How can software containers help your research?
This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility.
Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of a...
Keywords: containers, software, research, reproducibility, RSE, standard, agility, portable, reusable, code, application, reproducible, standardisation, package, system, cloud, server, version, reliability, program, collaborator, ARDC_AU, training material
How can software containers help your research?
This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility.
Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of a replicable computational environment and supports reproducibility of research results. Understanding the concept of software containers enables researchers to better communicate their research needs with their colleagues and other researchers using and developing containers.
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Australian Research Data Commons, 2021. How can software containers help your research?. [video] Available at: DOI: [Accessed dd Month YYYY].
Australian Research Data Commons
Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader)
Sam Muirhead (type: Producer)
The ARDC Communications Team (type: Editor)
The ARDC Skills and Workforce Development Team (type: ProjectMember)
The ARDC eResearch Infrastructure & Services (type: ProjectMember)
The ARDC Nectar Cloud Services team (type: ProjectMember)
containers, software, research, reproducibility, RSE, standard, agility, portable, reusable, code, application, reproducible, standardisation, package, system, cloud, server, version, reliability, program, collaborator, ARDC_AU, training material
Principles Aligned Institutionally-Contextualised (PAI-C) RDM Training
This GitHub repository contains resources for an institution to contextualise a principles-based RDM training with its institution's research data management policies, processes and systems.
The adoption of PAI-C across institutions will contribute to a common baseline understanding of RDM...
Keywords: PAI-C, Training, Data Management
Principles Aligned Institutionally-Contextualised (PAI-C) RDM Training
This GitHub repository contains resources for an institution to contextualise a principles-based RDM training with its institution's research data management policies, processes and systems.
The adoption of PAI-C across institutions will contribute to a common baseline understanding of RDM across institutions, which in turn will facilitate cross institutional management of data (e.g. when researchers move between institutions, and collaborate across institutions).
Dr Adrian W. Chew (
Dr Adrian W. Chew
Dr Adele Haythornthwaite
Brock Askey
Dr Jacky Cho
Dr Anesh Nair
Dr Kyle Hemming
Iftikhar Hayat
Joanna Dziedzic
Janice Chan
Kaitlyn Houston
Linlin Zhao
Caitlin Savage
Jessica Suna
Dr Emilia Decker
Sharron Stapleton
PAI-C, Training, Data Management
Network Know-how and Data Handling Workshop
This workshop is a ‘train-the-trainer’ session that covers topics such as jargon busting, network literacy and data movement solutions. The workshop will also provide a peek at some collaborative research tools such as Jupyter Notebooks and CloudStor. You will learn about networks, integrated...
Keywords: Networks, data handling
Resource type: lesson, presentation
Network Know-how and Data Handling Workshop
This workshop is a ‘train-the-trainer’ session that covers topics such as jargon busting, network literacy and data movement solutions. The workshop will also provide a peek at some collaborative research tools such as Jupyter Notebooks and CloudStor. You will learn about networks, integrated tools, data and storage and where all these things fit in the researcher’s toolkit.
This workshop is targeted at staff who would like to be more confident in giving advice to researchers about the options available to them. It is especially tailored for those with little to no technical knowledge and includes a hands-on component, using basic programming commands, but requires no previous knowledge of programming.
Sara King -
King, Sara (orcid: 0000-0003-3199-5592)
Mason, Ingrid (orcid: 0000-0002-0658-6095)
Burke, Melissa (orcid: 0000-0002-5571-8664)
Networks, data handling