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Keywords: FAIR 


Authors: Natasha Simons  or Unsworth, Kathryn (orcid: 0... 

ARDC Skills Landscape

The Australian Research Data Commons is driving transformational change in the research data ecosystem, enabling researchers to conduct world class data-intensive research. One interconnected component of this ecosystem is skills development/uplift, which is critical to the Commons and its...

Keywords: skills, data skills, eresearch skills, community, skilled workforce, FAIR, research data management, data stewardship, data governance, data use, data generation, training material

ARDC Skills Landscape The Australian Research Data Commons is driving transformational change in the research data ecosystem, enabling researchers to conduct world class data-intensive research. One interconnected component of this ecosystem is skills development/uplift, which is critical to the Commons and its purpose of providing Australian researchers with a competitive advantage through data.   In this presentation, Kathryn Unsworth introduces the ARDC Skills Landscape. The Landscape is a first step in developing a national skills framework to enable a coordinated and cohesive approach to skills development across the Australian eResearch sector. It is also a first step towards helping to analyse current approaches in data training to identify: - Siloed skills initiatives, and finding ways to build partnerships and improve collaboration - Skills deficits, and working to address the gaps in data skills - Areas of skills development for investment by skills stakeholders like universities, research organisations, skills and training service providers, ARDC, etc. skills, data skills, eresearch skills, community, skilled workforce, FAIR, research data management, data stewardship, data governance, data use, data generation, training material
ARDC Training Materials Metadata Checklist v1.1

The ARDC Training Materials Metadata Checklist aims to support learning designers, training materials creators, trainers and national training infrastructure providers to capture key information and apply appropriate mechanisms to enable sharing and reuse of their training materials

Keywords: checklist, Training material, FAIR, standard, requirements, metadata

ARDC Training Materials Metadata Checklist v1.1 The ARDC Training Materials Metadata Checklist aims to support learning designers, training materials creators, trainers and national training infrastructure providers to capture key information and apply appropriate mechanisms to enable sharing and reuse of their training materials checklist, Training material, FAIR, standard, requirements, metadata