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Authors: Williams, Jason (orcid: 000...  or Marlies Hankel 

WEBINAR: Effective, inclusive, and scalable training in the life sciences, clinical education and beyond

This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons/Melbourne Genomics webinar ‘Effective, inclusive, and scalable training in the life sciences, clinical education and beyond’. This webinar took place on 4 November 2022.

Event description 

Scientists and educators...

Keywords: Short-format training, Clinical education, Continuing education, Professional development, Training, Lifelong learning, Pedagogy

WEBINAR: Effective, inclusive, and scalable training in the life sciences, clinical education and beyond This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons/Melbourne Genomics webinar ‘Effective, inclusive, and scalable training in the life sciences, clinical education and beyond’. This webinar took place on 4 November 2022. Event description  Scientists and educators working in the life sciences must continuously acquire new knowledge and skills to stay up-to-date with the latest methods, technologies and research. Short-format training, such as webinars, workshops and bootcamps, are popular ways of quickly learning about new topics and gaining new skills. As trainers and educators, how can we ensure that short-format training is effective and inclusive for all? How can we ensure that our learners are equipped to continue learning and applying their new skills once they return to their day jobs? And how can we do this in a way that is scalable and sustainable? The Bicycle Principles assemble education theory and community experience into a framework for improving short-format training so that it is effective, inclusive and scalable. Over 30 international experts, including colleagues from the Australian BioCommons, Melbourne Genomics and other Australian and New Zealand organisations, helped develop the principles and an associated set of recommendations. Jason Williams, Assistant Director, DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - a leading genomics and bioinformatics educator and project lead, joins us to discuss the Principles and how they can be applied to achieve scalable and sustainable training in a range of Australian settings. This webinar is co-hosted by Australian BioCommons and Melbourne Genomics Training Materials Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event. Files and materials included in this record: Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc. Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file. WILLIAMS-Jason_aus-biocommons_nov-2022 (PDF): A PDF copy of the slides presented during the webinar. Materials shared elsewhere:   A recording of this webinar is available on the Australian BioCommons YouTube Channel: Melissa Burke ( Short-format training, Clinical education, Continuing education, Professional development, Training, Lifelong learning, Pedagogy
Professionalizing Training - Origin Stories for the Modern Researcher

Keynote Presentation for the ARDC Skills Summit 2023

This keynote presentation provides a brief outline of Jason William’s experience and an overview of the training initiatives he has been involved in. His presentation looks at what makes a good researcher and provokes thinking about modern...

Keywords: research, training, skills, superheroes, formal, career, change, workshops, milestones, community, principles, bicycle principles, professionalizing, training material

Professionalizing Training - Origin Stories for the Modern Researcher Keynote Presentation for the ARDC Skills Summit 2023 This keynote presentation provides a brief outline of Jason William’s experience and an overview of the training initiatives he has been involved in. His presentation looks at what makes a good researcher and provokes thinking about modern researchers and the need for them to get serious bout career-spanning training. Jason also provides an overview of the Bike Principles and focuses on the first Bike Principles recommendation - Professionalize the training of short-format training instructors and instructional designers. research, training, skills, superheroes, formal, career, change, workshops, milestones, community, principles, bicycle principles, professionalizing, training material
HPC file systems and what users need to consider for appropriate and efficient usage

Three videos on miscellaneous aspects of HPC usage - useful reference for new users of HPC systems.

1 – General overview of different file systems that might be available on HPC. The video goes through shared file systems such as /home and /scratch, local compute node file systems (local...

Keywords: HPC, high performance computer, File systems

Resource type: video, presentation

HPC file systems and what users need to consider for appropriate and efficient usage Three videos on miscellaneous aspects of HPC usage - useful reference for new users of HPC systems. 1 – General overview of different file systems that might be available on HPC. The video goes through shared file systems such as /home and /scratch, local compute node file systems (local scratch or $TMPDIR) and storage file system. It outlines what users need to consider if they wish to use any of these in their workflows. 2 – Overview of the different directories that might be present on HPC. These could include /home, /scratch, /opt, /lib and lib64, /sw and others. 3 – Overview of the Message-of-the-day file and the message that is displayed to users every time they log in. This displays info about general help and often current problems or upcoming outages. QCIF Training ( HPC, high performance computer, File systems
Basic Linux/Unix commands

A series of eight videos (each between 5 and 10 minutes long) following the content of the Software Carpentry workshop "The Unix Shell".

Sessions 1, 2 and 3 provide instructions on the minimal level of Linux/Unix commands recommended for new...

Keywords: HPC, high performance computer, Unix, Linux, Software Carpentry

Resource type: video, guide

Basic Linux/Unix commands A series of eight videos (each between 5 and 10 minutes long) following the content of the Software Carpentry workshop ["The Unix Shell"]( Sessions 1, 2 and 3 provide instructions on the minimal level of Linux/Unix commands recommended for new users of HPC. 1 – An overview of how to find out where a user is in the filesystem, list the files there, and how to get help on Unix commands 2 – How to move around the file system and change into other directories 3 – Explains the difference between an absolute and relative path 4 – Overview of how to create new directories, and to create and edit new files with nano 5 – How to use the vi editor to edit files 6 – Overview of file viewers available 7 – How to copy and move files and directories 8 – How to remove files and directories Further details and exercises with solutions can be found on the Software Carpentry "The Unix Shell" page ( QCIF Training ( HPC, high performance computer, Unix, Linux, Software Carpentry
Transferring files and data

A short video outlining the basics on how to use FileZilla to establish a secure file transfer protocol (sftp) connection to HPC to use a drag and drop interface to transfer files between the HPC and a desktop computer.

Keywords: sftp, file transfer, HPC, high performance computer

Resource type: video, guide

Transferring files and data A short video outlining the basics on how to use FileZilla to establish a secure file transfer protocol (sftp) connection to HPC to use a drag and drop interface to transfer files between the HPC and a desktop computer. QCIF Training ( sftp, file transfer, HPC, high performance computer
Connecting to HPC

A series of three short videos introducing how to use PuTTY to connect from a Windows PC to a secure HPC (high performance computing) cluster.

1 - The very basics on how to establish a connection to HPC.
2 - How to add more specific options for the connection to HPC.
3 - How to save the...

Keywords: HPC, high performance computer, ssh

Resource type: video, guide

Connecting to HPC A series of three short videos introducing how to use PuTTY to connect from a Windows PC to a secure HPC (high performance computing) cluster. 1 - The very basics on how to establish a connection to HPC. 2 - How to add more specific options for the connection to HPC. 3 - How to save the details and options for a connection for future use. QCIF Training ( HPC, high performance computer, ssh