr support professional ugrad
Network Know-how and Data Handling Workshop

This workshop is a ‘train-the-trainer’ session that covers topics such as jargon busting, network literacy and data movement solutions. The workshop will also provide a peek at some collaborative research tools such as Jupyter Notebooks and CloudStor. You will learn about networks, integrated...

Keywords: Networks, data handling

Resource type: lesson, presentation

Network Know-how and Data Handling Workshop This workshop is a ‘train-the-trainer’ session that covers topics such as jargon busting, network literacy and data movement solutions. The workshop will also provide a peek at some collaborative research tools such as Jupyter Notebooks and CloudStor. You will learn about networks, integrated tools, data and storage and where all these things fit in the researcher’s toolkit. This workshop is targeted at staff who would like to be more confident in giving advice to researchers about the options available to them. It is especially tailored for those with little to no technical knowledge and includes a hands-on component, using basic programming commands, but requires no previous knowledge of programming. Sara King - Burke, Melissa (orcid: 0000-0002-5571-8664) Networks, data handling