Introduction to REDCap at Griffith University
This site is designed as a companion to Griffith Library’s Research Data Capture workshops. It can also be treated as a standalone, self-paced tutorial for learning to use REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0
Keywords: REDCap, survey instruments
Additional information
Target audience: MBR student, PhD student, Post-doc / Fellow, Academic, Professional (research-related)
Resource type: Tutorial
Status: Active
Learning objectives:
The aim of this workshop is to get you up and running with REDCap quickly. We aim to cover the fundamentals well enough that you can start to use the service.
For this reason we’ve left out advanced topics like scheduled invitations, randomisation and longitudinal study design.