Register training material
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Keywords: code 


Authors: Dow, Ellen (orcid: 0000-000...  or Liffers, Matthias (orcid: 0...  or Australian Research Data Co... 

How can software containers help your research?

This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility. 

Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of a...

Keywords: containers, software, research, reproducibility, RSE, standard, agility, portable, reusable, code, application, reproducible, standardisation, package, system, cloud, server, version, reliability, program, collaborator, ARDC_AU, training material

How can software containers help your research? This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility.  Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of a replicable computational environment and supports reproducibility of research results. Understanding the concept of software containers enables researchers to better communicate their research needs with their colleagues and other researchers using and developing containers. Watch the video here: If you want to share this video please use this: Australian Research Data Commons, 2021. How can software containers help your research?. [video] Available at: DOI: [Accessed dd Month YYYY]. Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader) Sam Muirhead (type: Producer) The ARDC Communications Team (type: Editor) The ARDC Skills and Workforce Development Team (type: ProjectMember) The ARDC eResearch Infrastructure & Services (type: ProjectMember) The ARDC Nectar Cloud Services team (type: ProjectMember) containers, software, research, reproducibility, RSE, standard, agility, portable, reusable, code, application, reproducible, standardisation, package, system, cloud, server, version, reliability, program, collaborator, ARDC_AU, training material
Software publishing, licensing and citation

This presentation was part of an “Orientation to ARDC services and expertise” series, specifically aimed at people involved in one of the ARDC co-investment projects commencing early 2021. In addition to co-investment of money, ARDC contributes expertise and services in a range of areas: research...

Keywords: software, code, Repositories, code sharing, training material

Software publishing, licensing and citation This presentation was part of an “Orientation to ARDC services and expertise” series, specifically aimed at people involved in one of the ARDC co-investment projects commencing early 2021. In addition to co-investment of money, ARDC contributes expertise and services in a range of areas: research vocabularies, persistent identifiers, data discovery catalogues, metadata issues, licensing, governance, underpinning infrastructure (e.g. Nectar Research Cloud) and more. ARDC can also connect projects to national and international communities and initiatives trying to solve common challenges and outline best practice. This session explained why and how to publish, licence and cite software. A video recording of this session can also be found on ARDC's YouTube channel: software, code, Repositories, code sharing, training material