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Authors: Marlies Hankel 


Keywords: Unix 


Licence: YouTube 

Basic Linux/Unix commands

A series of eight videos (each between 5 and 10 minutes long) following the content of the Software Carpentry workshop "The Unix Shell".

Sessions 1, 2 and 3 provide instructions on the minimal level of Linux/Unix commands recommended for new...

Keywords: HPC, high performance computer, Unix, Linux, Software Carpentry

Resource type: video, guide

Basic Linux/Unix commands A series of eight videos (each between 5 and 10 minutes long) following the content of the Software Carpentry workshop ["The Unix Shell"]( Sessions 1, 2 and 3 provide instructions on the minimal level of Linux/Unix commands recommended for new users of HPC. 1 – An overview of how to find out where a user is in the filesystem, list the files there, and how to get help on Unix commands 2 – How to move around the file system and change into other directories 3 – Explains the difference between an absolute and relative path 4 – Overview of how to create new directories, and to create and edit new files with nano 5 – How to use the vi editor to edit files 6 – Overview of file viewers available 7 – How to copy and move files and directories 8 – How to remove files and directories Further details and exercises with solutions can be found on the Software Carpentry "The Unix Shell" page ( QCIF Training ( HPC, high performance computer, Unix, Linux, Software Carpentry