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5 events found

Content provider: Intersect Australia 


Host institutions: LTU 

  • Learn to Program: R at La Trobe Online

    10 - 11 September 2024

    Learn to Program: R at La Trobe Online R is quickly gaining popularity as a programming language of choice for statisticians, data scientists and researchers. It has an excellent ecosystem including the powerful RStudio development environment and the Shiny web application framework. But getting started with R can be challenging, particularly if you've never programmed before. That's where this introductory course comes in. We teach using RStudio, which allows program code, results, visualisations and documentation to be blended seamlessly. Join us for a live coding workshop where we write programs that produce results, using the researcher-focused training modules from the highly regarded Software Carpentry Foundation. #### You'll learn: - Introduction to the RStudio interface for programming - Basic syntax and data types in R - How to load external data into R - Creating functions (FUNCTIONS) - Repeating actions and analysing multiple data sets (LOOPS) - Making choices (IF STATEMENTS - CONDITIONALS) - Ways to visualise data in R #### Prerequisites: No prior experience with programming needed to attend this course. We strongly recommend attending the Start Coding without Hesitation: Programming Languages Showdown and Thinking like a computer: The Fundamentals of Programming webinars. Recordings of previously delivered webinars can be found [here]( **For more information, please click [here](** 2024-09-10 10:00:00 UTC 2024-09-11 13:00:00 UTC Intersect Australia Australia Australia LTU [] [] [] host_institution []
  • Data Capture and Surveys with REDCap at La Trobe Online

    25 September 2024

    Data Capture and Surveys with REDCap at La Trobe Online Would you like to enable secure and reliable data collection forms and manage online surveys? Would your study benefit from web-based data entry? Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) might be for you. This course will introduce you to REDCap, a rapidly evolving web tool developed by researchers for researchers. REDCap features a high level of security, and a high degree of customisability for your forms and advanced user access control. It also features free, unlimited survey distribution functionality and a sophisticated export module with support for all standard statistical programs. #### You'll learn: - Get started with REDCap - Create and set up projects - Design forms and surveys using the online designer - Learn how to use branching logic, piping, and calculations - Enter data via forms and distribute surveys - Create, view and export data reports - Add collaborators and set their privileges #### Prerequisites: The course has no prerequisites. **For more information, please click [here](** 2024-09-25 10:00:00 UTC 2024-09-25 13:00:00 UTC Intersect Australia Australia Australia LTU [] [] [] host_institution []
  • Longitudinal Trials with REDCap at La Trobe Online

    10 October 2024

    Longitudinal Trials with REDCap at La Trobe Online REDCap is a powerful and extensible application for managing and running longitiudinal data collection activities. With powerful features such as organising data collections instruments into predefined events, you can shephard your participants through a complex survey at various time points with very little configuration. This course will introduce some of REDCap's more advanced features for running longitudinal studies, and builds on the foundational material taught in REDCAP101 - Managing Data Capture and Surveys with REDCap. #### You'll learn: - Build a longitudinal project - Manage participants throughout multiple events - Configure and use Automated Survey Invitations - Use Smart Variables to add powerful features to your logic - Take advantage of high-granularity permissions for your collaborators - Understand the data structure of a longitudinal project #### Prerequisites: This course requires the participant to have a fairly good basic knowledge of REDCap. To come up to speed, consider taking our [Data Capture and Surveys with REDCap]( workshop. **For more information, please click [here](** 2024-10-10 10:00:00 UTC 2024-10-10 13:00:00 UTC Intersect Australia Australia Australia LTU [] [] [] host_institution []
  • Excel for Researchers at La Trobe Online

    16 - 17 October 2024

    Excel for Researchers at La Trobe Online Data rarely comes in the form you require. Often it is messy. Sometimes it is incomplete. And sometimes there's too much of it. Frequently, it has errors. We'll use one of the most widespread data wrangling tools, Microsoft Excel, to import, sort, filter, copy, protect, transform, summarise, merge, and visualise research data. While aimed at novice Excel users, most attendees will walk away with new tricks to work more efficiently with their research data. #### You'll learn: - 'Clean up’ messy research data - Organise, format and name your data - Interpret your data (SORTING, FILTERING, CONDITIONAL FORMATTING) - Perform calculations on your data using functions (MAX, MIN, AVERAGE) - Extract significant findings from your data (PIVOT TABLE, VLOOKUP) - Manipulate your data (convert data format, work with DATES and TIMES) - Create graphs and charts to visualise your data (CHARTS) - Handy tips to speed up your work #### Prerequisites: In order to participate, attendees must have a licensed copy of Microsoft Excel installed on their computer. Speak to your local university IT or Research Office for assistance in obtaining a license and installing the software. **For more information, please click [here](** 2024-10-16 10:00:00 UTC 2024-10-17 13:00:00 UTC Intersect Australia Australia Australia LTU [] [] [] host_institution []
  • Learn to Program: Python at La Trobe Online

    29 October 2024

    Learn to Program: Python at La Trobe Online Python has deservedly become a popular language for scientific computing. It has all the friendly features and conveniences you'd expect of a modern programming language, and also a rich set of libraries for working with data. We teach using Jupyter notebooks, which allow program code, results, visualisations and documentation to be blended seamlessly. Perfect for sharing insights with others while producing reproducible research. Join us for this live coding workshop where we write programs that produce results, using the researcher-focused training modules from the highly regarded Software Carpentry Foundation. #### You'll learn: - Introduction to the JupyterLab interface for programming - Basic syntax and data types in Python - How to load external data into Python - Creating functions (FUNCTIONS) - Repeating actions and analysing multiple data sets (LOOPS) - Making choices (IF STATEMENTS - CONDITIONALS) - Ways to visualise data in Python #### Prerequisites: No prior experience with programming is needed to attend this course. We strongly recommend attending the Start Coding without Hesitation: Programming Languages Showdown and Thinking like a computer: The Fundamentals of Programming webinars. Recordings of previously delivered webinars can be found [here]( **For more information, please click [here](** 2024-10-29 10:00:00 UTC 2024-10-29 13:00:00 UTC Intersect Australia Australia Australia LTU [] [] [] host_institution []
  • Learn to Program: R at La Trobe Online

    10 - 11 September 2024

    Learn to Program: R at La Trobe Online R is quickly gaining popularity as a programming language of choice for statisticians, data scientists and researchers. It has an excellent ecosystem including the powerful RStudio development environment and the Shiny web application framework. But getting started with R can be challenging, particularly if you've never programmed before. That's where this introductory course comes in. We teach using RStudio, which allows program code, results, visualisations and documentation to be blended seamlessly. Join us for a live coding workshop where we write programs that produce results, using the researcher-focused training modules from the highly regarded Software Carpentry Foundation. #### You'll learn: - Introduction to the RStudio interface for programming - Basic syntax and data types in R - How to load external data into R - Creating functions (FUNCTIONS) - Repeating actions and analysing multiple data sets (LOOPS) - Making choices (IF STATEMENTS - CONDITIONALS) - Ways to visualise data in R #### Prerequisites: No prior experience with programming needed to attend this course. We strongly recommend attending the Start Coding without Hesitation: Programming Languages Showdown and Thinking like a computer: The Fundamentals of Programming webinars. Recordings of previously delivered webinars can be found [here]( **For more information, please click [here](** 2024-09-10 10:00:00 UTC 2024-09-11 13:00:00 UTC Intersect Australia Australia Australia LTU [] [] [] host_institution []
  • Data Capture and Surveys with REDCap at La Trobe Online

    25 September 2024

    Data Capture and Surveys with REDCap at La Trobe Online Would you like to enable secure and reliable data collection forms and manage online surveys? Would your study benefit from web-based data entry? Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) might be for you. This course will introduce you to REDCap, a rapidly evolving web tool developed by researchers for researchers. REDCap features a high level of security, and a high degree of customisability for your forms and advanced user access control. It also features free, unlimited survey distribution functionality and a sophisticated export module with support for all standard statistical programs. #### You'll learn: - Get started with REDCap - Create and set up projects - Design forms and surveys using the online designer - Learn how to use branching logic, piping, and calculations - Enter data via forms and distribute surveys - Create, view and export data reports - Add collaborators and set their privileges #### Prerequisites: The course has no prerequisites. **For more information, please click [here](** 2024-09-25 10:00:00 UTC 2024-09-25 13:00:00 UTC Intersect Australia Australia Australia LTU [] [] [] host_institution []
  • Longitudinal Trials with REDCap at La Trobe Online

    10 October 2024

    Longitudinal Trials with REDCap at La Trobe Online REDCap is a powerful and extensible application for managing and running longitiudinal data collection activities. With powerful features such as organising data collections instruments into predefined events, you can shephard your participants through a complex survey at various time points with very little configuration. This course will introduce some of REDCap's more advanced features for running longitudinal studies, and builds on the foundational material taught in REDCAP101 - Managing Data Capture and Surveys with REDCap. #### You'll learn: - Build a longitudinal project - Manage participants throughout multiple events - Configure and use Automated Survey Invitations - Use Smart Variables to add powerful features to your logic - Take advantage of high-granularity permissions for your collaborators - Understand the data structure of a longitudinal project #### Prerequisites: This course requires the participant to have a fairly good basic knowledge of REDCap. To come up to speed, consider taking our [Data Capture and Surveys with REDCap]( workshop. **For more information, please click [here](** 2024-10-10 10:00:00 UTC 2024-10-10 13:00:00 UTC Intersect Australia Australia Australia LTU [] [] [] host_institution []
  • Excel for Researchers at La Trobe Online

    16 - 17 October 2024

    Excel for Researchers at La Trobe Online Data rarely comes in the form you require. Often it is messy. Sometimes it is incomplete. And sometimes there's too much of it. Frequently, it has errors. We'll use one of the most widespread data wrangling tools, Microsoft Excel, to import, sort, filter, copy, protect, transform, summarise, merge, and visualise research data. While aimed at novice Excel users, most attendees will walk away with new tricks to work more efficiently with their research data. #### You'll learn: - 'Clean up’ messy research data - Organise, format and name your data - Interpret your data (SORTING, FILTERING, CONDITIONAL FORMATTING) - Perform calculations on your data using functions (MAX, MIN, AVERAGE) - Extract significant findings from your data (PIVOT TABLE, VLOOKUP) - Manipulate your data (convert data format, work with DATES and TIMES) - Create graphs and charts to visualise your data (CHARTS) - Handy tips to speed up your work #### Prerequisites: In order to participate, attendees must have a licensed copy of Microsoft Excel installed on their computer. Speak to your local university IT or Research Office for assistance in obtaining a license and installing the software. **For more information, please click [here](** 2024-10-16 10:00:00 UTC 2024-10-17 13:00:00 UTC Intersect Australia Australia Australia LTU [] [] [] host_institution []
  • Learn to Program: Python at La Trobe Online

    29 October 2024

    Learn to Program: Python at La Trobe Online Python has deservedly become a popular language for scientific computing. It has all the friendly features and conveniences you'd expect of a modern programming language, and also a rich set of libraries for working with data. We teach using Jupyter notebooks, which allow program code, results, visualisations and documentation to be blended seamlessly. Perfect for sharing insights with others while producing reproducible research. Join us for this live coding workshop where we write programs that produce results, using the researcher-focused training modules from the highly regarded Software Carpentry Foundation. #### You'll learn: - Introduction to the JupyterLab interface for programming - Basic syntax and data types in Python - How to load external data into Python - Creating functions (FUNCTIONS) - Repeating actions and analysing multiple data sets (LOOPS) - Making choices (IF STATEMENTS - CONDITIONALS) - Ways to visualise data in Python #### Prerequisites: No prior experience with programming is needed to attend this course. We strongly recommend attending the Start Coding without Hesitation: Programming Languages Showdown and Thinking like a computer: The Fundamentals of Programming webinars. Recordings of previously delivered webinars can be found [here]( **For more information, please click [here](** 2024-10-29 10:00:00 UTC 2024-10-29 13:00:00 UTC Intersect Australia Australia Australia LTU [] [] [] host_institution []

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