Guide to HeSANDA and Health Data Australia
The Guide to HeSANDA and Health Data Australia is an easy and engaging way to quickly learn how to access and use Health Data Australia, a catalogue of health and medical research developed to make it easier to find existing datasets that can be used for secondary research.
HeSANDA is the...
Keywords: HeSANDA WA
Resource type: activity
Guide to HeSANDA and Health Data Australia
The Guide to HeSANDA and Health Data Australia is an easy and engaging way to quickly learn how to access and use Health Data Australia, a catalogue of health and medical research developed to make it easier to find existing datasets that can be used for secondary research.
HeSANDA is the Health Studies Australian National Data Asset program led by ARDC, the Australian Research Data Commons, which is funded by the National Critical Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).
This Guide will explain the process for researchers to find and request access to existing data. It will also show how the Data Provider (the researcher who created the data) always maintains control over their data and decides with whom it is shared.
Julia Fallon-Ferguson
Executive Officer
Clinical Trials Enabling Platform - Western Australia
Please note my working days are Monday to Wednesday
Julia Fallon-Ferguson, Program Manager, WA HeSANDA Node & Executive Officer, Clinical Trials Enabling Platform of WA, Curtin University
Tom Pazoum, Research Education and Training Program, Western Australian Health Translation Network
The Living Book of Digital Skills
The Living Book of Digital Skills (You never knew you needed until now) is a living, open source online guide to 'modern not-quite-technical computer skills' for researchers and the broader academic community.
A collaboration between Australia's Academic Research Network (AARNet) and the...
Keywords: digital skills, digital dexterity, community, open source
Resource type: guide
The Living Book of Digital Skills
*The Living Book of Digital Skills (You never knew you needed until now)* is a living, open source online guide to 'modern not-quite-technical computer skills' for researchers and the broader academic community.
A collaboration between Australia's Academic Research Network (AARNet) and the Council of Australian Librarians (CAUL), this book is the creation of the CAUL Digital Dexterity Champions and their communities.
**Contributing to the Digital Skills GitBook**
The Digital Skills GitBook is an open source project and like many projects on GitHub we welcome your contributions.
If you have knowledge or expertise on one of our [requested topics](, we would love you to write an article for the book. Please let us know what you'd like to write about via our [contributor form](
There are other ways to contribute too. For example, you might:
* have a great idea for a new topic to be included in one of our chapters (make a new page)
* notice some information that’s out-of-date or that could be explained better (edit a page)
* come across something in the GitBook that’s not working as it should be (submit an issue)
Sara King -
Sara King
Miah de Francesch
Emma Chapman
Katie Mills
Ruth Cameron
digital skills, digital dexterity, community, open source