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7 materials found

Authors: Barlow, Melanie (orcid: 000...  or Brady, Catherine (orcid: 00...  or Barugahare, Adele (orcid: 0... 

WORKSHOP: Genetic Outlier Analysis

This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Genetic Outlier Analysis’. 
These workshops took place on:

27 - 28 February 2024: Online via Zoom
10 - 11 April 2024: In person in Melbourne
4 - 5 July 2024: In person in Sydney 

Event description

Keywords: Bioinformatics, Genetics

WORKSHOP: Genetic Outlier Analysis This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Genetic Outlier Analysis’.  These workshops took place on: 27 - 28 February 2024: Online via Zoom 10 - 11 April 2024: In person in Melbourne 4 - 5 July 2024: In person in Sydney  Event description There are many interesting patterns that you can extract from genetic variant data. This can include patterns of linkage, balancing selection, or even inbreeding signals. One of the most common approaches is to find sites on the genome that are under selection.  This workshop introduces the basics of genetic selection analysis. It will step you through the process of identifying signals of selection using your own data (or an example genomic dataset) using the outlier analysis method.  Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event. This workshop is presented by the Australian BioCommons and the Genetics Society of AustralAsia Lead trainer:  Dr Katarina Stuart, Research Fellow, University of Auckland.  Facilitators: Adele Barugahare, Monash Genomics and Bioinformatics Platform  Dr Georgina Samaha, Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney  Dr Ching-Yu Lu, Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney Soleille Miller, University of NSW Dr Nandan Deshpande, Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney   Infrastructure provision: Audrey Stott, Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre Host: Dr Melissa Burke, Australian BioCommons Training materials Files and materials included in this record: Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc. Schedules describing the timing of sessions for the in person and online events Materials shared elsewhere: These workshops followed the materials developed by Dr Katarina Stuart   Melissa Burke ( Bioinformatics, Genetics
WORKSHOP: Single cell RNAseq analysis in R

This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop 'Single cell RNAseq analysis in R'. This workshop took place over two, 3.5 hour sessions on 26 and 27 October 2023.Event descriptionAnalysis and interpretation of single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq) data requires...

Keywords: bioinformatics, transcriptomics, single cell RNA-seq, Seurat, R statistical software

WORKSHOP: Single cell RNAseq analysis in R This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop 'Single cell RNAseq analysis in R'. This workshop took place over two, 3.5 hour sessions on 26 and 27 October 2023.Event descriptionAnalysis and interpretation of single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq) data requires dedicated workflows. In this hands-on workshop we will show you how to perform single cell analysis using Seurat - an R package for QC, analysis, and exploration of single-cell RNAseq data. We will discuss the 'why' behind each step and cover reading in the count data, quality control, filtering, normalisation, clustering, UMAP layout and identification of cluster markers. We will also explore various ways of visualising single cell expression data.This workshop is presented by the Australian BioCommons, Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation (QCIF) and the Monash Genomics and Bioinformatics Platform with the assistance of a network of facilitators from the national Bioinformatics Training Cooperative.Lead trainers: Sarah Williams, Adele Barugahare, Paul Harrison, Laura Perlaza JimenezFacilitators: Nick Matigan, Valentine Murigneux, Magdalena (Magda) AntczakInfrastructure provision: Uwe WinterCoordinator: Melissa BurkeTraining materialsMaterials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event.Files and materials included in this record:Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc.Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file.scRNAseq_Schedule (PDF): A breakdown of the topics and timings for the workshopMaterials shared elsewhere:This workshop follows the tutorial 'scRNAseq Analysis in R with Seurat' used to introduce key topics are available via GitHub material is based on the introductory Guided Clustering Tutorial tutorial from Seurat.It is also drawing from a similar workshop held by Monash Bioinformatics Platform Single-Cell-Workshop, with material here.   Melissa Burke ( bioinformatics, transcriptomics, single cell RNA-seq, Seurat, R statistical software
WORKSHOP: Single cell RNAseq analysis in R

This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Single cell RNAseq analysis in R’. This workshop took place over two, 3.5 hour sessions on 22 and 3 August 2022.

Event description

Analysis and interpretation of single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq) data...

Keywords: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Transcriptomics, R software, Single cell RNAseq, scRNAseq

WORKSHOP: Single cell RNAseq analysis in R This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Single cell RNAseq analysis in R’. This workshop took place over two, 3.5 hour sessions on 22 and 3 August 2022. Event description Analysis and interpretation of single cell RNAseq (scRNAseq) data requires dedicated workflows. In this hands-on workshop we will show you how to perform single cell analysis using Seurat - an R package for QC, analysis, and exploration of single-cell RNAseq data.  We will discuss the ‘why’ behind each step and cover reading in the count data, quality control, filtering, normalisation, clustering, UMAP layout and identification of cluster markers. We will also explore various ways of visualising single cell expression data. This workshop is presented by the Australian BioCommons and Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation (QCIF) with the assistance of a network of facilitators from the national Bioinformatics Training Cooperative.   Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event. Files and materials included in this record: Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc. Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file. scRNAseq_Slides (PDF): Slides used to introduce topics scRNAseq_Schedule (PDF): A breakdown of the topics and timings for the workshop scRNAseq_Resources (PDF): A list of resources recommended by trainers and participants scRNAseq_QandA(PDF): Archive of questions and their answers from the workshop Slack Channel.   Materials shared elsewhere: This workshop follows the tutorial ‘scRNAseq Analysis in R with Seurat’ This material is based on the introductory Guided Clustering Tutorial tutorial from Seurat. It is also drawing from a similar workshop held by Monash Bioinformatics Platform Single-Cell-Workshop, with material here. Melissa Burke ( Bioinformatics, Analysis, Transcriptomics, R software, Single cell RNAseq, scRNAseq
WORKSHOP: R: fundamental skills for biologists

This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘R: fundamental skills for biologists’. This workshop took place over four, three-hour sessions on 1, 8, 15 and 22 June 2022.


Event description

Biologists need data analysis skills to be able to...

Keywords: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Statistics, R software, RStudio, Data visualisation

WORKSHOP: R: fundamental skills for biologists This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘R: fundamental skills for biologists’. This workshop took place over four, three-hour sessions on 1, 8, 15 and 22 June 2022.   Event description Biologists need data analysis skills to be able to interpret, visualise and communicate their research results. While Excel can cover some data analysis needs, there is a better choice, particularly for large and complex datasets.  R is a free, open-source software and programming language that enables data exploration, statistical analysis, visualisation and more. The large variety of R packages available for analysing biological data make it a robust and flexible option for data of all shapes and sizes.  Getting started can be a little daunting for those without a background in statistics and programming. In this workshop we will equip you with the foundations for getting the most out of R and RStudio, an interactive way of structuring and keeping track of your work in R. Using biological data from a model of influenza infection, you will learn how to efficiently and reproducibly organise, read, wrangle, analyse, visualise and generate reports from your data in R. Topics covered in this workshop include: Spreadsheets, organising data and first steps with R Manipulating and analysing data with dplyr Data visualisation Summarized experiments and getting started with Bioconductor   This workshop is presented by the Australian BioCommons and Saskia Freytag from WEHI  with the assistance of a network of facilitators from the national Bioinformatics Training Cooperative. Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event. Files and materials included in this record: Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc. Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file. Schedule (PDF): A breakdown of the topics and timings for the workshop Recommended resources (PDF): A list of resources recommended by trainers and participants Q_and_A(PDF): Archive of questions and their answers from the workshop Slack Channel. Materials shared elsewhere:   This workshop follows the tutorial ‘Introduction to data analysis with R and Bioconductor’ which is publicly available. This is derived from material produced as part of The Carpentries Incubator project Melissa Burke ( Bioinformatics, Analysis, Statistics, R software, RStudio, Data visualisation
WORKSHOP: Working with genomics sequences and features in R with Bioconductor

This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Working with genomics sequences and features in R with Bioconductor’. This workshop took place on 23 September 2021.

Workshop description

Explore the many useful functions that the Bioconductor...

Keywords: R software, Bioconductor, Bioinformatics, Analysis, Genomics, Sequence analysis

WORKSHOP: Working with genomics sequences and features in R with Bioconductor This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons workshop ‘Working with genomics sequences and features in R with Bioconductor’. This workshop took place on 23 September 2021. Workshop description Explore the many useful functions that the Bioconductor environment offers for working with genomic data and other biological sequences.  DNA and proteins are often represented as files containing strings of nucleic acids or amino acids. They are associated with text files that provide additional contextual information such as genome annotations. This workshop provides hands-on experience with tools, software and packages available in R via Bioconductor for manipulating, exploring and extracting information from biological sequences and annotation files. We will look at tools for working with some commonly used file formats including FASTA, GFF3, GTF, methods for identifying regions of interest, and easy methods for obtaining data packages such as genome assemblies.  This workshop is presented by the Australian BioCommons and Monash Bioinformatics Platform with the assistance of a network of facilitators from the national Bioinformatics Training Cooperative. Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event. Files and materials included in this record: Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc. Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file. Schedule (PDF): schedule for the workshop providing a breakdown of topics and timings   Materials shared elsewhere: This workshop follows the tutorial ‘Working with DNA sequences and features in R with Bioconductor - version 2’ developed for Monash Bioinformatics Platform and Monash Data Fluency by Paul Harrison. Melissa Burke ( R software, Bioconductor, Bioinformatics, Analysis, Genomics, Sequence analysis
23 (research data) Things

23 (research data) things is a set of training materials exploring research data management. Each of the 23 things offers a variety of learning opportunities with activities at three levels of complexity:

  • Getting started
  • Learn more
  • Challenge me

All resources used in the program are online...

Keywords: research data management, training material

23 (research data) Things 23 (research data) things is a set of training materials exploring research data management. Each of the 23 things offers a variety of learning opportunities with activities at three levels of complexity: * Getting started * Learn more * Challenge me All resources used in the program are online and free to use and reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. You could use all of them as a self-paced course, or choose components to integrate into your own course. The 23 things are designed to build knowledge as the program progresses, so if you’re new to the world of research data management, we suggest you start with things 1-3 and then decide where you want to go from there. These materials supported an international community-based training program delivered in 2016 by the Australian National Data Service. This release migrates these materials to a GitHub repository for continued maintenance. Some updates were made to material that was outdated. We welcome contributions and suggestions via GitHub Issue or Pull Request. research data management, training material
ARDC FAIR Data 101 self-guided

FAIR Data 101 v3.0 is a self-guided course covering the FAIR Data principles

The FAIR Data 101 virtual course was designed and delivered by the ARDC Skilled Workforce Program twice in 2020 and has now been reworked as a self-guided course.

The course structure was based on 'FAIR Data in the...

Keywords: training material, FAIR data, video, webinar, activities, quiz, FAIR, research data management

ARDC FAIR Data 101 self-guided FAIR Data 101 v3.0 is a self-guided course covering the FAIR Data principles The FAIR Data 101 virtual course was designed and delivered by the ARDC Skilled Workforce Program twice in 2020 and has now been reworked as a self-guided course. The course structure was based on 'FAIR Data in the Scholarly Communications Lifecycle', run by Natasha Simons at the FORCE11 Scholarly Communications Institute. These training materials are hosted on GitHub. training material, FAIR data, video, webinar, activities, quiz, FAIR, research data management