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Resource type: tutorial 


Contributors: Martinez, Paula Andrea (typ...  or Osmakov, Artem 

Heurist Tutorials

A set of video tutorials with accompanying walkthroughs for building your first Heurist database and website. The first three tutorials show you how to get started in Heurist. The five subsequent tutorials introduce you to the five main menus in the Heurist interface.

Keywords: Heurist, Data management, Data visualisation, Digital Humanities, Databasing, website

Resource type: tutorial

Heurist Tutorials A set of video tutorials with accompanying walkthroughs for building your first Heurist database and website. The first three tutorials show you how to get started in Heurist. The five subsequent tutorials introduce you to the five main menus in the Heurist interface. Johnson, Ian Osmakov, Artem Heurist, Data management, Data visualisation, Digital Humanities, Databasing, website mbr phd ecr researcher support