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9 events found

Keywords: Statistics  or Archives 

  • Keeping Archives Online Learning Series

    1 July 2016 - 31 December 2025

    Keeping Archives Online Learning Series Our pioneering online learning program, based on our respected publication Keeping Archives, was launched in 2016. It provides a new level of learning in the archives and records profession, filling a gap between a tertiary course and on-the-job experience. These courses are ideal for: - People who are new to archives and need a grounding in archival principles; - Students who wish to enhance the archival component of their training; - Professional archivists who may require a refresher in new archival methods and theory – e.g. emergent web technologies and social media platforms; - Statutory organisations whose staff need records and archives knowledge as part of their responsibilities. - Organisations with volunteers who engage in archival work and need basic knowledge. 2016-07-01 09:00:00 UTC 2025-12-31 17:00:00 UTC Australian Society of Archivists Australia Australia Australian Society of Archivists [] [] [] open_to_all ArchivesRecordsArvchivingRecordkeeping
  • Multi-level Analysis using Mplus: Online

    20 - 24 January 2025

    Multi-level Analysis using Mplus: Online This course is designed as an introduction to the concepts and techniques required to analyse data that is multi-level in nature. (That is, data that is derived from subjects who are nested within groups or data that involves repeated measures that are nested within subjects) In conventional regression analysis it is assumed that subjects are randomly selected and, therefore, all the variance in your dependent variables is due solely to variation amongst individuals. However, in most studies, subjects are clustered within a group and multiple groups are sampled. For example, in an education study, we may have students clustered within multiple classes; in a human resourcing study, we may have employees clustered within multiple work units or teams. In such sampling, although some of the variance in your dependent variables will be due to variation amongst individuals, some the variance in your dependent variables will also be due to variation amongst the groups themselves. In such cases, multilevel analysis (MLA) should be employed to account for the different levels of variation. Repeated measure designs should also be analysed using multilevel analysis because the repeated observations are nested within subjects. For example, in a marketing study, we may have repeated measures of consumers’ attitudes to a brand over the life of a marketing campaign; in an epidemiology study, we may have repeated measures of a health outcome over the life of a drug treatment regime. In such studies, although some of the variance in your dependent variables will be due to variation across the various time occasions, some the variance in your dependent variables will also be due to variation amongst individuals themselves. Again, in such cases, multilevel analysis (MLA) should be employed to account for the different levels of variation. 2025-01-20 10:00:00 UTC 2025-01-24 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, Australia Online Australia ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all multilevel modellingSEMStatistical MethodsStatistics
  • Data Analysis Using Stata: Online

    20 - 24 January 2025

    Data Analysis Using Stata: Online Stata is a comprehensive integrated package for data management, analysis and graphics. Stata has a comprehensive GUI interface. Sample datasets will be provided, but you are encouraged to bring some of your own data for analysis in Excel or ASCII format. Teaching and practice will be closed integrated. Private consultations will be allocated during the course as needed. The course is suitable for beginners to the Stata package and will be presented in a way that introduces survey research. It is also appropriate to those familiar with Stata as it extends the capabilities of more experienced researchers. 2025-01-20 10:00:00 UTC 2025-01-24 17:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, Australia Online Australia ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all STATAapplied statisticsStatistical MethodsStatistics
  • Data Analysis in R: Online

    20 January - 4 February 2025

    Data Analysis in R: Online This course is intended for applied data analysts, including academics and postgraduate students, policy specialists and others. It will examine questions dealt with in public policy, the social sciences and industry, using real data. This includes surveys, and economics and public health data. The unit will help build participants’ ability to work with data in R and undertake rigorous statistical analysis, including spatial analysis and linear regression, and create publication-standard graphs of the results. The end result will be more professional and easy to understand research. Exercises will be provided, including additional problems and datasets for extra practice outside of scheduled sessions, and one-on-one consultations can be scheduled by appointment the following week. 2025-01-20 10:00:00 UTC 2025-02-04 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all Introduction to RR statistical softwareR statisticsStatisticsStatistical Methods
  • Fundamentals of Statistics: Online

    20 - 24 January 2025

    Fundamentals of Statistics: Online In this course you will obtain a solid foundation in basic statistical concepts and procedures to progress with some confidence into more advanced topics. This is an introductory unit in statistical methods with the emphasis on statistical techniques applicable to the social sciences, although these introductory techniques are also appropriate to the health sciences. Our approach to learning will be largely non-mathematical, concentrating on concepts rather than mathematical theory. Participants familiar with the use of a statistical software package, but lacking statistical training should also start with this course. The course will be using the free and open-source software jamovi. there will be an opportunity to use IMB SPSS Statistics as an alternative. Instructions will be provided for both packages and students can choose either jamovi or IBM SPSS Statistics. 2025-01-20 10:00:00 UTC 2025-01-24 13:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online online ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all StatisticsFundamentals of StatisticsJamovi SPSSStatistical Methodsapplied statistics
  • Applied Statistical Procedures

    3 - 7 February 2025

    Parkville, Australia

    Applied Statistical Procedures This course will help you choose from a range of statistical procedures to analyse your data. What makes this course unique is that it is suitable for those with no prior knowledge of statistical software. You will learn how to: Familiarize yourself with basic statistical concepts: Before diving into more complex statistical procedures, it's important to have a solid understanding of basic statistical concepts such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, correlation, and regression. We will make sure you are comfortable with these concepts before moving on to more advanced techniques. Practice with real-world examples: We use real-world examples of statistical procedures in action. This will help you understand how these procedures are used in practice and how to interpret their results. Use software to run statistical procedures: The course may be taken with Jamovi, a free statistical package, or SPSS. Collaborate with others: Collaborating with others who are also learning statistical procedures can be a great way to learn and reinforce your understanding of the material. You can work together to solve problems and discuss different approaches to analysing data. Remember that learning statistical procedures takes time and practice, so don't get discouraged if you don't understand everything right away. 2025-02-03 09:00:00 UTC 2025-02-07 15:00:00 UTC ACSPRI The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia The University of Melbourne Parkville Australia 3052 ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] workshop open_to_all StatisticsStatistical Methodsapplied statistics SPSS
  • Fundamentals of Multiple Regression: Online

    10 - 14 February 2025

    Fundamentals of Multiple Regression: Online The course is designed for those who have limited knowledge and experience with multivariate statistical techniques and are seeking the knowledge and skills to use multiple regression for research at a post-graduate level and/or to publish in professional research journals. Particular attention is given to the application of multiple regression to substantive problems in the social and behavioral sciences. By the end of the course, you will understand the principles of multiple regression, and be able to conduct regression analyses, interpret the results, obtain regression diagnostics to test the underlying model assumptions and write-up the results for publication. The course notes provide instructions for using the major statistical packages (SPSS, SAS, Stata or R) for regression. Participants who are considering regression analysis of their own data are encouraged and there will be time for individual consultations. This course provides the foundations necessary for progression to ‘Applied Multiple Regression Analysis’, and to subsequent advanced-level courses in structural equation modelling and multi-level analysis. 2025-02-10 10:00:00 UTC 2025-02-14 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, Australia Online Australia ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all Multiple RegressionquantitativeStatisticsStatistical Methodsapplied statisticsRegression analysis
  • Advanced Statistical Analysis Using R: Online

    10 - 14 February 2025

    Advanced Statistical Analysis Using R: Online The focus of this course is on learning advanced statistical methods using R. R is a free software environment for scientific and statistical computing and graphics that runs on all common computing platforms. An active and highly skilled developer community works on development and improvement. It has become an environment of choice for the implementation of new methodology. It is at the same time attracting wide attention from statistical application area specialists. The powerful and innovative graphics abilities available in R include the provision of well-designed publication-quality plots. The first day of this course will focus on the R software environment, the remaining days of this workshop will focus on learning advanced statistical methods with R. We will spend an almost equal amount of time in PowerPoint sessions and computer exercises. During the PowerPoint sessions the focus will be on the statistical methods with minimal discussion of computer software. During the computer exercise time you will be using R to apply the statistical methods taught in the lectures. At the start of each session of computer exercises Mark will perform the first exercise in each set on his own computer demonstrating to the class the use of the software and the statistical results obtained. 2025-02-10 10:00:00 UTC 2025-02-14 17:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online Online ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all R statisticsStatistical MethodsStatisticsR statistical software
  • Applied Statistical Procedures: Online

    10 - 14 February 2025

    Applied Statistical Procedures: Online This course will help you choose from a range of statistical procedures to analyse your data. What makes this course unique is that it is suitable for those with no prior knowledge of statistical software. You will learn how to: Familiarize yourself with basic statistical concepts: Before diving into more complex statistical procedures, it's important to have a solid understanding of basic statistical concepts such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, correlation, and regression. We will make sure you are comfortable with these concepts before moving on to more advanced techniques. Practice with real-world examples: We use real-world examples of statistical procedures in action. This will help you understand how these procedures are used in practice and how to interpret their results. Use software to run statistical procedures: The course may be taken with Jamovi, a free statistical package, or SPSS. Collaborate with others: Collaborating with others who are also learning statistical procedures can be a great way to learn and reinforce your understanding of the material. You can work together to solve problems and discuss different approaches to analysing data. Remember that learning statistical procedures takes time and practice, so don't get discouraged if you don't understand everything right away. 2025-02-10 10:00:00 UTC 2025-02-14 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, Australia Online Australia ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] workshop open_to_all StatisticsStatistical Methodsapplied statistics SPSSJamovi
  • Keeping Archives Online Learning Series

    1 July 2016 - 31 December 2025

    Keeping Archives Online Learning Series Our pioneering online learning program, based on our respected publication Keeping Archives, was launched in 2016. It provides a new level of learning in the archives and records profession, filling a gap between a tertiary course and on-the-job experience. These courses are ideal for: - People who are new to archives and need a grounding in archival principles; - Students who wish to enhance the archival component of their training; - Professional archivists who may require a refresher in new archival methods and theory – e.g. emergent web technologies and social media platforms; - Statutory organisations whose staff need records and archives knowledge as part of their responsibilities. - Organisations with volunteers who engage in archival work and need basic knowledge. 2016-07-01 09:00:00 UTC 2025-12-31 17:00:00 UTC Australian Society of Archivists Australia Australia Australian Society of Archivists [] [] [] open_to_all ArchivesRecordsArvchivingRecordkeeping
  • Multi-level Analysis using Mplus: Online

    20 - 24 January 2025

    Multi-level Analysis using Mplus: Online This course is designed as an introduction to the concepts and techniques required to analyse data that is multi-level in nature. (That is, data that is derived from subjects who are nested within groups or data that involves repeated measures that are nested within subjects) In conventional regression analysis it is assumed that subjects are randomly selected and, therefore, all the variance in your dependent variables is due solely to variation amongst individuals. However, in most studies, subjects are clustered within a group and multiple groups are sampled. For example, in an education study, we may have students clustered within multiple classes; in a human resourcing study, we may have employees clustered within multiple work units or teams. In such sampling, although some of the variance in your dependent variables will be due to variation amongst individuals, some the variance in your dependent variables will also be due to variation amongst the groups themselves. In such cases, multilevel analysis (MLA) should be employed to account for the different levels of variation. Repeated measure designs should also be analysed using multilevel analysis because the repeated observations are nested within subjects. For example, in a marketing study, we may have repeated measures of consumers’ attitudes to a brand over the life of a marketing campaign; in an epidemiology study, we may have repeated measures of a health outcome over the life of a drug treatment regime. In such studies, although some of the variance in your dependent variables will be due to variation across the various time occasions, some the variance in your dependent variables will also be due to variation amongst individuals themselves. Again, in such cases, multilevel analysis (MLA) should be employed to account for the different levels of variation. 2025-01-20 10:00:00 UTC 2025-01-24 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, Australia Online Australia ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all multilevel modellingSEMStatistical MethodsStatistics
  • Data Analysis Using Stata: Online

    20 - 24 January 2025

    Data Analysis Using Stata: Online Stata is a comprehensive integrated package for data management, analysis and graphics. Stata has a comprehensive GUI interface. Sample datasets will be provided, but you are encouraged to bring some of your own data for analysis in Excel or ASCII format. Teaching and practice will be closed integrated. Private consultations will be allocated during the course as needed. The course is suitable for beginners to the Stata package and will be presented in a way that introduces survey research. It is also appropriate to those familiar with Stata as it extends the capabilities of more experienced researchers. 2025-01-20 10:00:00 UTC 2025-01-24 17:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, Australia Online Australia ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all STATAapplied statisticsStatistical MethodsStatistics
  • Data Analysis in R: Online

    20 January - 4 February 2025

    Data Analysis in R: Online This course is intended for applied data analysts, including academics and postgraduate students, policy specialists and others. It will examine questions dealt with in public policy, the social sciences and industry, using real data. This includes surveys, and economics and public health data. The unit will help build participants’ ability to work with data in R and undertake rigorous statistical analysis, including spatial analysis and linear regression, and create publication-standard graphs of the results. The end result will be more professional and easy to understand research. Exercises will be provided, including additional problems and datasets for extra practice outside of scheduled sessions, and one-on-one consultations can be scheduled by appointment the following week. 2025-01-20 10:00:00 UTC 2025-02-04 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all Introduction to RR statistical softwareR statisticsStatisticsStatistical Methods
  • Fundamentals of Statistics: Online

    20 - 24 January 2025

    Fundamentals of Statistics: Online In this course you will obtain a solid foundation in basic statistical concepts and procedures to progress with some confidence into more advanced topics. This is an introductory unit in statistical methods with the emphasis on statistical techniques applicable to the social sciences, although these introductory techniques are also appropriate to the health sciences. Our approach to learning will be largely non-mathematical, concentrating on concepts rather than mathematical theory. Participants familiar with the use of a statistical software package, but lacking statistical training should also start with this course. The course will be using the free and open-source software jamovi. there will be an opportunity to use IMB SPSS Statistics as an alternative. Instructions will be provided for both packages and students can choose either jamovi or IBM SPSS Statistics. 2025-01-20 10:00:00 UTC 2025-01-24 13:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online online ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all StatisticsFundamentals of StatisticsJamovi SPSSStatistical Methodsapplied statistics
  • Applied Statistical Procedures

    3 - 7 February 2025

    Parkville, Australia

    Applied Statistical Procedures This course will help you choose from a range of statistical procedures to analyse your data. What makes this course unique is that it is suitable for those with no prior knowledge of statistical software. You will learn how to: Familiarize yourself with basic statistical concepts: Before diving into more complex statistical procedures, it's important to have a solid understanding of basic statistical concepts such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, correlation, and regression. We will make sure you are comfortable with these concepts before moving on to more advanced techniques. Practice with real-world examples: We use real-world examples of statistical procedures in action. This will help you understand how these procedures are used in practice and how to interpret their results. Use software to run statistical procedures: The course may be taken with Jamovi, a free statistical package, or SPSS. Collaborate with others: Collaborating with others who are also learning statistical procedures can be a great way to learn and reinforce your understanding of the material. You can work together to solve problems and discuss different approaches to analysing data. Remember that learning statistical procedures takes time and practice, so don't get discouraged if you don't understand everything right away. 2025-02-03 09:00:00 UTC 2025-02-07 15:00:00 UTC ACSPRI The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia The University of Melbourne Parkville Australia 3052 ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] workshop open_to_all StatisticsStatistical Methodsapplied statistics SPSS
  • Fundamentals of Multiple Regression: Online

    10 - 14 February 2025

    Fundamentals of Multiple Regression: Online The course is designed for those who have limited knowledge and experience with multivariate statistical techniques and are seeking the knowledge and skills to use multiple regression for research at a post-graduate level and/or to publish in professional research journals. Particular attention is given to the application of multiple regression to substantive problems in the social and behavioral sciences. By the end of the course, you will understand the principles of multiple regression, and be able to conduct regression analyses, interpret the results, obtain regression diagnostics to test the underlying model assumptions and write-up the results for publication. The course notes provide instructions for using the major statistical packages (SPSS, SAS, Stata or R) for regression. Participants who are considering regression analysis of their own data are encouraged and there will be time for individual consultations. This course provides the foundations necessary for progression to ‘Applied Multiple Regression Analysis’, and to subsequent advanced-level courses in structural equation modelling and multi-level analysis. 2025-02-10 10:00:00 UTC 2025-02-14 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, Australia Online Australia ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all Multiple RegressionquantitativeStatisticsStatistical Methodsapplied statisticsRegression analysis
  • Advanced Statistical Analysis Using R: Online

    10 - 14 February 2025

    Advanced Statistical Analysis Using R: Online The focus of this course is on learning advanced statistical methods using R. R is a free software environment for scientific and statistical computing and graphics that runs on all common computing platforms. An active and highly skilled developer community works on development and improvement. It has become an environment of choice for the implementation of new methodology. It is at the same time attracting wide attention from statistical application area specialists. The powerful and innovative graphics abilities available in R include the provision of well-designed publication-quality plots. The first day of this course will focus on the R software environment, the remaining days of this workshop will focus on learning advanced statistical methods with R. We will spend an almost equal amount of time in PowerPoint sessions and computer exercises. During the PowerPoint sessions the focus will be on the statistical methods with minimal discussion of computer software. During the computer exercise time you will be using R to apply the statistical methods taught in the lectures. At the start of each session of computer exercises Mark will perform the first exercise in each set on his own computer demonstrating to the class the use of the software and the statistical results obtained. 2025-02-10 10:00:00 UTC 2025-02-14 17:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online Online ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all R statisticsStatistical MethodsStatisticsR statistical software
  • Applied Statistical Procedures: Online

    10 - 14 February 2025

    Applied Statistical Procedures: Online This course will help you choose from a range of statistical procedures to analyse your data. What makes this course unique is that it is suitable for those with no prior knowledge of statistical software. You will learn how to: Familiarize yourself with basic statistical concepts: Before diving into more complex statistical procedures, it's important to have a solid understanding of basic statistical concepts such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, correlation, and regression. We will make sure you are comfortable with these concepts before moving on to more advanced techniques. Practice with real-world examples: We use real-world examples of statistical procedures in action. This will help you understand how these procedures are used in practice and how to interpret their results. Use software to run statistical procedures: The course may be taken with Jamovi, a free statistical package, or SPSS. Collaborate with others: Collaborating with others who are also learning statistical procedures can be a great way to learn and reinforce your understanding of the material. You can work together to solve problems and discuss different approaches to analysing data. Remember that learning statistical procedures takes time and practice, so don't get discouraged if you don't understand everything right away. 2025-02-10 10:00:00 UTC 2025-02-14 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, Australia Online Australia ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] workshop open_to_all StatisticsStatistical Methodsapplied statistics SPSSJamovi

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