Register training material
20 materials found

Authors: Barlow, Melanie (orcid: 000...  or Emilia Decker  or Bonu, Tarun (orcid: 0000-00...  or Australian Research Data Co... 

HeSANDA & Health Data Australia FAQ

This document provides answers to common questions about the Health Studies Australian National Data Asset (HeSANDA), and the Health Data Australia (HDA), including the usage of the health data platform, sharing, contributing and accessing clinital trails data, governance, and potential risks. 

Keywords: HeSANDA, Frequently asked Questions, Health Data Australia, training material

HeSANDA & Health Data Australia FAQ This document provides answers to common questions about the Health Studies Australian National Data Asset (HeSANDA), and the Health Data Australia (HDA), including the usage of the health data platform, sharing, contributing and accessing clinital trails data, governance, and potential risks. Australian Research Data Commons (type: Editor) Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (type: Editor) Melbourne Academic Centre for Health (type: Editor) Mental Health Node (type: Editor) The Queensland Node (type: Editor) Sydney Health Partners Node (type: Editor) Western Australia Node (type: Editor) Monash University and Monash Partners Node (type: Editor) Health Translation South Australia (type: Editor) National Cancer Cooperative Trials Groups (type: Editor) Northern Australia Node (type: Editor) HeSANDA, Frequently asked Questions, Health Data Australia, training material
Research Data Governance

This video contains key information for those who make research data-related decisions. It will help project leaders to start investigating ways to develop their own data governance policy, roles and responsibilities and procedures with the input of appropriate stakeholders.

If you want to share...

Keywords: data governance, data, research, FAIR, data management, authority, share, reuse, access, provenance, policy, responsibilities, ARDC_AU, training material

Research Data Governance This video contains key information for those who make research data-related decisions. It will help project leaders to start investigating ways to develop their own data governance policy, roles and responsibilities and procedures with the input of appropriate stakeholders. If you want to share the video please use this: Australian Research Data Commons, 2021. Research Data Governance. [video] Available at:  DOI: [Accessed dd Month YYYY]. Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader) Wilkinson, Max (type: Editor) Callaghan,Shannon (type: Editor) Savill, Jo (type: Editor) Kang, Kristan (type: Editor) Levett, Kerry (type: Editor) Russell, Keith (type: Editor) Simons, Natasha (type: Editor) data governance, data, research, FAIR, data management, authority, share, reuse, access, provenance, policy, responsibilities, ARDC_AU, training material
How can software containers help your research?

This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility. 

Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of a...

Keywords: containers, software, research, reproducibility, RSE, standard, agility, portable, reusable, code, application, reproducible, standardisation, package, system, cloud, server, version, reliability, program, collaborator, ARDC_AU, training material

How can software containers help your research? This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility.  Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of a replicable computational environment and supports reproducibility of research results. Understanding the concept of software containers enables researchers to better communicate their research needs with their colleagues and other researchers using and developing containers. Watch the video here: If you want to share this video please use this: Australian Research Data Commons, 2021. How can software containers help your research?. [video] Available at: DOI: [Accessed dd Month YYYY]. Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader) Sam Muirhead (type: Producer) The ARDC Communications Team (type: Editor) The ARDC Skills and Workforce Development Team (type: ProjectMember) The ARDC eResearch Infrastructure & Services (type: ProjectMember) The ARDC Nectar Cloud Services team (type: ProjectMember) containers, software, research, reproducibility, RSE, standard, agility, portable, reusable, code, application, reproducible, standardisation, package, system, cloud, server, version, reliability, program, collaborator, ARDC_AU, training material
Institutional Research Data Management Policies and Procedures

This is a guide for those developing or updating policies and procedures related to the management of research data as an institutional asset.
The guide covers:
- Why have a research data management policy or policies?
- Possible approaches to constructing a research data policy suite
- Examples...

Keywords: research data, research data management, institutional data policies, institutional data procedures, institutional research data management, RDM, Australia, Australian research institutions, ARDC, Australian Research Data Commons, training material

Institutional Research Data Management Policies and Procedures This is a guide for those developing or updating policies and procedures related to the management of research data as an institutional asset. The guide covers: - Why have a research data management policy or policies? - Possible approaches to constructing a research data policy suite - Examples of data management policies - Key topics to include in a research data policy suite - Checklist for a Research Data Management Policy for Australian Universities / Institutions research data, research data management, institutional data policies, institutional data procedures, institutional research data management, RDM, Australia, Australian research institutions, ARDC, Australian Research Data Commons, training material
ML4AU: Trainings, trainers and building an ML community

This lightning talk provides an update on the current state of machine lerning training activities. Additionally, the talk will introduce the training portal on the ML4AU website, which has been created to address some of the challenges faced by the trainer community.

You can watch the YouTube...

Keywords: machine learning, training, skills, community of practice, trainers, training material

ML4AU: Trainings, trainers and building an ML community This lightning talk provides an update on the current state of machine lerning training activities. Additionally, the talk will introduce the training portal on the ML4AU website, which has been created to address some of the challenges faced by the trainer community. You can watch the YouTube video here: machine learning, training, skills, community of practice, trainers, training material
ARDC Research Data Rights Management Guide

A practical guide for people and organisations working with data, about rights information and licences, and to raise awareness of the implications of not having licences on data.

Who is this for? This guide is primarily directed toward members of the research sector, particularly data rights...

Keywords: data, rights, management, licence, licensing, research, policy, guide, training material

ARDC Research Data Rights Management Guide A practical guide for people and organisations working with data, about rights information and licences, and to raise awareness of the implications of not having licences on data. Who is this for? This guide is primarily directed toward members of the research sector, particularly data rights holders users and suppliers. Some general reference is made to characteristics and management of government data, acknowledging that this kind of data can be input to the research process. Government readers should consult their agency’s data management policies, in addition to reading this guide. Laughlin, Greg (type: Editor) Appleyard, Baden (type: Editor) data, rights, management, licence, licensing, research, policy, guide, training material
ARDC Research Software Rights Management Guide

How researchers may license their research software in order to share it with others.

It addresses the types of open‑source licences, and considerations you (as a researcher) should have in deciding which licence to adopt for sharing.

Keywords: Software citation, Software licensing, Software, research software, licence, License, training material

ARDC Research Software Rights Management Guide How researchers may license their research software in order to share it with others. It addresses the types of open‑source licences, and considerations you (as a researcher) should have in deciding which licence to adopt for sharing. Laughlin, Greg (type: Editor) Appleyard, Baden (type: Editor) Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader) Software citation, Software licensing, Software, research software, licence, License, training material
ARDC FAIR Data 101 self-guided

FAIR Data 101 v3.0 is a self-guided course covering the FAIR Data principles

The FAIR Data 101 virtual course was designed and delivered by the ARDC Skilled Workforce Program twice in 2020 and has now been reworked as a self-guided course.

The course structure was based on 'FAIR Data in the...

Keywords: training material, FAIR data, video, webinar, activities, quiz, FAIR, research data management

ARDC FAIR Data 101 self-guided FAIR Data 101 v3.0 is a self-guided course covering the FAIR Data principles The FAIR Data 101 virtual course was designed and delivered by the ARDC Skilled Workforce Program twice in 2020 and has now been reworked as a self-guided course. The course structure was based on 'FAIR Data in the Scholarly Communications Lifecycle', run by Natasha Simons at the FORCE11 Scholarly Communications Institute. These training materials are hosted on GitHub. training material, FAIR data, video, webinar, activities, quiz, FAIR, research data management
Why am I being asked for metadata about my research data?

Find out why metadata are important for your research data collection. This brochure shares the reasons why researchers should use metadata for their data collections.

This brochure was prepared for the ARDC Data Retention Project...

Keywords: metadata, research data, data collections, data citation, data retention project, training material

Why am I being asked for metadata about my research data? Find out why metadata are important for your research data collection. This brochure shares the reasons why researchers should use metadata for their data collections. This brochure was prepared for the ARDC Data Retention Project It is for researchers at any institution in Australia. metadata, research data, data collections, data citation, data retention project, training material
Health Studies Australian National Data Asset (HeSANDA) flyer

Health Studies Australian National Data Asset (HeSANDA) - Digital FlyerReusing data to accelerate research and better health outcomes

Keywords: clinical trial, dataset, training material

Health Studies Australian National Data Asset (HeSANDA) flyer Health Studies Australian National Data Asset (HeSANDA) - Digital FlyerReusing data to accelerate research and better health outcomes clinical trial, dataset, training material
Research Data Governance

This video contains key information for those who make research data-related decisions. It will help project leaders to start investigating ways to develop their own data governance policy, roles and responsibilities and procedures with the input of appropriate stakeholders.

If you want to share...

Keywords: data governance, data, research, FAIR, data management, authority, share, reuse, access, provenance, policy, responsibilities, ARDC_AU, training material

Research Data Governance This video contains key information for those who make research data-related decisions. It will help project leaders to start investigating ways to develop their own data governance policy, roles and responsibilities and procedures with the input of appropriate stakeholders. If you want to share the video please use this: Australian Research Data Commons, 2021. Research Data Governance. [video] Available at:  DOI: [Accessed dd Month YYYY]. Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader) Wilkinson, Max (type: Editor) Callaghan,Shannon (type: Editor) Savill, Jo (type: Editor) Kang, Kristan (type: Editor) Levett, Kerry (type: Editor) Russell, Keith (type: Editor) Simons, Natasha (type: Editor) data governance, data, research, FAIR, data management, authority, share, reuse, access, provenance, policy, responsibilities, ARDC_AU, training material
Why am I being asked for metadata about my research data?

Find out why metadata are important for your research data collection. This brochure shares the reasons why researchers should use metadata for their data collections.

This brochure was prepared for the ARDC Data Retention Project...

Keywords: metadata, research data, data collections, data citation, data retention project, training material

Why am I being asked for metadata about my research data? Find out why metadata are important for your research data collection. This brochure shares the reasons why researchers should use metadata for their data collections. This brochure was prepared for the ARDC Data Retention Project It is for researchers at any institution in Australia. metadata, research data, data collections, data citation, data retention project, training material
ML4AU: Trainings, trainers and building an ML community

This lightning talk provides an update on the current state of machine lerning training activities. Additionally, the talk will introduce the training portal on the ML4AU website, which has been created to address some of the challenges faced by the trainer community.

You can watch the YouTube...

Keywords: machine learning, training, skills, community of practice, trainers, training material

ML4AU: Trainings, trainers and building an ML community This lightning talk provides an update on the current state of machine lerning training activities. Additionally, the talk will introduce the training portal on the ML4AU website, which has been created to address some of the challenges faced by the trainer community. You can watch the YouTube video here: machine learning, training, skills, community of practice, trainers, training material
Institutional Research Data Management Policies and Procedures

This is a guide for those developing or updating policies and procedures related to the management of research data as an institutional asset.
The guide covers:
- Why have a research data management policy or policies?
- Possible approaches to constructing a research data policy suite
- Examples...

Keywords: research data, research data management, institutional data policies, institutional data procedures, institutional research data management, RDM, Australia, Australian research institutions, ARDC, Australian Research Data Commons, training material

Institutional Research Data Management Policies and Procedures This is a guide for those developing or updating policies and procedures related to the management of research data as an institutional asset. The guide covers: - Why have a research data management policy or policies? - Possible approaches to constructing a research data policy suite - Examples of data management policies - Key topics to include in a research data policy suite - Checklist for a Research Data Management Policy for Australian Universities / Institutions research data, research data management, institutional data policies, institutional data procedures, institutional research data management, RDM, Australia, Australian research institutions, ARDC, Australian Research Data Commons, training material
ARDC FAIR Data 101 self-guided

FAIR Data 101 v3.0 is a self-guided course covering the FAIR Data principles

The FAIR Data 101 virtual course was designed and delivered by the ARDC Skilled Workforce Program twice in 2020 and has now been reworked as a self-guided course.

The course structure was based on 'FAIR Data in the...

Keywords: training material, FAIR data, video, webinar, activities, quiz, FAIR, research data management

ARDC FAIR Data 101 self-guided FAIR Data 101 v3.0 is a self-guided course covering the FAIR Data principles The FAIR Data 101 virtual course was designed and delivered by the ARDC Skilled Workforce Program twice in 2020 and has now been reworked as a self-guided course. The course structure was based on 'FAIR Data in the Scholarly Communications Lifecycle', run by Natasha Simons at the FORCE11 Scholarly Communications Institute. These training materials are hosted on GitHub. training material, FAIR data, video, webinar, activities, quiz, FAIR, research data management
ARDC Research Software Rights Management Guide

How researchers may license their research software in order to share it with others.

It addresses the types of open‑source licences, and considerations you (as a researcher) should have in deciding which licence to adopt for sharing.

Keywords: Software citation, Software licensing, Software, research software, licence, License, training material

ARDC Research Software Rights Management Guide How researchers may license their research software in order to share it with others. It addresses the types of open‑source licences, and considerations you (as a researcher) should have in deciding which licence to adopt for sharing. Laughlin, Greg (type: Editor) Appleyard, Baden (type: Editor) Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader) Software citation, Software licensing, Software, research software, licence, License, training material
ARDC Research Data Rights Management Guide

A practical guide for people and organisations working with data, about rights information and licences, and to raise awareness of the implications of not having licences on data.

Who is this for? This guide is primarily directed toward members of the research sector, particularly data rights...

Keywords: data, rights, management, licence, licensing, research, policy, guide, training material

ARDC Research Data Rights Management Guide A practical guide for people and organisations working with data, about rights information and licences, and to raise awareness of the implications of not having licences on data. Who is this for? This guide is primarily directed toward members of the research sector, particularly data rights holders users and suppliers. Some general reference is made to characteristics and management of government data, acknowledging that this kind of data can be input to the research process. Government readers should consult their agency’s data management policies, in addition to reading this guide. Laughlin, Greg (type: Editor) Appleyard, Baden (type: Editor) data, rights, management, licence, licensing, research, policy, guide, training material
How can software containers help your research?

This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility. 

Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of a...

Keywords: containers, software, research, reproducibility, RSE, standard, agility, portable, reusable, code, application, reproducible, standardisation, package, system, cloud, server, version, reliability, program, collaborator, ARDC_AU, training material

How can software containers help your research? This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility.  Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of a replicable computational environment and supports reproducibility of research results. Understanding the concept of software containers enables researchers to better communicate their research needs with their colleagues and other researchers using and developing containers. Watch the video here: If you want to share this video please use this: Australian Research Data Commons, 2021. How can software containers help your research?. [video] Available at: DOI: [Accessed dd Month YYYY]. Martinez, Paula Andrea (type: ProjectLeader) Sam Muirhead (type: Producer) The ARDC Communications Team (type: Editor) The ARDC Skills and Workforce Development Team (type: ProjectMember) The ARDC eResearch Infrastructure & Services (type: ProjectMember) The ARDC Nectar Cloud Services team (type: ProjectMember) containers, software, research, reproducibility, RSE, standard, agility, portable, reusable, code, application, reproducible, standardisation, package, system, cloud, server, version, reliability, program, collaborator, ARDC_AU, training material
Research Data Governance

This video contains key information for those who make research data-related decisions. It will help project leaders to start investigating ways to develop their own data governance policy, roles and responsibilities and procedures with the input of appropriate stakeholders.


Keywords: data governance, research data

Resource type: video

Research Data Governance This video contains key information for those who make research data-related decisions. It will help project leaders to start investigating ways to develop their own data governance policy, roles and responsibilities and procedures with the input of appropriate stakeholders. **Cite as** Australian Research Data Commons. (2021, June 30). Research Data Governance. Zenodo. ARDC contact: Max Wilkinson Shannon Callaghan Jo Savill Kristan Kang Kerry Levett Keith Russell Natasha Simons data governance, research data ecr researcher support
How can Software Containers help your Research?

This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility.

Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of...

Keywords: Containers, software containers, reproducibility, replicable computational environment, software, research, reusable, cloud, standardisation

Resource type: video

How can Software Containers help your Research? This video explains software containers to a research audience. It is an introduction to why containers are beneficial for research. These benefits are standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility. Software Containers in research are a solution that addresses the challenge of a replicable computational environment and supports reproducibility of research results. Understanding the concept of software containers enables researchers to better communicate their research needs with their colleagues and other researchers using and developing containers. **Cite as** Australian Research Data Commons. (2021, July 26). How can software containers help your research?. Zenodo. Contact us: Containers, software containers, reproducibility, replicable computational environment, software, research, reusable, cloud, standardisation phd ecr researcher support