ARDC Guide to making software citable
A short guide to making software citable using a code repository, an ORCID and a licence.
Keywords: Software citation, Software publishing, Software registries, Software repositories, Research software, training material
ARDC Guide to making software citable
A short guide to making software citable using a code repository, an ORCID and a licence.
Liffers, Matthias (orcid: 0000-0002-3639-2080)
Honeyman, Tom (orcid: 0000-0001-9448-4023)
Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader)
Software citation, Software publishing, Software registries, Software repositories, Research software, training material
Software publishing, licensing, and citation
A short presentation for reuse includes speaker notes.
Making software citable using a code repository, an ORCID and a licence.
Keywords: Software citation, Software publishing, Software registries, Software Repositories, research Software, training material
Software publishing, licensing, and citation
A short presentation for reuse includes speaker notes.
Making software citable using a code repository, an ORCID and a licence.
Liffers, Matthias (orcid: 0000-0002-3639-2080)
Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader)
Software citation, Software publishing, Software registries, Software Repositories, research Software, training material
Heurist Tutorials
A set of video tutorials with accompanying walkthroughs for building your first Heurist database and website. The first three tutorials show you how to get started in Heurist. The five subsequent tutorials introduce you to the five main menus in the Heurist interface.
Keywords: Heurist, Data management, Data visualisation, Digital Humanities, Databasing, website
Resource type: tutorial
Heurist Tutorials
A set of video tutorials with accompanying walkthroughs for building your first Heurist database and website. The first three tutorials show you how to get started in Heurist. The five subsequent tutorials introduce you to the five main menus in the Heurist interface.
Falk, Michael
Johnson, Ian
Osmakov, Artem
Heurist, Data management, Data visualisation, Digital Humanities, Databasing, website