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10 events found



Keywords: Qualitative Research 

  • Applied Qualitative Interviewing Methods: Online

    5 October 2022

    Applied Qualitative Interviewing Methods: Online This is a one-day immersive workshop. You will have the opportunity to reflect on the data you have collected and will collect, revise the way you frame your questions, redesign your interview protocol, and practise interview behaviours through role-played mock interviews. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to critically review any interview protocol and elicit deep, meaningful data from your participants. The workshop is relevant to research and policy officers in government or the private sector, Higher Degree Research students who want to collect deep, meaningful data. This workshop is particularly helpful even for experienced researchers who want to update and improve their interviewing skills in an ever-evolving research environment. 2022-10-05 09:30:00 UTC 2022-10-05 16:45:00 UTC ACSPRI ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all qualitative interviewinginterviewQualitative Researchqualitative data
  • NVivo Essentials: Online

    3 - 4 November 2022

    NVivo Essentials: Online NVivo is computer software package produced by QSR International that supports qualitative and mixed methods research. It has been designed for researchers working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, (including interviews, open-ended survey responses, picture/audio/video data, articles, social media and web content), where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are required. This workshop is aimed at providing researchers with essential skills in using NVivo software. Those choosing to enrol in this course will be working on or about to embark on a research project. The course assumes no prior skills with using NVivo, however will cater for all levels of participants, from novice to advanced users. 2022-11-03 09:30:00 UTC 2022-11-04 16:30:00 UTC ACSPRI ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative ResearchMixed MethodsText Analyticsmultimedia analysis NVivo
  • Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation

    30 January - 3 February 2023

    Melbourne, Australia

    Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation The focus of this course is on issues of design and positioning, analysis and representation of qualitative research. This course only provides a generic overview of data collection methods, as it is assumed that participants will have experience with methods. Many of the examples will make reference to research in business, psychology and health. The target audience for this course are researchers, practitioners and academics who have conducted at least one qualitative study, and are familiar with the process and context of qualitative research. 2023-01-30 09:00:00 UTC 2023-02-03 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia University of Melbourne Melbourne Australia ACSPRI [] [] 20 [] open_to_all Qualitative ResearchQualitative methodsqualitative data
  • Introduction to Computer-assisted Qualitative Data Analysis using NVivo

    24 - 28 June 2024

    Introduction to Computer-assisted Qualitative Data Analysis using NVivo In this 5 day course, participants will learn how to analyse qualitative data using NVivo. The course takes a holistic view of the analysis of qualitative data using computer assisted techniques. We will examine not only the mechanics of driving the NVivo software package, but also how to plan for the collection of data; preparation of data for analysis; as well as the analysis of the data. You will also be introduced to advanced analysis tools, including those for theory building, validation and presentation of findings. Participants will explore applications of the software to your own research projects. Sample data will be provided but you should bring your own data sets, if you have them, and/or copies of articles and research reports relevant to your field of study. 2024-06-24 09:30:00 UTC 2024-06-28 16:30:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI [] researchersPhD studentsHDR students 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative Researchqualitative interviewingQualitative methodsQualitative PhDIntroductory NVivo
  • Foundations of Qualitative Methodologies, Data Collection and Analysis

    24 - 26 June 2024

    Foundations of Qualitative Methodologies, Data Collection and Analysis This is an introductory course which deals with the major decisions a qualitative researcher needs to make initially: * framing * research design and ethics * qualitative paradigms and methodology/ies The emphasis on the 2nd and 3rd days is on practical experience. The gaining of practice-based skills with regard to conducting both face-to-face and focus group interviews in person and online, and in gaining experience in analysing and displaying qualitative data. 2024-06-24 09:30:00 UTC 2024-06-26 15:30:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI [] researchersPhD studentsHDR students 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative Researchqualitative interviewingQualitative methodsQualitative PhDIntroductory
  • Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation

    1 - 5 July 2024

    Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation The focus of this course is on issues of design and positioning, analysis and representation of qualitative research. This course only provides a generic overview of data collection methods, as it is assumed that participants will have experience with methods. Many of the examples will make reference to research in business, psychology and health. The target audience for this course are researchers, practitioners and academics who have conducted at least one qualitative study, and are familiar with the process and context of qualitative research. 2024-07-01 10:00:00 UTC 2024-07-05 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI [] researchersPhD studentsHDR students 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative ResearchQualitative methods
  • Doing Credible Qualitative Research

    30 September - 3 October 2024

    Doing Credible Qualitative Research Qualitative researchers often try to do the same as quantitative research but with smaller samples. This master-class offers lectures and data workshops covering the latest approaches to key areas of qualitative research. It outlines threats to credibility and shows how to make your research credible. 1. Finding a topic in your data (as opposed to quantitative research, qualitative research is often inductive; discovering unexpected things in your data) 2. Mixed methods. (Mixing qual and quant data. Using multiple qualitative methods. Advantages and limitations) 3. How many cases do you need? (sampling to social processes not to populations) 4. Applying qualitative research to social problems and practice (avoiding pre-defined policy aims; discovering practical relevance at the conclusion of a research project) 2024-09-30 18:30:00 UTC 2024-10-03 20:45:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, online, Australia Online online Australia ACSPRI [] researcherPhD studentsHDR students 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative Researchqualitative dataQualitative methodsQualitative PhD
  • Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation

    3 - 7 February 2025

    Parkville, Australia

    Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation The focus of this course is on issues of design and positioning, analysis and representation of qualitative research. This course only provides a generic overview of data collection methods, as it is assumed that participants will have experience with methods. Many of the examples will make reference to research in business, psychology and health. The target audience for this course are researchers, practitioners and academics who have conducted at least one qualitative study, and are familiar with the process and context of qualitative research. 2025-02-03 09:00:00 UTC 2025-02-07 15:00:00 UTC ACSPRI The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia The University of Melbourne Parkville Australia 3052 ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 20 [] open_to_all Qualitative ResearchQualitative methodsqualitative data
  • NVivo Essentials: Online

    25 - 27 March 2025

    NVivo Essentials: Online NVivo is computer software package produced by QSR International that supports qualitative and mixed methods research. It has been designed for researchers working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, (including interviews, open-ended survey responses, picture/audio/video data, articles, social media and web content), where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are required. This workshop is aimed at providing researchers with essential skills in using NVivo software. Those choosing to enrol in this course will be working on or about to embark on a research project. The course assumes no prior skills with using NVivo, however will cater for all levels of participants, from novice to advanced users. 2025-03-25 10:00:00 UTC 2025-03-27 14:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online online ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative ResearchMixed MethodsText Analyticsmultimedia analysis NVivo
  • Discourse Analysis: Online

    28 - 29 April 2025

    Discourse Analysis: Online Utilising existing data in qualitative research is extremely valuable either as a total data set in its own right or as a subset to enhance interview and observational data sets. Michael Foucault initiated the basic approach to dealing with existing spoken, written or visual data such as policy documents, case notes, photos, articles etc. and this was later further developed by Norman Fairclough into Critical Discourse analysis. This two-day online course will demonstrate with practical examples, the two major approaches to analysing dicourses: Foucauldian and Critical Discourse Analysis. 2025-04-28 09:30:00 UTC 2025-04-29 15:30:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 [] open_to_all Qualitative ResearchQualitative methodsqualitativediscourse analysisqualitative data
  • Applied Qualitative Interviewing Methods: Online

    5 October 2022

    Applied Qualitative Interviewing Methods: Online This is a one-day immersive workshop. You will have the opportunity to reflect on the data you have collected and will collect, revise the way you frame your questions, redesign your interview protocol, and practise interview behaviours through role-played mock interviews. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to critically review any interview protocol and elicit deep, meaningful data from your participants. The workshop is relevant to research and policy officers in government or the private sector, Higher Degree Research students who want to collect deep, meaningful data. This workshop is particularly helpful even for experienced researchers who want to update and improve their interviewing skills in an ever-evolving research environment. 2022-10-05 09:30:00 UTC 2022-10-05 16:45:00 UTC ACSPRI ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all qualitative interviewinginterviewQualitative Researchqualitative data
  • NVivo Essentials: Online

    3 - 4 November 2022

    NVivo Essentials: Online NVivo is computer software package produced by QSR International that supports qualitative and mixed methods research. It has been designed for researchers working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, (including interviews, open-ended survey responses, picture/audio/video data, articles, social media and web content), where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are required. This workshop is aimed at providing researchers with essential skills in using NVivo software. Those choosing to enrol in this course will be working on or about to embark on a research project. The course assumes no prior skills with using NVivo, however will cater for all levels of participants, from novice to advanced users. 2022-11-03 09:30:00 UTC 2022-11-04 16:30:00 UTC ACSPRI ACSPRI [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative ResearchMixed MethodsText Analyticsmultimedia analysis NVivo
  • Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation

    30 January - 3 February 2023

    Melbourne, Australia

    Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation The focus of this course is on issues of design and positioning, analysis and representation of qualitative research. This course only provides a generic overview of data collection methods, as it is assumed that participants will have experience with methods. Many of the examples will make reference to research in business, psychology and health. The target audience for this course are researchers, practitioners and academics who have conducted at least one qualitative study, and are familiar with the process and context of qualitative research. 2023-01-30 09:00:00 UTC 2023-02-03 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia University of Melbourne Melbourne Australia ACSPRI [] [] 20 [] open_to_all Qualitative ResearchQualitative methodsqualitative data
  • Introduction to Computer-assisted Qualitative Data Analysis using NVivo

    24 - 28 June 2024

    Introduction to Computer-assisted Qualitative Data Analysis using NVivo In this 5 day course, participants will learn how to analyse qualitative data using NVivo. The course takes a holistic view of the analysis of qualitative data using computer assisted techniques. We will examine not only the mechanics of driving the NVivo software package, but also how to plan for the collection of data; preparation of data for analysis; as well as the analysis of the data. You will also be introduced to advanced analysis tools, including those for theory building, validation and presentation of findings. Participants will explore applications of the software to your own research projects. Sample data will be provided but you should bring your own data sets, if you have them, and/or copies of articles and research reports relevant to your field of study. 2024-06-24 09:30:00 UTC 2024-06-28 16:30:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI [] researchersPhD studentsHDR students 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative Researchqualitative interviewingQualitative methodsQualitative PhDIntroductory NVivo
  • Foundations of Qualitative Methodologies, Data Collection and Analysis

    24 - 26 June 2024

    Foundations of Qualitative Methodologies, Data Collection and Analysis This is an introductory course which deals with the major decisions a qualitative researcher needs to make initially: * framing * research design and ethics * qualitative paradigms and methodology/ies The emphasis on the 2nd and 3rd days is on practical experience. The gaining of practice-based skills with regard to conducting both face-to-face and focus group interviews in person and online, and in gaining experience in analysing and displaying qualitative data. 2024-06-24 09:30:00 UTC 2024-06-26 15:30:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI [] researchersPhD studentsHDR students 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative Researchqualitative interviewingQualitative methodsQualitative PhDIntroductory
  • Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation

    1 - 5 July 2024

    Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation The focus of this course is on issues of design and positioning, analysis and representation of qualitative research. This course only provides a generic overview of data collection methods, as it is assumed that participants will have experience with methods. Many of the examples will make reference to research in business, psychology and health. The target audience for this course are researchers, practitioners and academics who have conducted at least one qualitative study, and are familiar with the process and context of qualitative research. 2024-07-01 10:00:00 UTC 2024-07-05 16:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI [] researchersPhD studentsHDR students 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative ResearchQualitative methods
  • Doing Credible Qualitative Research

    30 September - 3 October 2024

    Doing Credible Qualitative Research Qualitative researchers often try to do the same as quantitative research but with smaller samples. This master-class offers lectures and data workshops covering the latest approaches to key areas of qualitative research. It outlines threats to credibility and shows how to make your research credible. 1. Finding a topic in your data (as opposed to quantitative research, qualitative research is often inductive; discovering unexpected things in your data) 2. Mixed methods. (Mixing qual and quant data. Using multiple qualitative methods. Advantages and limitations) 3. How many cases do you need? (sampling to social processes not to populations) 4. Applying qualitative research to social problems and practice (avoiding pre-defined policy aims; discovering practical relevance at the conclusion of a research project) 2024-09-30 18:30:00 UTC 2024-10-03 20:45:00 UTC ACSPRI Online, online, Australia Online online Australia ACSPRI [] researcherPhD studentsHDR students 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative Researchqualitative dataQualitative methodsQualitative PhD
  • Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation

    3 - 7 February 2025

    Parkville, Australia

    Qualitative Research: Design, Analysis and Representation The focus of this course is on issues of design and positioning, analysis and representation of qualitative research. This course only provides a generic overview of data collection methods, as it is assumed that participants will have experience with methods. Many of the examples will make reference to research in business, psychology and health. The target audience for this course are researchers, practitioners and academics who have conducted at least one qualitative study, and are familiar with the process and context of qualitative research. 2025-02-03 09:00:00 UTC 2025-02-07 15:00:00 UTC ACSPRI The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia The University of Melbourne Parkville Australia 3052 ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 20 [] open_to_all Qualitative ResearchQualitative methodsqualitative data
  • NVivo Essentials: Online

    25 - 27 March 2025

    NVivo Essentials: Online NVivo is computer software package produced by QSR International that supports qualitative and mixed methods research. It has been designed for researchers working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, (including interviews, open-ended survey responses, picture/audio/video data, articles, social media and web content), where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are required. This workshop is aimed at providing researchers with essential skills in using NVivo software. Those choosing to enrol in this course will be working on or about to embark on a research project. The course assumes no prior skills with using NVivo, however will cater for all levels of participants, from novice to advanced users. 2025-03-25 10:00:00 UTC 2025-03-27 14:00:00 UTC ACSPRI online online ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 workshop open_to_all Qualitative ResearchMixed MethodsText Analyticsmultimedia analysis NVivo
  • Discourse Analysis: Online

    28 - 29 April 2025

    Discourse Analysis: Online Utilising existing data in qualitative research is extremely valuable either as a total data set in its own right or as a subset to enhance interview and observational data sets. Michael Foucault initiated the basic approach to dealing with existing spoken, written or visual data such as policy documents, case notes, photos, articles etc. and this was later further developed by Norman Fairclough into Critical Discourse analysis. This two-day online course will demonstrate with practical examples, the two major approaches to analysing dicourses: Foucauldian and Critical Discourse Analysis. 2025-04-28 09:30:00 UTC 2025-04-29 15:30:00 UTC ACSPRI online, Australia online Australia ACSPRI ph: +61 3 8376 6496 [] [] 12 [] open_to_all Qualitative ResearchQualitative methodsqualitativediscourse analysisqualitative data

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