2 events found
Data Analysis in R: Online
20 January - 4 February 2025
Data Analysis in R: Online https://www.acspri.org.au/summer-program-2025/data-analysis-r-online https://dresa.org.au/events/data-analysis-in-r This course is intended for applied data analysts, including academics and postgraduate students, policy specialists and others. It will examine questions dealt with in public policy, the social sciences and industry, using real data. This includes surveys, and economics and public health data. The unit will help build participants’ ability to work with data in R and undertake rigorous statistical analysis, including spatial analysis and linear regression, and create publication-standard graphs of the results. The end result will be more professional and easy to understand research. Exercises will be provided, including additional problems and datasets for extra practice outside of scheduled sessions, and one-on-one consultations can be scheduled by appointment the following week. 2025-01-20 10:00:00 UTC 2025-02-04 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI info@acspri.org.au ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all Introduction to RR statistical softwareR statisticsStatisticsStatistical Methods -
Social Media Network and Text Analysis: Online
10 - 13 February 2025
Social Media Network and Text Analysis: Online https://www.acspri.org.au/summer-program-2025/social-media-network-and-text-analysis-online-4-day https://dresa.org.au/events/social-media-network-and-text-analysis-online-f6093406-3c70-4ce9-b6bc-95bcc4a4898d This course introduces participants to approaches for collecting and analysing network and text data from social media, (Reddit, YouTube and Mastodon) and the WWW (hyperlink networks). In terms of analysis, the focus is on the application of social network analysis (SNA) and quantitative text analysis to online data. While the main software used in the course is R, we also introduce Gephi for advanced visualisation. Data collection is via the VOSON R Packages (VOSON Dashboard, vosonSML). We also cover other important R packages for network and text analysis such as: igraph (network analysis and visualisation), quanteda (quantitative analysis of textual data), tidytext (text mining), and wordcloud (text word clouds). The course will be particularly useful to academics and PhD students who want to become more computationally literate, and those from technical disciplines (e.g. computer science, engineering, information science) who want to become more familiar with social science approaches to analysing social media data. The course will also be useful for people from industry and government whose work involves quantitative analysis of social media data, e.g. for marketing, social research, public relations, brand management, journalism, opinion analysis. 2025-02-10 16:30:00 UTC 2025-02-13 21:30:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, Australia Online Australia ACSPRI info@acspri.org.au [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all social network researchSocial network analysissocial media dataR statistical softwarequantitativeRedditYouTubeMastodon
Data Analysis in R: Online
20 January - 4 February 2025
Data Analysis in R: Online https://www.acspri.org.au/summer-program-2025/data-analysis-r-online https://dresa.org.au/events/data-analysis-in-r This course is intended for applied data analysts, including academics and postgraduate students, policy specialists and others. It will examine questions dealt with in public policy, the social sciences and industry, using real data. This includes surveys, and economics and public health data. The unit will help build participants’ ability to work with data in R and undertake rigorous statistical analysis, including spatial analysis and linear regression, and create publication-standard graphs of the results. The end result will be more professional and easy to understand research. Exercises will be provided, including additional problems and datasets for extra practice outside of scheduled sessions, and one-on-one consultations can be scheduled by appointment the following week. 2025-01-20 10:00:00 UTC 2025-02-04 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI info@acspri.org.au ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all Introduction to RR statistical softwareR statisticsStatisticsStatistical Methods -
Social Media Network and Text Analysis: Online
10 - 13 February 2025
Social Media Network and Text Analysis: Online https://www.acspri.org.au/summer-program-2025/social-media-network-and-text-analysis-online-4-day https://dresa.org.au/events/social-media-network-and-text-analysis-online-f6093406-3c70-4ce9-b6bc-95bcc4a4898d This course introduces participants to approaches for collecting and analysing network and text data from social media, (Reddit, YouTube and Mastodon) and the WWW (hyperlink networks). In terms of analysis, the focus is on the application of social network analysis (SNA) and quantitative text analysis to online data. While the main software used in the course is R, we also introduce Gephi for advanced visualisation. Data collection is via the VOSON R Packages (VOSON Dashboard, vosonSML). We also cover other important R packages for network and text analysis such as: igraph (network analysis and visualisation), quanteda (quantitative analysis of textual data), tidytext (text mining), and wordcloud (text word clouds). The course will be particularly useful to academics and PhD students who want to become more computationally literate, and those from technical disciplines (e.g. computer science, engineering, information science) who want to become more familiar with social science approaches to analysing social media data. The course will also be useful for people from industry and government whose work involves quantitative analysis of social media data, e.g. for marketing, social research, public relations, brand management, journalism, opinion analysis. 2025-02-10 16:30:00 UTC 2025-02-13 21:30:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, Australia Online Australia ACSPRI info@acspri.org.au [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all social network researchSocial network analysissocial media dataR statistical softwarequantitativeRedditYouTubeMastodon
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