Register training material
2 materials found

Keywords: Data analysis 


Content provider: VOSON Lab  or ARDC Community Connect 

National Transfusion Dataset Secure eResearch Platform (SeRP)/SafeHaven Training

A short training video for NTD users on how to access and use the SeRP once data access is granted.

Keywords: research data, Data analysis, research data management

National Transfusion Dataset Secure eResearch Platform (SeRP)/SafeHaven Training A short training video for NTD users on how to access and use the SeRP once data access is granted. research data, Data analysis, research data management
VOSON Lab Code Blog

The VOSON Lab Code Blog is a space to share methods, tips, examples and code. Blog posts provide techniques to construct and analyse networks from various API and other online data sources, using the VOSON open-source software and other R based packages.

Keywords: visualisation, Data analysis, data collections, R software, Social network analysis, social media data, Computational Social Science, quantitative, Text Analytics

Resource type: tutorial, other

VOSON Lab Code Blog The VOSON Lab Code Blog is a space to share methods, tips, examples and code. Blog posts provide techniques to construct and analyse networks from various API and other online data sources, using the VOSON open-source software and other R based packages. visualisation, Data analysis, data collections, R software, Social network analysis, social media data, Computational Social Science, quantitative, Text Analytics researcher support phd masters