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Contributors: Martinez, Paula Andrea (typ...  or Callaghan,Shannon (type: Ed...  or Russell, Keith (type: Editor) 


Keywords: responsibilities  or data 

Research Data Governance

This video contains key information for those who make research data-related decisions. It will help project leaders to start investigating ways to develop their own data governance policy, roles and responsibilities and procedures with the input of appropriate stakeholders.

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Keywords: data governance, data, research, FAIR, data management, authority, share, reuse, access, provenance, policy, responsibilities, ARDC_AU, training material

Research Data Governance This video contains key information for those who make research data-related decisions. It will help project leaders to start investigating ways to develop their own data governance policy, roles and responsibilities and procedures with the input of appropriate stakeholders. If you want to share the video please use this: Australian Research Data Commons, 2021. Research Data Governance. [video] Available at:  DOI: [Accessed dd Month YYYY]. Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader) Wilkinson, Max (type: Editor) Callaghan,Shannon (type: Editor) Savill, Jo (type: Editor) Kang, Kristan (type: Editor) Levett, Kerry (type: Editor) Russell, Keith (type: Editor) Simons, Natasha (type: Editor) data governance, data, research, FAIR, data management, authority, share, reuse, access, provenance, policy, responsibilities, ARDC_AU, training material
ARDC Your first step to FAIR

This workshop gives a brief overview of the FAIR principles, including a method to make a one-file dataset FAIR.

Keywords: training material, FAIR, data, workshop

ARDC Your first step to FAIR This workshop gives a brief overview of the FAIR principles, including a method to make a one-file dataset FAIR. Stokes, Liz (type: Editor) Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: Editor) Russell, Keith (type: Editor) training material, FAIR, data, workshop