Managing Active Research Data

In this train-the-trainer workshop, we will be exploring and discussing methods for active data management.

Participants will become familiar with cloud storage and associated tools and services for managing active research data. Learn how to organise, maintain, store and analyse active data, and understand safe and secure ways of sharing and storing data.

Topics such as cloud storage, collaborative editing, versioning and data sharing will be discussed and demonstrated.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7259746

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 lower case

Contact: Sara King

Keywords: RDM Training, CloudStor, cloud

Additional information

Target audience: PhD student, Professional (research-related), Masters student, Post-doc / Fellow, Academic

Resource type: Lesson

Version: 1

Status: Active

Learning objectives:

By the end of this workshop you should be able to:

  • Identify common data management challenges.
  • Use cloud-based tools to store, move and manage data.
  • Describe methods for integrating cloud storage solutions with data analysis.
  • Transfer large amounts of data via the network.
  • Sync, store and share your research data safely.
  • Search for more advanced options for data movement and know where to go for help.

Date created: 2020-01-01

Date published: 2022-10-28

Authors: Sara King, Brian Ballsun-Stanton

Managing Active Research Data In this train-the-trainer workshop, we will be exploring and discussing methods for active data management. Participants will become familiar with cloud storage and associated tools and services for managing active research data. Learn how to organise, maintain, store and analyse active data, and understand safe and secure ways of sharing and storing data. Topics such as cloud storage, collaborative editing, versioning and data sharing will be discussed and demonstrated. Sara King RDM Training, CloudStor, cloud phd support masters ecr researcher