1 material found
Keywords: requirements
Authors: Barlow, Melanie (orcid: 000... or Dungan, Ashley (orcid: 0000... or Martinez, Paula Andrea (orc...
ARDC Training Materials Metadata Checklist v1.1
The ARDC Training Materials Metadata Checklist aims to support learning designers, training materials creators, trainers and national training infrastructure providers to capture key information and apply appropriate mechanisms to enable sharing and reuse of their training materials
ARDC Training Materials Metadata Checklist v1.1
The ARDC Training Materials Metadata Checklist aims to support learning designers, training materials creators, trainers and national training infrastructure providers to capture key information and apply appropriate mechanisms to enable sharing and reuse of their training materials
Martinez, Paula Andrea (orcid: 0000-0002-8990-1985)
Unsworth, Kathryn (orcid: 0000-0002-5407-9987)
checklist, Training material, FAIR, standard, requirements, metadata