Register event
41 events found

Content provider: NCI 

  • Data Manipulation and Visualisation in Python

    22 - 23 February 2022

    Data Manipulation and Visualisation in Python Live coding workshop introducing data manipulation and visualisation using Python 2022-02-22 13:30:00 UTC 2022-02-23 12:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Getting started with HPC using PBS Pro

    28 February - 1 March 2022

    Getting started with HPC using PBS Pro A hands-on introduction to running software on HPC infrastructure using PBS Pro 2022-02-28 13:30:00 UTC 2022-03-01 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression

    3 - 4 March 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression A live coding workshop explains the fundamentals of Machine Learning and provide a comprehensive introduction to Linear Regression and Model Training. 2022-03-03 13:30:00 UTC 2022-03-04 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Gadi

    3 March 2022

    Introduction to Gadi Introduction to Gadi is designed for new users, or users that want a refresher on the basics of Gadi. 2022-03-03 14:00:00 UTC 2022-03-03 15:30:00 UTC NCI NCI [] [] [] open_to_all []
  • Data Manipulation and Visualisation in R

    7 - 8 March 2022

    Data Manipulation and Visualisation in R Live coding workshop introducing data manipulation and visualisation using R 2022-03-07 13:30:00 UTC 2022-03-08 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Classification

    10 - 11 March 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Classification Live coding workshop introducing the Classification models in ML using Python 2022-03-10 13:30:00 UTC 2022-03-11 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning

    18 March 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning Live coding workshop introducing the Support Vector Machine & Unsupervised models in ML using Python 2022-03-18 13:30:00 UTC 2022-03-18 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Parallel Programming for HPC

    29 March 2022

    Parallel Programming for HPC Move from writing single-threaded programs into the parallel programming paradigm. 2022-03-29 09:30:00 UTC 2022-03-29 12:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Parallel Programming for HPC

    29 March 2022

    Parallel Programming for HPC Move from writing single-threaded programs into the parallel programming paradigm. 2022-03-29 09:30:00 UTC 2022-03-29 12:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Learn to Program: Python (beginner)

    4 - 5 April 2022

    Learn to Program: Python (beginner) Learn about the fundamental concepts in programming using Python and apply them to analyse a sample research dataset. 2022-04-04 13:30:00 UTC 2022-04-05 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Data Manipulation and Visualisation in Python

    7 - 8 April 2022

    Data Manipulation and Visualisation in Python Live coding workshop introducing data manipulation and visualisation using Python 2022-04-07 13:30:00 UTC 2022-04-08 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression

    11 - 12 April 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression Live coding workshop introducing the fundamentals of ML & provide a comprehensive introduction to Linear Regression and Model Training 2022-04-11 13:30:00 UTC 2022-04-12 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Classification

    25 - 26 April 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Classification Live coding workshop introducing the Classification models in ML using Python 2022-04-25 13:30:00 UTC 2022-04-26 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Beyond the Basics: Julia

    29 April 2022

    Beyond the Basics: Julia Explore the more advanced features of functions, widely used tools, and benchmarking in Julia 2022-04-29 09:30:00 UTC 2022-04-29 12:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Beyond the Basics: Julia

    29 April 2022

    Beyond the Basics: Julia Explore the more advanced features of functions, widely used tools, and benchmarking in Julia 2022-04-29 09:30:00 UTC 2022-04-29 12:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning

    3 May 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning Live coding workshop introducing the Support Vector Machine & Unsupervised models in ML using Python 2022-05-03 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-03 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning

    3 May 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning Live coding workshop introducing the Support Vector Machine & Unsupervised models in ML using Python 2022-05-03 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-03 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Distributed Deep Learning GPU Bootcamp

    4 - 5 May 2022

    Distributed Deep Learning GPU Bootcamp This Bootcamp will cover an introduction to Distributed deep learning, how to understand the System Topology and its impact on scalability and performance followed by a hands-on session with Distributed training ( Horovord, TensorFlow ). 2022-05-04 13:00:00 UTC 2022-05-05 16:00:00 UTC NCI NCINVIDIA [] [] [] host_institution []
  • Introduction to Gadi

    5 May 2022

    Introduction to Gadi Introduction to Gadi is designed for new users, or users that want a refresher on the basics of Gadi. 2022-05-05 14:00:00 UTC 2022-05-05 15:30:00 UTC NCI NCI [] [] [] open_to_all []
  • Data Manipulation and Visualisation in R at NCI Online

    10 - 11 May 2022

    Data Manipulation and Visualisation in R at NCI Online Learn about Data Manipulation, Data Transformation and Data Visualisation in R using the dplyr, tidyr and ggplot2 packages. 2022-05-10 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-11 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression

    16 - 17 May 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression A live coding workshop explains the fundamentals of Machine Learning and provide a comprehensive introduction to Linear Regression and Model Training. 2022-05-16 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-17 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • NCI CUDA Python GPU Bootcamp

    18 - 19 May 2022

    NCI CUDA Python GPU Bootcamp This Bootcamp will cover an introduction to GPU programming using CuPY, Numba and CUDA Python and provide hands-on opportunities to learn how to analyze GPU-enabled applications. 2022-05-18 13:00:00 UTC 2022-05-19 16:00:00 UTC NCI NCINVIDIA [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using R: Classification

    23 - 24 May 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using R: Classification Live coding workshop introducing the Classification models in ML using R 2022-05-23 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-24 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using R: SVM & Unsupervised Learning

    31 May 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using R: SVM & Unsupervised Learning Live coding workshop introducing the Support Vector Machine & Unsupervised models in ML using R 2022-05-31 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-31 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Gadi

    4 August 2022

    Introduction to Gadi Introduction to Gadi is designed for new users, or users that want a refresher on the basics of Gadi. 2022-08-04 14:00:00 UTC 2022-08-04 16:00:00 UTC NCI NCI [] [] [] open_to_all []
  • NCI-NVIDIA HPC-AI Hackathon

    6 - 15 August 2022

    NCI-NVIDIA HPC-AI Hackathon Full Submission closes. 2022-08-06 00:00:00 UTC 2022-08-15 23:59:00 UTC NCI NCINVIDIA [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • AI/ML Applications on Gadi – Astronomy

    12 August 2022

    AI/ML Applications on Gadi – Astronomy Developed by the NCI Training Team, this course showcases how neural networks rapidly emulate summary statistics from astronomy models. 2022-08-12 09:30:00 UTC 2022-08-12 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCI [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • NCI-NVIDIA HPC-AI Hackathon

    31 August 2022

    NCI-NVIDIA HPC-AI Hackathon Acceptance announces. 2022-08-31 00:00:00 UTC 2022-08-31 23:59:00 UTC NCI NCINVIDIA [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Gadi

    1 September 2022

    Introduction to Gadi Introduction to Gadi is designed for new users, or users that want a refresher on the basics of Gadi. 2022-09-01 14:00:00 UTC 2022-09-01 16:00:00 UTC NCI NCI [] [] [] open_to_all []
  • NCI-Pawsey-NeSI OpenACC GPU Bootcamp

    7 - 9 September 2022

    NCI-Pawsey-NeSI OpenACC GPU Bootcamp Held as a virtual event across three days (three three-hour sessions), participants will learn how to write intermediate to advance CUDA optimization techniques for code acceleration. 2022-09-07 11:30:00 UTC 2022-09-09 14:30:00 UTC NCI;Pawsey;NeSI; NCIPawseyNeSINVIDIA [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Data Manipulation and Visualisation in Python

    22 - 23 February 2022

    Data Manipulation and Visualisation in Python Live coding workshop introducing data manipulation and visualisation using Python 2022-02-22 13:30:00 UTC 2022-02-23 12:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Getting started with HPC using PBS Pro

    28 February - 1 March 2022

    Getting started with HPC using PBS Pro A hands-on introduction to running software on HPC infrastructure using PBS Pro 2022-02-28 13:30:00 UTC 2022-03-01 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression

    3 - 4 March 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression A live coding workshop explains the fundamentals of Machine Learning and provide a comprehensive introduction to Linear Regression and Model Training. 2022-03-03 13:30:00 UTC 2022-03-04 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Gadi

    3 March 2022

    Introduction to Gadi Introduction to Gadi is designed for new users, or users that want a refresher on the basics of Gadi. 2022-03-03 14:00:00 UTC 2022-03-03 15:30:00 UTC NCI NCI [] [] [] open_to_all []
  • Data Manipulation and Visualisation in R

    7 - 8 March 2022

    Data Manipulation and Visualisation in R Live coding workshop introducing data manipulation and visualisation using R 2022-03-07 13:30:00 UTC 2022-03-08 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Classification

    10 - 11 March 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Classification Live coding workshop introducing the Classification models in ML using Python 2022-03-10 13:30:00 UTC 2022-03-11 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning

    18 March 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning Live coding workshop introducing the Support Vector Machine & Unsupervised models in ML using Python 2022-03-18 13:30:00 UTC 2022-03-18 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Parallel Programming for HPC

    29 March 2022

    Parallel Programming for HPC Move from writing single-threaded programs into the parallel programming paradigm. 2022-03-29 09:30:00 UTC 2022-03-29 12:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Parallel Programming for HPC

    29 March 2022

    Parallel Programming for HPC Move from writing single-threaded programs into the parallel programming paradigm. 2022-03-29 09:30:00 UTC 2022-03-29 12:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Learn to Program: Python (beginner)

    4 - 5 April 2022

    Learn to Program: Python (beginner) Learn about the fundamental concepts in programming using Python and apply them to analyse a sample research dataset. 2022-04-04 13:30:00 UTC 2022-04-05 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Data Manipulation and Visualisation in Python

    7 - 8 April 2022

    Data Manipulation and Visualisation in Python Live coding workshop introducing data manipulation and visualisation using Python 2022-04-07 13:30:00 UTC 2022-04-08 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression

    11 - 12 April 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression Live coding workshop introducing the fundamentals of ML & provide a comprehensive introduction to Linear Regression and Model Training 2022-04-11 13:30:00 UTC 2022-04-12 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Classification

    25 - 26 April 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Classification Live coding workshop introducing the Classification models in ML using Python 2022-04-25 13:30:00 UTC 2022-04-26 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Beyond the Basics: Julia

    29 April 2022

    Beyond the Basics: Julia Explore the more advanced features of functions, widely used tools, and benchmarking in Julia 2022-04-29 09:30:00 UTC 2022-04-29 12:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Beyond the Basics: Julia

    29 April 2022

    Beyond the Basics: Julia Explore the more advanced features of functions, widely used tools, and benchmarking in Julia 2022-04-29 09:30:00 UTC 2022-04-29 12:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning

    3 May 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning Live coding workshop introducing the Support Vector Machine & Unsupervised models in ML using Python 2022-05-03 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-03 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning

    3 May 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning Live coding workshop introducing the Support Vector Machine & Unsupervised models in ML using Python 2022-05-03 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-03 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Distributed Deep Learning GPU Bootcamp

    4 - 5 May 2022

    Distributed Deep Learning GPU Bootcamp This Bootcamp will cover an introduction to Distributed deep learning, how to understand the System Topology and its impact on scalability and performance followed by a hands-on session with Distributed training ( Horovord, TensorFlow ). 2022-05-04 13:00:00 UTC 2022-05-05 16:00:00 UTC NCI NCINVIDIA [] [] [] host_institution []
  • Introduction to Gadi

    5 May 2022

    Introduction to Gadi Introduction to Gadi is designed for new users, or users that want a refresher on the basics of Gadi. 2022-05-05 14:00:00 UTC 2022-05-05 15:30:00 UTC NCI NCI [] [] [] open_to_all []
  • Data Manipulation and Visualisation in R at NCI Online

    10 - 11 May 2022

    Data Manipulation and Visualisation in R at NCI Online Learn about Data Manipulation, Data Transformation and Data Visualisation in R using the dplyr, tidyr and ggplot2 packages. 2022-05-10 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-11 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression

    16 - 17 May 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression A live coding workshop explains the fundamentals of Machine Learning and provide a comprehensive introduction to Linear Regression and Model Training. 2022-05-16 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-17 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • NCI CUDA Python GPU Bootcamp

    18 - 19 May 2022

    NCI CUDA Python GPU Bootcamp This Bootcamp will cover an introduction to GPU programming using CuPY, Numba and CUDA Python and provide hands-on opportunities to learn how to analyze GPU-enabled applications. 2022-05-18 13:00:00 UTC 2022-05-19 16:00:00 UTC NCI NCINVIDIA [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using R: Classification

    23 - 24 May 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using R: Classification Live coding workshop introducing the Classification models in ML using R 2022-05-23 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-24 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using R: SVM & Unsupervised Learning

    31 May 2022

    Introduction to Machine Learning using R: SVM & Unsupervised Learning Live coding workshop introducing the Support Vector Machine & Unsupervised models in ML using R 2022-05-31 13:30:00 UTC 2022-05-31 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCIIntersect [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Gadi

    4 August 2022

    Introduction to Gadi Introduction to Gadi is designed for new users, or users that want a refresher on the basics of Gadi. 2022-08-04 14:00:00 UTC 2022-08-04 16:00:00 UTC NCI NCI [] [] [] open_to_all []
  • NCI-NVIDIA HPC-AI Hackathon

    6 - 15 August 2022

    NCI-NVIDIA HPC-AI Hackathon Full Submission closes. 2022-08-06 00:00:00 UTC 2022-08-15 23:59:00 UTC NCI NCINVIDIA [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • AI/ML Applications on Gadi – Astronomy

    12 August 2022

    AI/ML Applications on Gadi – Astronomy Developed by the NCI Training Team, this course showcases how neural networks rapidly emulate summary statistics from astronomy models. 2022-08-12 09:30:00 UTC 2022-08-12 16:30:00 UTC NCI NCI [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • NCI-NVIDIA HPC-AI Hackathon

    31 August 2022

    NCI-NVIDIA HPC-AI Hackathon Acceptance announces. 2022-08-31 00:00:00 UTC 2022-08-31 23:59:00 UTC NCI NCINVIDIA [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []
  • Introduction to Gadi

    1 September 2022

    Introduction to Gadi Introduction to Gadi is designed for new users, or users that want a refresher on the basics of Gadi. 2022-09-01 14:00:00 UTC 2022-09-01 16:00:00 UTC NCI NCI [] [] [] open_to_all []
  • NCI-Pawsey-NeSI OpenACC GPU Bootcamp

    7 - 9 September 2022

    NCI-Pawsey-NeSI OpenACC GPU Bootcamp Held as a virtual event across three days (three three-hour sessions), participants will learn how to write intermediate to advance CUDA optimization techniques for code acceleration. 2022-09-07 11:30:00 UTC 2022-09-09 14:30:00 UTC NCI;Pawsey;NeSI; NCIPawseyNeSINVIDIA [] [] [] expression_of_interesthost_institution []

Note, this map only displays events that have geolocation information in DReSA.
For the complete list of events in DReSA, click the grid tab.