ARDC Research Data Rights Management Guide 2019
A practical guide for people and organisations working with data, about rights information and licences, and to raise awareness of the implications of not having licences on data.
Who is this for? This guide is primarily directed toward members of the research sector, particularly data rights holders users and suppliers. Some general reference is made to characteristics and management of government data, acknowledging that this kind of data can be input to the research process. Government readers should consult their agency’s data management policies, in addition to reading this guide.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5091580
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Keywords: data, rights, management, licence, licensing, research, policy, guide, training material
Additional information
Status: Active
Authors: Australian Research Data Commons
Contributors: Laughlin, Greg (type: Editor), Appleyard, Baden (type: Editor)
ARDC Research Data Rights Management Guide 2019
A practical guide for people and organisations working with data, about rights information and licences, and to raise awareness of the implications of not having licences on data.
Who is this for? This guide is primarily directed toward members of the research sector, particularly data rights holders users and suppliers. Some general reference is made to characteristics and management of government data, acknowledging that this kind of data can be input to the research process. Government readers should consult their agency’s data management policies, in addition to reading this guide.
Australian Research Data Commons
Laughlin, Greg (type: Editor)
Appleyard, Baden (type: Editor)
data, rights, management, licence, licensing, research, policy, guide, training material