WORKSHOP: RNASeq: reads to differential genes and pathways
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop 'RNASeq: reads to differential genes and pathways'. This workshop took place over two, 3 hour sessions on 11 and 12 October 2023.Event descriptionRNA sequencing (RNAseq) is a popular and powerful technique...
Keywords: bioinformatics, transcriptomics, RNA-seq, RNAseq
WORKSHOP: RNASeq: reads to differential genes and pathways
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop 'RNASeq: reads to differential genes and pathways'. This workshop took place over two, 3 hour sessions on 11 and 12 October 2023.Event descriptionRNA sequencing (RNAseq) is a popular and powerful technique used to understand the activity of genes. Using differential gene profiling methods, we can use RNAseq data to gain valuable insights into gene activity and identify variability in gene expression between samples to understand the molecular pathways underpinning many different traits. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn RNAseq fundamentals as you process, analyse, and interpret the results from a real RNAseq experiment on the command-line. In session one, you will convert raw sequence reads to analysis-ready count data with the nf-core/rnaseq workflow. In session two, you'll work interactively in RStudio to identify differentially expressed genes,perform functional enrichment analysis, and visualise and interpret your results using popular and best practice R packages. This workshop was delivered as a part of the Australian BioCommons Bring Your Own Data Platforms Project and will provide you with an opportunity to explore services and infrastructure built specifically for life scientists working at the command line. By the end of the workshop, you will be familiar with Pawsey's Nimbus cloud platform and be able to process your own RNAseq datasets and perform differential expression analysis on the command-line. Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event.Lead trainers: Dr Georgina Samaha (Sydney Informatics Hub), Dr Nandan Deshpande (Sydney Informatics Hub)Facilitators: Ching-Yu Lu and Jessica Chung.Infrastructure provision: Audrey Stott (Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre), Alex Ip (AARNet)Host: Melissa Burke, Australian BioCommons Training materialsFiles and materials included in this record:Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc.Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file.Materials shared elsewhere:This workshop follows the tutorial 'Introduction to RNAseq workshop: reads to differential gene expression' developed by the Sydney Informatics Hub. supporting materials are available via GitHubRstudio rnaseq container: differential expression R notebook:
Melissa Burke (
Samaha, Georgina (orcid: 0000-0003-0419-1476)
Deshpande, Nandan (orcid: 0000-0002-0324-8728)
Lu, Ching-Yu
Chung, Jessica (orcid: 0000-0002-0627-0955)
Stott, Audrey
Ip, Alex (orcid: 0000-0001-8937-8904)
bioinformatics, transcriptomics, RNA-seq, RNAseq
WORKSHOP: Single cell RNAseq analysis in R
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop 'Single cell RNAseq analysis in R'. This workshop took place over two, 3.5 hour sessions on 26 and 27 October 2023.Event descriptionAnalysis and interpretation of single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq) data requires...
Keywords: bioinformatics, transcriptomics, single cell RNA-seq, Seurat, R statistical software
WORKSHOP: Single cell RNAseq analysis in R
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop 'Single cell RNAseq analysis in R'. This workshop took place over two, 3.5 hour sessions on 26 and 27 October 2023.Event descriptionAnalysis and interpretation of single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq) data requires dedicated workflows. In this hands-on workshop we will show you how to perform single cell analysis using Seurat - an R package for QC, analysis, and exploration of single-cell RNAseq data. We will discuss the 'why' behind each step and cover reading in the count data, quality control, filtering, normalisation, clustering, UMAP layout and identification of cluster markers. We will also explore various ways of visualising single cell expression data.This workshop is presented by the Australian BioCommons, Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation (QCIF) and the Monash Genomics and Bioinformatics Platform with the assistance of a network of facilitators from the national Bioinformatics Training Cooperative.Lead trainers: Sarah Williams, Adele Barugahare, Paul Harrison, Laura Perlaza JimenezFacilitators: Nick Matigan, Valentine Murigneux, Magdalena (Magda) AntczakInfrastructure provision: Uwe WinterCoordinator: Melissa BurkeTraining materialsMaterials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event.Files and materials included in this record:Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc.Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file.scRNAseq_Schedule (PDF): A breakdown of the topics and timings for the workshopMaterials shared elsewhere:This workshop follows the tutorial 'scRNAseq Analysis in R with Seurat' used to introduce key topics are available via GitHub material is based on the introductory Guided Clustering Tutorial tutorial from Seurat.It is also drawing from a similar workshop held by Monash Bioinformatics Platform Single-Cell-Workshop, with material here.
Melissa Burke (
Williams, Sarah
Barugahare, Adele (orcid: 0000-0002-8976-0094)
Harrison, Paul (orcid: 0000-0002-3980-268X)
Perlaza Jimenez, Laura (orcid: 0000-0002-8511-1134)
Matigan, Nicholas
Murigneux, Valentine (orcid: 0000-0002-1235-9462)
Antczak, Magdalena (orcid: 0000-0003-1503-1849)
Winter, Uwe
bioinformatics, transcriptomics, single cell RNA-seq, Seurat, R statistical software
WEBINAR: Getting started with RNAseq: Transforming raw reads into biological insights
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons webinar ‘Getting started with RNAseq: Transforming raw reads into biological insights’. This webinar took place on 6 September 2023.
Event description
RNA sequencing (RNAseq) is a powerful technique for...
Keywords: Bioinformatics, Transcriptomics, RNA-seq, RNAseq, Gene expression
WEBINAR: Getting started with RNAseq: Transforming raw reads into biological insights
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons webinar ‘Getting started with RNAseq: Transforming raw reads into biological insights’. This webinar took place on 6 September 2023.
Event description
RNA sequencing (RNAseq) is a powerful technique for investigating gene expression in biological samples. Processing and analysing RNAseq data involves multiple steps to align raw sequence reads to a reference genome, count the number of reads mapped to each gene, and perform statistical analyses to identify differentially expressed genes and functionally annotate them. RNAseq experiments have many different applications as we apply them to a variety of research questions and organisms. This diversity of applications can make it challenging to appreciate all the design considerations, processing requirements, and limitations of RNAseq experiments as they apply to you.
In this webinar, you will gain an understanding of the key considerations for designing and performing your own successful experiments with bulk RNA. We’ll start at the lab bench with RNA extraction, quality control, and library preparation, then move to the sequencing machine where you will make essential decisions about sequencing platforms, optimal sequencing depth, and the importance of replicates. We’ll talk about bioinformatics workflows for RNAseq data processing and the computational requirements of transforming raw sequencing reads to analysis-ready count data. Finally, we’ll discuss how to apply differential expression and functional enrichment analyses to gain biological insights from differentially expressed genes.
This webinar was developed by the Sydney Informatics Hub in collaboration with the Australian BioCommons.
Training materials
Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event.
Files and materials included in this record:
Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc.
Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file.
Getting started with RNAseq: A PDF copy of the slides presented during the webinar.
Materials shared elsewhere:
A recording of this webinar is available on the Australian BioCommons YouTube Channel:
Melissa Burke (
Deshpande, Nandan (orcid: 0000-0002-0324-8728)
Samaha, Georgina (orcid: 0000-0003-0419-1476)
Bioinformatics, Transcriptomics, RNA-seq, RNAseq, Gene expression
WORKSHOP: RNA-Seq: reads to differential genes and pathways
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘RNA-Seq: reads to differential genes and pathways’. This workshop took place over two, 3.5 hour sessions on 27 and 28 September 2022.
Event description
RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) is a common method used to...
Keywords: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Transcriptomics, RNA-seq, Workflows, Nextflow,
WORKSHOP: RNA-Seq: reads to differential genes and pathways
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘RNA-Seq: reads to differential genes and pathways’. This workshop took place over two, 3.5 hour sessions on 27 and 28 September 2022.
Event description
RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) is a common method used to understand the differences in gene expression and molecular pathways between two or more groups. This workshop introduces the fundamental concepts of RNA sequencing experiments and will allow you to try out the analysis using data from a study of Williams-Beuren Syndrome, a rare disease.
In the first part of the workshop you will learn how to convert sequence reads into analysis ready count data. To do this we will use nf-core/rnaseq - a portable, scalable, reproducible and publicly available workflow on Pawsey Nimbus Cloud. In the second part of the workshop you will use the count data you created to identify differential genes and pathways using R/Rstudio. By the end of the workshop, you should be able to perform your own RNA-seq analysis for differential gene expression and pathway analysis!
This workshop is presented by the Australian BioCommons and Sydney Informatics Hub with the assistance of a network of facilitators from the national Bioinformatics Training Cooperative.
Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event.
Files and materials included in this record:
Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc.
Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file.
RNAseq reads to differential genes and pathways - Additional Resources (PDF): Additional resources compiled by the Sydney Informatics Hub
rnaseq_DE_analysis_Day2.html: HTML version of code used on day 2 of the workshop
rnaseq_DE_analysis_Day2.Rmd: R Markdown version of code used on day 2 of the workshop
RNAseq reads to differential genes and pathways_Q_and_A (PDF): Archive of questions and their answers from the workshop Slack Channel.
Materials shared elsewhere:
This workshop follows the tutorial ‘RNA-seq: reads to differential gene expression workshop series’ developed by the Sydney Informatics Hub.
Melissa Burke (
Deshpande, Nandan (orcid: 0000-0002-0324-8728)
Chew, Tracy (orcid: 0000-0001-9529-7705)
Samaha, Georgina (orcid: 0000-0003-0419-1476)
Beecroft, Sarah (orcid: 0000-0002-3935-2279)
Morgan, Steven (orcid: 0000-0001-6038-6126)
Bioinformatics, Analysis, Transcriptomics, RNA-seq, Workflows, Nextflow,
WEBINAR: Portable, reproducible and scalable bioinformatics workflows using Nextflow and Pawsey Nimbus Cloud
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons webinar ‘Portable, reproducible and scalable bioinformatics workflows using Nextflow and Pawsey Nimbus Cloud’. This webinar took place on 20 September 2022.
Event description
Bioinformatics workflows can support...
Keywords: Bioinformatics, Workflows, Nextflow, Containerisation
WEBINAR: Portable, reproducible and scalable bioinformatics workflows using Nextflow and Pawsey Nimbus Cloud
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons webinar ‘Portable, reproducible and scalable bioinformatics workflows using Nextflow and Pawsey Nimbus Cloud’. This webinar took place on 20 September 2022.
Event description
Bioinformatics workflows can support portable, reproducible and scalable analysis of omics datasets but using workflows can be challenging for both beginners and experienced bioinformaticians. Beginners face a steep learning curve to be able to build and deploy their own bioinformatics workflows while those with more experience face challenges productionising and scaling code for custom workflows and big data.
Bioinformaticians across the world are using Nextflow to build and manage workflows. Many of these workflows are shared for others to use and supported by the community via So far, 39 workflows for omics data are available with another 23 under development. These workflows cover common analyses such as RNAseq, mapping, variant calling, single cell transcriptomics and more and can be easily deployed by anyone, regardless of skill level.
In this webinar, Nandan Deshpande from the Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney, will discuss how you can deploy freely available Nextflow ( bioinformatics workflows with a single command. We describe how you can quickly get started deploying these workflows using Pawsey Nimbus Cloud. For advanced users, we introduce you to Nextflow concepts to get you started with building your own workflows that will save you time and support reproducible, portable and scalable analysis.
In the latter half of the webinar, Sarah Beecroft from the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre will talk about their Nimbus Cloud systems. While Nextflow supports portability and can run on many computing infrastructures, we describe why we specifically love using Nimbus with Nextflow for many bioinformatics projects. We will describe some of the workflows that we have used on Nimbus and the research outcomes. We will also cover when not to use Nimbus and the alternatives we recommend.
Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event.
Files and materials included in this record:
Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc.
Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file.
Nextflow_Nimbus_slides (PDF): A PDF copy of the slides presented during the webinar.
Materials shared elsewhere:
A recording of this webinar is available on the Australian BioCommons YouTube Channel:
Melissa Burke (
Deshpande, Nandan (orcid: 0000-0002-0324-8728)
Beecroft, Sarah (orcid: 0000-0002-3935-2279)
Bioinformatics, Workflows, Nextflow, Containerisation
WORKSHOP: Single cell RNAseq analysis in R
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Single cell RNAseq analysis in R’. This workshop took place over two, 3.5 hour sessions on 22 and 3 August 2022.
Event description
Analysis and interpretation of single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq) data...
Keywords: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Transcriptomics, R software, Single cell RNAseq, scRNAseq
WORKSHOP: Single cell RNAseq analysis in R
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Single cell RNAseq analysis in R’. This workshop took place over two, 3.5 hour sessions on 22 and 3 August 2022.
Event description
Analysis and interpretation of single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq) data requires dedicated workflows. In this hands-on workshop we will show you how to perform single cell analysis using Seurat - an R package for QC, analysis, and exploration of single-cell RNAseq data.
We will discuss the ‘why’ behind each step and cover reading in the count data, quality control, filtering, normalisation, clustering, UMAP layout and identification of cluster markers. We will also explore various ways of visualising single cell expression data.
This workshop is presented by the Australian BioCommons and Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation (QCIF) with the assistance of a network of facilitators from the national Bioinformatics Training Cooperative.
Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event.
Files and materials included in this record:
Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc.
Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file.
scRNAseq_Slides (PDF): Slides used to introduce topics
scRNAseq_Schedule (PDF): A breakdown of the topics and timings for the workshop
scRNAseq_Resources (PDF): A list of resources recommended by trainers and participants
scRNAseq_QandA(PDF): Archive of questions and their answers from the workshop Slack Channel.
Materials shared elsewhere:
This workshop follows the tutorial ‘scRNAseq Analysis in R with Seurat’
This material is based on the introductory Guided Clustering Tutorial tutorial from Seurat.
It is also drawing from a similar workshop held by Monash Bioinformatics Platform Single-Cell-Workshop, with material here.
Melissa Burke (
Williams, Sarah
Mehdi, Ahmed (orcid: 0000-0002-9300-2341)
Matigan, Nick
Barugahare, Adele (orcid: 0000-0002-8976-0094)
Harrison, Paul (orcid: 0000-0002-3980-268X)
Morgan, Steven (orcid: 0000-0001-6038-6126)
Whitfield, Holly (orcid: 0000-0002-7282-387X)
Bioinformatics, Analysis, Transcriptomics, R software, Single cell RNAseq, scRNAseq
WORKSHOP: Working with genomics sequences and features in R with Bioconductor
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Working with genomics sequences and features in R with Bioconductor’. This workshop took place on 23 September 2021.
Workshop description
Explore the many useful functions that the Bioconductor...
Keywords: R software, Bioconductor, Bioinformatics, Analysis, Genomics, Sequence analysis
WORKSHOP: Working with genomics sequences and features in R with Bioconductor
This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Working with genomics sequences and features in R with Bioconductor’. This workshop took place on 23 September 2021.
Workshop description
Explore the many useful functions that the Bioconductor environment offers for working with genomic data and other biological sequences.
DNA and proteins are often represented as files containing strings of nucleic acids or amino acids. They are associated with text files that provide additional contextual information such as genome annotations.
This workshop provides hands-on experience with tools, software and packages available in R via Bioconductor for manipulating, exploring and extracting information from biological sequences and annotation files. We will look at tools for working with some commonly used file formats including FASTA, GFF3, GTF, methods for identifying regions of interest, and easy methods for obtaining data packages such as genome assemblies.
This workshop is presented by the Australian BioCommons and Monash Bioinformatics Platform with the assistance of a network of facilitators from the national Bioinformatics Training Cooperative.
Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event.
Files and materials included in this record:
Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc.
Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file.
Schedule (PDF): schedule for the workshop providing a breakdown of topics and timings
Materials shared elsewhere:
This workshop follows the tutorial ‘Working with DNA sequences and features in R with Bioconductor - version 2’ developed for Monash Bioinformatics Platform and Monash Data Fluency by Paul Harrison.
Melissa Burke (
Harrison, Paul (orcid: 0000-0002-3980-268X)
Deshpande, Nandan (orcid: 0000-0002-0324-8728)
Barugahare, Adele (orcid: 0000-0002-8976-0094)
Perry, Andrew (orcid: 0000-0001-9256-6068)
Wong, Nick (orcid: 0000-0003-4393-7541)
Reames, Benjamin
R software, Bioconductor, Bioinformatics, Analysis, Genomics, Sequence analysis
Git for RStudio: streamline your version control workflow
Learn how to use Git and RStudio together for version control and collaboration. We provide hands-on assistance in getting Git and RStudio to communicate effectively. This Masterclass will highlight the importance of making collaboration transparent for everyone, as well as the benefits of using...
Keywords: Git, RStudio, training material
Git for RStudio: streamline your version control workflow
Learn how to use Git and RStudio together for version control and collaboration. We provide hands-on assistance in getting Git and RStudio to communicate effectively. This Masterclass will highlight the importance of making collaboration transparent for everyone, as well as the benefits of using version control to maintain a clear and comprehensive record of project development, and keep your projects organized and reproducible.
*The Sydney Informatics Hub is a Core Research Facility at The University of Sydney, enabling excellence in research* [](
Deshpande, Nandan (orcid: 0000-0002-0324-8728)
Git, RStudio, training material